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2 days
Test Coverage
 * @license Copyright 2011-2014 BitPay Inc., MIT License
 * see

namespace Bitpay\Client;

use Bitpay\Client\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
use Bitpay\Network\NetworkInterface;
use Bitpay\TokenInterface;
use Bitpay\InvoiceInterface;
use Bitpay\PayoutInterface;
use Bitpay\Util\Util;
use Bitpay\PublicKey;
use Bitpay\PrivateKey;

 * Client used to send requests and receive responses for BitPay's Web API
 * @package Bitpay
class Client implements ClientInterface
     * @var RequestInterface
    protected $request;

     * @var ResponseInterface
    protected $response;

     * @var TokenInterface
    protected $token;

     * @var AdapterInterface
    protected $adapter;

     * @var PublicKey
    protected $publicKey;

     * @var PrivateKey
    protected $privateKey;

     * @var NetworkInterface
    protected $network;

     * The network is either livenet or testnet and tells the client where to
     * send the requests.
     * @param NetworkInterface
    public function setNetwork(NetworkInterface $network)
        $this->network = $network;

     * Set the Public Key to use to help identify who you are to BitPay. Please
     * note that you must first pair your keys and get a token in return to use.
     * @param PublicKey $key
    public function setPublicKey(PublicKey $key)
        $this->publicKey = $key;

     * Set the Private Key to use, this is used when signing request strings
     * @param PrivateKey $key
    public function setPrivateKey(PrivateKey $key)
        $this->privateKey = $key;

     * @param AdapterInterface $adapter
    public function setAdapter(AdapterInterface $adapter)
        $this->adapter = $adapter;

     * @param TokenInterface $token
     * @return ClientInterface
    public function setToken(TokenInterface $token)
        $this->token = $token;

        return $this;

     * @inheritdoc
    protected function fillInvoiceData(InvoiceInterface $invoice, $data)
        # BitPay returns the invoice time in milliseconds. PHP's DateTime object expects the time to be in seconds
        $invoiceTime = is_numeric($data['invoiceTime']) ? intval($data['invoiceTime']/1000) : $data['invoiceTime'];
        $expirationTime = is_numeric($data['expirationTime']) ? intval($data['expirationTime']/1000) : $data['expirationTime'];
        $currentTime = is_numeric($data['currentTime']) ? intval($data['currentTime']/1000) : $data['currentTime'];
        $invoiceToken = new \Bitpay\Token();
            ->setPosData(array_key_exists('posData', $data) ? $data['posData'] : '')
            ->setCurrency(new \Bitpay\Currency($data['currency']))
            ->setOrderId(array_key_exists('orderId', $data) ? $data['orderId'] : '')
            ->setAmountPaid(array_key_exists('amountPaid', $data) ? $data['amountPaid'] : '')
            ->setRefundAddresses(array_key_exists('refundAddresses', $data) ? $data['refundAddresses'] : '')
            ->setTransactionCurrency(array_key_exists('transactionCurrency', $data) ? $data['transactionCurrency'] : null)
            ->setPaymentTotals(array_key_exists('paymentTotals', $data) ? $data['paymentTotals'] : '')
            ->setPaymentSubtotals(array_key_exists('paymentSubtotals', $data) ? $data['paymentSubtotals'] : '')
            ->setExchangeRates(array_key_exists('exchangeRates', $data) ? $data['exchangeRates'] : '');
        return $invoice;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function createInvoice(InvoiceInterface $invoice)
        $request = $this->createNewRequest();

        $currency     = $invoice->getCurrency();
        $item         = $invoice->getItem();
        $buyer        = $invoice->getBuyer();
        $buyerAddress = $buyer->getAddress();

        $this->checkPriceAndCurrency($item->getPrice(), $currency->getCode());

