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<% provide(:title, 'Link projects') %>

<div class="row">
  <% if @downloadable.empty? %>
    <div class='jumbotron'>
        MiGA Online is currently not accessible to download remote databases
        <i class='glyphicon glyphicon-leaf'> </i>
        If <a href=''>this link</a> displays a
        list of files, it's possible that your MiGA server has failed to reach
        MiGA Online due to a local restriction or a configuration issue.
  <% else %>
    <h1>Download reference databases</h1>
    <% @downloadable.each do |entry| %>
      <h3><%= entry[:name].to_s.unmiga_name %></h3>
      <div style='margin-left:2em;'>
          <% latest = entry[:versions][entry[:latest].to_sym] %>
          <b><%= entry[:description] %></b><br/>
          <% if entry[:local] %>
            <b>Local version:</b>
            <%= link_to(entry[:local], project_path(entry[:name])) %><br/>
          <% end %>
          <b>Latest version:</b> <%= entry[:latest] %><br/>
          <b>Download size:</b> <%= number_to_human_size(latest[:size]) %><br/>
          <b>Unarchived size:</b>
          <%= number_to_human_size(latest[:size_unarchived]) %><br/>
        <% if entry[:local] && entry[:latest] == entry[:local] %>
          <div class='alert alert-info'>
            You already have the most recent version of this database
        <% elsif entry[:downloading] %>
          <div class='alert alert-success'>
            Currently downloading archive from MiGA Online:
            <%= entry[:downloading].round %>%
        <% else %>
          <%= link_to(
                launch_get_db_path(entry[:name], version: entry[:latest]),
                class: 'btn btn-primary btn-lg'
              ) do %>
            <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-download"> </i>
            <%= entry[:local] ? 'Update' : 'Download' %>
            <%= entry[:name] %> (<%= entry[:latest] %>)
          <% end %>
        <% end %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>