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# Copyright 2013 Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Biosustainability,
# Technical University of Denmark.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.

Interface for the Python MIP (Mixed-Integer Linear Programming) Tools.

Wraps the MIP solver by subclassing and extending :class:`Model`,
:class:`Variable`, and :class:`Constraint` from :mod:`interface`.

MIP is an open source MILP Python wrapper around the open-source COIN-OR
Branch-&-Cut CBC solver. To use MIP you need to install the 'mip'
python package (with pip or from
and make sure that 'import mip' runs without error.
import logging

import six

from optlang.util import inheritdocstring, TemporaryFilename
from optlang.expression_parsing import parse_optimization_expression
from optlang import interface
from optlang import symbolics

from math import isclose, ceil, floor

    import mip
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("The coinor_cbc_interface requires mip!")

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    mip.OptimizationStatus.CUTOFF: interface.CUTOFF,
    mip.OptimizationStatus.ERROR: interface.ABORTED,
    mip.OptimizationStatus.FEASIBLE: interface.FEASIBLE,
    mip.OptimizationStatus.INFEASIBLE: interface.INFEASIBLE,
    mip.OptimizationStatus.INT_INFEASIBLE: interface.SPECIAL,
    mip.OptimizationStatus.LOADED: interface.LOADED,
    mip.OptimizationStatus.NO_SOLUTION_FOUND: interface.NOFEASIBLE,
    mip.OptimizationStatus.OPTIMAL: interface.OPTIMAL,
    mip.OptimizationStatus.UNBOUNDED: interface.UNBOUNDED,
    mip.OptimizationStatus.OTHER: interface.SPECIAL

    mip.CONTINUOUS: 'continuous',
    mip.INTEGER: 'integer',
    mip.BINARY: 'binary'

    [(val, key) for key, val in six.iteritems(_MIP_VTYPE_TO_VTYPE)]

    'max': mip.MAXIMIZE,
    'min': mip.MINIMIZE

_MIP_DIR_TO_DIR = dict(
    [(val, key) for key, val in six.iteritems(_DIR_TO_MIP_DIR)]

# Needs to be used for to_bound during _initialize_model_from_problem
INFINITY = 1.7976931348623157e+308

def to_float(number, is_lb=True):
    """Converts None type and sympy.core.numbers.Float to float."""
    if number is not None:
        return float(number)
    if is_lb:
        return -INFINITY
    return INFINITY

def to_bound(number):
    """Convert float with infs to None."""
    if abs(number) == INFINITY:
        return None
    return number

def to_symbolic_expr(coeffs):
    """Converts coeffs dict to symbolic expression."""
    return symbolics.add([var * coef for var, coef in coeffs.items()
                          if not isclose(0, to_float(coef))])

class Variable(interface.Variable):
    def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Variable, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
    def lb(self, value):, value)
        if self.problem is not None:
            self.problem._update_var_lb(, value)

    def ub(self, value):
        interface.Variable.ub.fset(self, value)
        if self.problem is not None:
            self.problem._update_var_ub(, value)

    def set_bounds(self, lb, ub):
        super(Variable, self).set_bounds(lb, ub)
        if self.problem is not None:
            self.problem._update_var_lb(, lb)
            self.problem._update_var_ub(, ub)

    def type(self, value):
        if not value in _VTYPE_TO_MIP_VTYPE:
            raise ValueError(
                'COIN-OR CBC cannot handle variables of type %s. ' % value +
                'The following variable types are available:\n' +
                ' '.join(_VTYPE_TO_MIP_VTYPE.keys()))

        if self.problem is not None:
            self.problem._update_var_type(, _VTYPE_TO_MIP_VTYPE[value])
        interface.Variable.type.fset(self, value)

        if value == 'integer':
            if is not None:
       = ceil(
            if self.ub is not None:
                self.ub = floor(self.ub)
        elif value == 'binary':
  , self.ub = 0, 1