        $body = array(
            'price'             => $item->getPrice(),
            'currency'          => $currency->getCode(),
            'posData'           => $invoice->getPosData(),
            'notificationURL'   => $invoice->getNotificationUrl(),
            'transactionSpeed'  => $invoice->getTransactionSpeed(),
            'fullNotifications' => $invoice->isFullNotifications(),
            'extendedNotifications' => $invoice->isExtendedNotifications(),
            'notificationEmail' => $invoice->getNotificationEmail(),
            'redirectURL'       => $invoice->getRedirectUrl(),
            'orderID'           => $invoice->getOrderId(),
            'itemDesc'          => $item->getDescription(),
            'itemCode'          => $item->getCode(),
            'physical'          => $item->isPhysical(),
            'buyerName'         => trim(sprintf('%s %s', $buyer->getFirstName(), $buyer->getLastName())),
            'buyerAddress1'     => isset($buyerAddress[0]) ? $buyerAddress[0] : '',
            'buyerAddress2'     => isset($buyerAddress[1]) ? $buyerAddress[1] : '',
            'buyerCity'         => $buyer->getCity(),
            'buyerState'        => $buyer->getState(),
            'buyerZip'          => $buyer->getZip(),
            'buyerCountry'      => $buyer->getCountry(),
            'buyerEmail'        => $buyer->getEmail(),
            'buyerPhone'        => $buyer->getPhone(),
            'buyerNotify'       => $buyer->getNotify(),
            'guid'              => Util::guid(),
            'nonce'             => Util::nonce(),
            'token'             => $this->token->getToken(),

        $this->request  = $request;
        $this->response = $this->sendRequest($request);

        $body = json_decode($this->response->getBody(), true);
        $error_message = false;
        $error_message = (!empty($body['error'])) ? $body['error'] : $error_message;
        $error_message = (!empty($body['errors'])) ? $body['errors'] : $error_message;
        $error_message = (is_array($error_message)) ? implode("\n", $error_message) : $error_message;

        $data = isset($body['data']) ? $body['data'] : null;
        if (false !== $error_message || !is_array($data)) {
            throw new \Bitpay\Client\BitpayException($error_message);
        $invoice = $this->fillInvoiceData($invoice, $data);
        return $invoice;

     * @inheritdoc

    public function getCurrencies()
        $this->request = $this->createNewRequest();
        $this->response = $this->sendRequest($this->request);
        $body           = json_decode($this->response->getBody(), true);
        if (empty($body['data'])) {
            throw new \Bitpay\Client\BitpayException('Error with request: no data returned');
        $currencies = $body['data'];
        array_walk($currencies, function (&$value, $key) {
            $currency = new \Bitpay\Currency();
            $value = $currency;

        return $currencies;

    public function createRecipient($token,$recipients)
        $request = $this->createNewRequest();
        $body = array(
            'token'         => $token,
            'recipients'  => 

        $this->request  = $request;
        $this->response = $this->sendRequest($request);
        $body = json_decode($this->response->getBody(), true);
        return $body;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function createPayout(PayoutInterface $payout)
        $request = $this->createNewRequest();

        $amount         = $payout->getAmount();
        $currency       = $payout->getCurrency();
        $effectiveDate  = $payout->getEffectiveDate();
        $token          = $payout->getToken();

        $body = array(
            'token'         => $token->getToken(),
            'amount'        => $amount,
            'currency'      => $currency->getCode(),
            'instructions'  => array(),
            'effectiveDate' => $effectiveDate,
            'pricingMethod' => $payout->getPricingMethod(),
            'guid'          => Util::guid(),
            'nonce'         => Util::nonce()

        // Optional
        foreach (array('reference','notificationURL','notificationEmail') as $value) {
            $function = 'get' . ucfirst($value);
            if ($payout->$function() != null) {
                $body[$value] = $payout->$function();

        // Add instructions
        foreach ($payout->getInstructions() as $instruction) {
            $body['instructions'][] = array(
                'label'   => $instruction->getLabel(),
                'address' => $instruction->getAddress(),
                'amount'  => $instruction->getAmount(),

        $this->request  = $request;
        $this->response = $this->sendRequest($request);
        $body = json_decode($this->response->getBody(), true);
        $error_message = false;
        $error_message = (!empty($body['error'])) ? $body['error'] : $error_message;
        $error_message = (!empty($body['errors'])) ? $body['errors'] : $error_message;
        $error_message = (is_array($error_message)) ? implode("\n", $error_message) : $error_message;
        if (false !== $error_message) {
            throw new \Bitpay\Client\BitpayException($error_message);

        $data = $body['data'];

        foreach ($data['instructions'] as $c => $instruction) {
            $payout->updateInstruction($c, 'setId', $instruction['id']);

        return $payout;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function getPayouts($status = null)
        $request = $this->createNewRequest();
        $path = 'payouts?token='
                    . $this->token->getToken()
                    . (($status == null) ? '' : '&status=' . $status);


