# frozen_string_literal: true
require "digest/sha2"
module Authlogic
# The acts_as_authentic method has a crypto_provider option. This allows you
# to use any type of encryption you like. Just create a class with a class
# level encrypt and matches? method. See example below.
# === Example
# class MyAwesomeEncryptionMethod
# def self.encrypt(*tokens)
# # the tokens passed will be an array of objects, what type of object
# # is irrelevant, just do what you need to do with them and return a
# # single encrypted string. for example, you will most likely join all
# # of the objects into a single string and then encrypt that string
# end
# def self.matches?(crypted, *tokens)
# # return true if the crypted string matches the tokens. Depending on
# # your algorithm you might decrypt the string then compare it to the
# # token, or you might encrypt the tokens and make sure it matches the
# # crypted string, its up to you.
# end
# end
module CryptoProviders
# = Sha256
# Uses the Sha256 hash algorithm to encrypt passwords.
class Sha256
# V2 hashes the digest bytes in repeated stretches instead of hex characters.
autoload :V2, File.join(__dir__, "sha256", "v2")
class << self
attr_accessor :join_token
# The number of times to loop through the encryption.
def stretches
@stretches ||= 20
attr_writer :stretches
# Turns your raw password into a Sha256 hash.
def encrypt(*tokens)
digest = tokens.flatten.join(join_token)
stretches.times { digest = Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(digest) }
# Does the crypted password match the tokens? Uses the same tokens that
# were used to encrypt.
def matches?(crypted, *tokens)
encrypt(*tokens) == crypted