    def primal(self):
        if self.problem is None:
            return None
        return self.problem._var_primal(

    def dual(self):
        if self.type != 'continuous':
            raise ValueError('Dual is only available for continuous variables')
        if self.problem is None:
            return None
        return self.problem._var_dual(
    def name(self, value):
        super(Variable, Variable).name.fset(self, value)
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is not None:
            raise Exception('COIN-OR CBC doesn\'t support variable name change')

class Constraint(interface.Constraint):

    def __init__(self, expression, sloppy=False, *args, **kwargs):
        self._changed_expression = {}
        super(Constraint, self).__init__(expression, sloppy=sloppy, *args, **kwargs)

    def constraint_name(self, is_lb):
        if is_lb:
            return 'c_' + + '_lower'
        return 'c_' + + '_upper'

    def primal(self):
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is not None \
           and self.problem.status == interface.OPTIMAL:
            if is not None:
                return self.problem._constr_primal(self, True)
            if self.ub is not None:
                return self.problem._constr_primal(self, False)
        return None

    def dual(self):
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is None:
            return None
        if is not None:
            return self.problem._constr_dual(self, True)
        if self.ub is not None:
            return self.problem._constr_dual(self, False)
        return None

    def _update_bound(self, new, old, is_lb):
        """Updates associated mip model with new constraint bounds."""
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is None:

        if old is None and new is not None:
            self.problem._add_mip_constraint(self, is_lb)
        elif new is None and old is not None:
            self.problem._remove_mip_constraint(self, is_lb)
        elif new is not None and old is not None:
            self.problem._update_constraint_bound(self, is_lb)
    def lb(self, value):
        self._lb, old_lb = value, getattr(self, '_lb', None)
        self._update_bound(value, old_lb, True)

    def ub(self, value):
        self._ub, old_ub = value, getattr(self, '_ub', None)
        self._update_bound(value, old_ub, False)
    def name(self, value):
        super(Constraint, Constraint).name.fset(self, value)
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is not None:
            raise Exception('COIN-OR CBC doesn\'t support constraint name change')

    def _get_expression(self):
        if (self.problem is not None and self._changed_expression and
            len(self.problem._variables) > 0):

            coeffs = self._expression.as_coefficients_dict()

            new_vars = set(self._changed_expression) - set(coeffs)

            self._expression += symbolics.add([var * self._changed_expression[var]
                                              for var in new_vars])

            # Substitute var in expression with var * coef / old_coef
            updates = {var: var * coef / coeffs[var]
                       for var, coef in self._changed_expression.items()
                       if var not in new_vars}

            self._expression = self._expression.subs(updates)
            self._changed_expression = {}

        return self._expression

    def _get_mip_constr_expr(self):
        """Returns mip coefficient dictionary."""
        mip_constr = self.problem.problem.constr_by_name
        constr = mip_constr(self.constraint_name(is_lb=False))
        sign = 1
        if constr is None:
            constr = mip_constr(self.constraint_name(is_lb=True))
            sign = -1
        return (sign * constr.expr).expr

    def set_linear_coefficients(self, coefficients):
        if self.problem is None:
            raise Exception('Can\'t change coefficients if constraint is not associated with a model.')


        mip_var = self.problem.problem.var_by_name

        expr = self._get_mip_constr_expr()
        names = set( for var in coefficients)

        constr = mip.xsum(mip_var('v_' + * coef
                       for var, coef in coefficients.items()) \
               + mip.xsum(var * coef for var, coef in expr.items()
                       if[2:] not in names)

        self.problem._remove_mip_constraint(self, True)
        self.problem._remove_mip_constraint(self, False)
        self.problem._add_mip_constraint(self, True, constr)
        self.problem._add_mip_constraint(self, False, constr)


    def get_linear_coefficients(self, variables):
        if self.problem is None:
            raise Exception('Can\'t get coefficients from solver if constraint is not in a model')

        mip_var = self.problem.problem.var_by_name
        expr = self._get_mip_constr_expr()
        return {v: expr.get(mip_var('v_' +, 0) for v in variables}

class Objective(interface.Objective):
    def __init__(self, expression, sloppy=False, **kwargs):
        self._changed_expression = {}
        super(Objective, self).__init__(expression, sloppy=sloppy, **kwargs)
        if not (sloppy or self.is_Linear):
            raise ValueError(
                'COIN-OR CBC only supports linear objectives. %s is not linear.' % self)

    def value(self):
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is None:
            return None
        return self.problem.problem.objective_value

    def direction(self, value):
        super(Objective, self.__class__).direction.fset(self, value)
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is not None:
            self.problem.problem.sense = _DIR_TO_MIP_DIR[value]

    def _get_expression(self):
        if (self.problem is not None and self._changed_expression and
            len(self.problem._variables) > 0):

            coeffs = self._expression.as_coefficients_dict()

            new_vars = set(self._changed_expression) - set(coeffs)

            self._expression += symbolics.add([var * self._changed_expression[var]
                                              for var in new_vars])

            # Substitute var in expression with var * coef / old_coef
            updates = {var: var * coef / coeffs[var]
                       for var, coef in self._changed_expression.items()
                       if var not in new_vars}

            self._expression = self._expression.subs(updates)
            self._changed_expression = {}

        return self._expression

    def set_linear_coefficients(self, coefficients):
        if self.problem is None:
            raise Exception('Can\'t change coefficients if objective is not associated with a model.')

        model = self.problem.problem
        expr = model.objective.expr
        names = set( for var in coefficients)

        obj = mip.xsum(model.var_by_name('v_' + * coef
                       for var, coef in coefficients.items()) \
            + mip.xsum(var * coef for var, coef in expr.items()
                       if[2:] not in names) \
            + model.objective.const

        # TODO: why does this not work? It would likely be faster
        # obj_update = mip.xsum(model.var_by_name('v_' + * coef
        #                       for var, coef in coefficients.items()) \
        #            - mip.xsum(-var * coef for var, coef in expr.items()
        #                       if[2:] in names)
        # model.objective.add_expr(obj_update)

        model.objective = obj

    def get_linear_coefficients(self, variables):
        if self.problem is None:
            raise Exception('Can\'t get coefficients from solver if objective is not in a model')


        coeffs = self.problem.problem.objective.expr
        mip_var = self.problem.problem.var_by_name
        return {v: coeffs.get(mip_var('v_' +, 0) for v in variables}

class Configuration(interface.MathematicalProgrammingConfiguration):
    def __init__(self, verbosity=0, timeout=None, presolve='auto',
                 max_nodes=None, max_solutions=None, relax=False,
                 emphasis=0, cuts=-1, threads=0, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Configuration, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self.verbosity = verbosity

        # Enables/disables pre-processing. Pre-processing tries to improve your MIP
        # formulation. -1 means automatic, 0 means off and 1 means on.
        self.presolve = presolve

        # Time limit in seconds for search
        self.timeout = timeout

        # Maximum number of nodes to be explored in the search tree
        self.max_nodes = max_nodes

        # Solution limit, search will be stopped when max_solutions are found
        self.max_solutions = max_solutions

        # If true only the linear programming relaxation will be solved, i.e.
        # integrality constraints will be temporarily discarded. Changes the
        # type of all integer and binary variables to continuous. Bounds are preserved.
        self.relax = relax

        # 0. default setting: tries to balance between the search of improved feasible
        #    solutions and improvedlower bounds
        # 1. feasibility: focus on finding improved feasible solutions in the first
        #    moments of the search process,activates heuristics
        # 2. optimality: activates procedures that produce improved lower bounds,
        #    focusing in pruning thesearch tree even if the production of the first
        #    feasible solutions is delayed
        self.emphasis = emphasis

        # Controls the generation of cutting planes, -1 means automatic,
        # 0 disables completely, 1 (de-fault) generates cutting planes in
        # a moderate way, 2 generates cutting planes aggressively and 3
        # generates even more cutting planes. Cutting planes usually improve
        # the LP relaxation bound but also make the solution time of the LP
        # relaxation larger, so the overall effect is hardto predict and
        # experimenting different values for this parameter may be beneficial.
        self.cuts = cuts

        # Number of threads to be used when solving the problem. 0 uses solver
        # default configuration, -1 uses the number of available processing cores
        # and >= 1 uses the specified number of threads. An increased number of
        # threads may improve the solution time but also increases the memory consumption
        self.threads = threads

        if 'tolerances' in kwargs:
            for key, val in six.iteritems(kwargs['tolerances']):
                if key in self._tolerance_functions():
                    setattr(self.tolerances, key, val)

    def verbosity(self):
        return self._verbosity

    def verbosity(self, value):
        self._verbosity = value
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is not None:
            self.problem.problem.verbose = int(value > 1)

    def presolve(self):
        return self._presolve

    def presolve(self, value):
        self._presolve = value
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is not None:
            value = -1 if value == 'auto' else int(value)
            self.problem.problem.preprocess = value

    def timeout(self):
        return self._timeout

    def timeout(self, value):
        self._timeout = value
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is not None:
            if value is not None:
                self.problem.problem.max_seconds = value

    def max_nodes(self):
        return self._max_nodes

    def max_nodes(self, value):
        self._max_nodes = value
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is not None:
            if value is not None:
                self.problem.problem.max_nodes = value

    def max_solutions(self):
        return self._max_solutions

    def max_solutions(self, value):
        self._max_solutions = value
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is not None:
            if value is not None:
                self.problem.problem.max_solutions = value

    def relax(self):
        return self._relax

    def relax(self, value):
        self._relax = value

    def emphasis(self):
        return self._emphasis

    def emphasis(self, value):
        self._emphasis = value
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is not None:
            self.problem.problem.emphasis = value

    def cuts(self):
        return self._cuts

    def cuts(self, value):
        self._cuts = value
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is not None:
            self.problem.problem.cuts = value

    def threads(self):
        return self._threads

    def threads(self, value):
        self._threads = value
        if getattr(self, 'problem', None) is not None:
            self.problem.problem.threads = value

    def __getstate__(self):
        return {
            'presolve': self.presolve,
            'timeout': self.timeout,
            'verbosity': self.verbosity,
            'max_nodes': self.max_nodes,
            'max_solutions': self.max_solutions,
            'relax': self.relax,
            'emphasis': self.emphasis,
            'cuts': self.cuts,
            'threads': self.threads,
            'tolerances': {
                'feasibility': self.tolerances.feasibility,
                'optimality': self.tolerances.optimality,
                'integrality': self.tolerances.integrality

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        for key, val in six.iteritems(state):
            if key != 'tolerances':
                setattr(self, key, val)
        # TODO: remove if check before final merge. Only here for backwards
        #       compatability for current pickle files stored in cobrapy
        if 'tolerances' in state:
            for key, val in six.iteritems(state['tolerances']):
                if key in self._tolerance_functions():
                    setattr(self.tolerances, key, val)

    def _get_feasibility(self):
        return self.problem.problem.infeas_tol

    def _set_feasibility(self, value):
        self.problem.problem.infeas_tol = value

    def _get_integrality(self):
        return self.problem.problem.integer_tol

    def _set_integrality(self, value):
        self.problem.problem.integer_tol = value

    def _get_optimality(self):
        return self.problem.problem.max_mip_gap_abs

    def _set_optimality(self, value):
        self.problem.problem.max_mip_gap_abs = value

    def _tolerance_functions(self):
        return {
            # 1e-6. Tightening this value can increase the numerical precision
            # but also probably increasethe running time. As floating point
            # computations always involve some loss of precision, values too
            # close to zero will likely render some models impossible to optimize.
            'feasibility': (
            # Tolerance for the quality of the optimal solution, if a solution with
            # cost c and a lower bound b are available and c - b < mip_gap_abs,
            # the search will be concluded
            'optimality': (
            # Maximum distance to the nearest integer for a variable to be
            # considered with an integervalue. Default value: 1e-6. Tightening
            # this value can increase the numerical precision but also probably
            # increase the running time. As floating point computations always
            # involve someloss of precision, values too close to zero will likely
            # render some models impossible to optimize.
            'integrality': (

class Model(interface.Model):

    def _initialize_problem(self):
        self.problem = mip.Model(solver_name=mip.CBC)

    def _initialize_model_from_problem(self, problem):
        if not isinstance(problem, mip.Model):
            raise TypeError('Problem must be an instance of mip.Model, not ' + repr(type(problem)))

        # Set problem
        self.problem = problem

        # Set variables
        for v in problem.vars:

        # Set constraints
        for c in problem.constrs:
            name, suffix =[2:-6],[-6:]
            if name not in self.constraints:
                expr = sum(coef * self.variables[[2:]]
                           for var, coef in c.expr.expr.items())
                if suffix == '_lower':
                    expr *= -1
                self.constraints.append(Constraint(expr, name=name, problem=self))

            if suffix == '_lower':
                self.constraints[name].lb = to_bound(-1*c.rhs)
                self.constraints[name].ub = to_bound(c.rhs)

        # Set objective
        terms = sum(coef * self.variables[[2:]]
                    for var, coef in problem.objective.expr.items())
        self._objective = Objective(terms + problem.objective.const,

    def _var_primal(self, name):
        primal = self.problem.var_by_name('v_' + name).x
        return 0. if primal is None else primal

    def _var_dual(self, name):
        dual = self.problem.var_by_name('v_' + name).rc
        return 0. if dual is None else dual

    def _get_primal_values(self):
        if getattr(self, '_status', '') == 'optimal':
            return super(Model, self)._get_primal_values()
        return [0. for _ in self.variables]

    def _get_reduced_costs(self):
        if getattr(self, '_status', '') == 'optimal':
            return super(Model, self)._get_reduced_costs()
        return [0. for _ in self.variables]

    def _update_var_lb(self, name, lb):
        self.problem.var_by_name('v_' + name).lb = to_float(lb, True)

    def _update_var_ub(self, name, ub):
        self.problem.var_by_name('v_' + name).ub = to_float(ub, False)

    def _update_var_type(self, name, var_type):
        self.problem.var_by_name('v_' + name).var_type = var_type

    def _add_variables(self, variables):
        super(Model, self)._add_variables(variables)
        for var in variables:
            # TODO: may need to handle obj, column options
            self.problem.add_var(name='v_' +,
                                 lb=to_float(, True),
                                 ub=to_float(var.ub, False))

    def _remove_variables(self, variables):
        # TODO: optimization for removing all variables?
        if self.objective is not None:
            self.objective._changed_expression.update({var: 0 for var in variables})
        mip_vars = []
        for var in variables:
            name =
            del self._variables_to_constraints_mapping[name]
            var.problem = None
            del self._variables[name]
            mip_vars.append(self.problem.var_by_name('v_' + name))

    def _constr_primal(self, con, is_lb):
        slack = self.problem.constr_by_name(con.constraint_name(is_lb)).slack
        return + slack if is_lb else con.ub - slack

    def _constr_dual(self, con, is_lb):
        return self.problem.constr_by_name(con.constraint_name(is_lb)).pi

    def _get_constraint_values(self):
        if getattr(self, '_status', '') == 'optimal':
            return super(Model, self)._get_constraint_values()
        return [0. for _ in self.constraints]

    def _get_shadow_prices(self):
        if getattr(self, '_status', '') == 'optimal':
            return super(Model, self)._get_shadow_prices()
        return [0. for _ in self.constraints]

    def _update_constraint_bound(self, con, is_lb):
        name = con.constraint_name(is_lb)
        constr = self.problem.constr_by_name(name)
        constr.rhs = to_float(-1* if is_lb else con.ub)

    def _expr_to_mip_expr(self, expr):
        """Parses mip linear expression from expression."""
        if hasattr(expr, "expression") and symbolics.USE_SYMENGINE:
            expr._expression = expr.expression.expand()
        offset, coeffs, _ = parse_optimization_expression(expr)
        return offset + mip.xsum(to_float(coef) * self.problem.var_by_name('v_' +
                                 for var, coef in coeffs.items())

    def _remove_mip_constraint(self, con, is_lb):
        name = con.constraint_name(is_lb)
        constr = self.problem.constr_by_name(name)
        if constr is not None:

    def _add_mip_constraint(self, con, is_lb=True, constr=None):
        # Optimization for precomputing the parsed constr expression
        if constr is None:
            constr = self._expr_to_mip_expr(con)

        # TODO: check if mip supports indicator_variable
        name = con.constraint_name(is_lb)
        if is_lb and is not None:
           self.problem.add_constr(-constr <=, name)
        elif not is_lb and con.ub is not None:
            self.problem.add_constr(constr <= con.ub, name)

    def _add_constraints(self, constraints, sloppy=False):
        super(Model, self)._add_constraints(constraints, sloppy=sloppy)
        for con in constraints:
            constr = self._expr_to_mip_expr(con)
            # Attempt to add lb and ub constraints
            self._add_mip_constraint(con, True, constr)
            self._add_mip_constraint(con, False, constr)

    def _remove_constraints(self, constraints):
        not_removed = True
        if len(constraints) > 350:  # Need to figure out a good threshold here
            keys = map(lambda c:, constraints)
            self._constraints = self._constraints.fromkeys(set(self._constraints.keys()).difference(set(keys)))
            not_removed = False

        cons = []
        for con in constraints:

            if not_removed:
                    del self._constraints[]
                except KeyError:
                    raise LookupError("Constraint %s not in solver" % con)
                con.problem = None

            cl = self.problem.constr_by_name(con.constraint_name(True))
            cu = self.problem.constr_by_name(con.constraint_name(False))
            if cl is not None:
            if cu is not None:


    def _optimize(self):
        if self.configuration.relax:

        status = self.problem.optimize()
        # TODO: make more robust. See
        return _MIP_STATUS_TO_STATUS[status]

    def objective(self, value):
        super(Model, Model).objective.fset(self, value)
        self.problem.objective = self._expr_to_mip_expr(value)
        self.problem.sense = _DIR_TO_MIP_DIR[value.direction]
        value.problem = self

    def __copy__(self):
        cls = self.__class__
        result = cls.__new__(cls)
        return result

    def to_lp(self):

        lp_form = ('Maximize' if self.problem.sense == mip.MAXIMIZE else 'Minimize') + '\n'
        for i, (var, coef) in enumerate(self.problem.objective.expr.items()):
            if i == 0:
                lp_form += f'OBJROW: {coef} {}'
                sign = '+' if coef > 0 else '-'
                lp_form += f' {sign} {abs(coef)} {}'

        lp_form += '\nSubject To\n'
        for con in self.problem.constrs:
            lp_form += f'{con}\n'

        lp_form += 'Bounds\n'
        for v in self.problem.vars:
            lp_form += f'{} <= {v} <= {v.ub}\n'
        lp_form += 'End\n'

        return lp_form

    def from_lp(cls, lp_form):
        problem = mip.Model(solver_name=mip.CBC)
        with TemporaryFilename(suffix=".lp", content=lp_form) as tmp_file_name:
        model = cls(problem=problem)
        return model