        $this->request  = $request;
        $this->response = $this->sendRequest($this->request);
        $body           = json_decode($this->response->getBody(), true);
        $error_message = false;
        $error_message = (!empty($body['error'])) ? $body['error'] : $error_message;
        $error_message = (!empty($body['errors'])) ? $body['errors'] : $error_message;
        $error_message = (is_array($error_message)) ? implode("\n", $error_message) : $error_message;
        if (false !== $error_message) {
            throw new \Bitpay\Client\BitpayException($error_message);

        $payouts = array();

        array_walk($body['data'], function ($value, $key) use (&$payouts) {
            $payout = new \Bitpay\Payout();
                ->setCurrency(new \Bitpay\Currency($value['currency']))

            array_walk($value['instructions'], function ($value, $key) use (&$payout) {
                $instruction = new \Bitpay\PayoutInstruction();

                array_walk($value['transactions'], function ($value, $key) use (&$instruction) {
                    $transaction = new \Bitpay\PayoutTransaction();



            $payouts[] = $payout;

        return $payouts;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function deletePayout(PayoutInterface $payout)
        $request = $this->createNewRequest();
        $request->setPath(sprintf('payouts/%s?token=%s', $payout->getId(), $payout->getResponseToken()));


        $this->request  = $request;
        $this->response = $this->sendRequest($this->request);

        $body           = json_decode($this->response->getBody(), true);
        if (empty($body['data'])) {
            throw new \Bitpay\Client\BitpayException('Error with request: no data returned');

        $data   = $body['data'];


        return $payout;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function getPayout($payoutId)
        $request = $this->createNewRequest();
        $request->setPath(sprintf('payouts/%s?token=%s', $payoutId, $this->token->getToken()));

        $this->request  = $request;
        $this->response = $this->sendRequest($this->request);

        $body           = json_decode($this->response->getBody(), true);
        if (empty($body['data'])) {
            throw new \Bitpay\Client\BitpayException('Error with request: no data returned');
        $data   = $body['data'];

        $payout = new \Bitpay\Payout();
            ->setCurrency(new \Bitpay\Currency($data['currency']))

        array_walk($data['instructions'], function ($value, $key) use (&$payout) {
            $instruction = new \Bitpay\PayoutInstruction();

            array_walk($value['transactions'], function ($value, $key) use (&$instruction) {
                $transaction = new \Bitpay\PayoutTransaction();



        return $payout;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function getTokens()
        $request = $this->createNewRequest();

        $this->request  = $request;
        $this->response = $this->sendRequest($this->request);
        $body           = json_decode($this->response->getBody(), true);
        if (empty($body['data'])) {
            throw new \Bitpay\Client\BitpayException('Error with request: no data returned');

        $tokens = array();

        array_walk($body['data'], function ($value, $key) use (&$tokens) {
            $key   = current(array_keys($value));
            $value = current(array_values($value));
            $token = new \Bitpay\Token();

            $tokens[$token->getFacade()] = $token;

        return $tokens;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function createToken(array $payload = array())
        if (isset($payload['pairingCode']) && 1 !== preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{7}$/', $payload['pairingCode'])) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("pairing code is not legal");

        $this->request = $this->createNewRequest();
        $payload['guid'] = Util::guid();
        $this->response = $this->sendRequest($this->request);
        $body           = json_decode($this->response->getBody(), true);

        if (isset($body['error'])) {
            throw new \Bitpay\Client\BitpayException($this->response->getStatusCode().": ".$body['error']);

        $tkn = $body['data'][0];
        $createdAt = new \DateTime();
        $pairingExpiration = new \DateTime();

        $token = new \Bitpay\Token();

        if (isset($tkn['resource'])) {

        if (isset($tkn['pairingCode'])) {

        return $token;

     * Returns the Response object that BitPay returned from the request that
     * was sent
     * @return ResponseInterface
    public function getResponse()
        return $this->response;

     * Returns the request object that was sent to BitPay
     * @return RequestInterface
    public function getRequest()
        return $this->request;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function getInvoice($invoiceId)
        $this->request = $this->createNewRequest();
        if ($this->token && $this->token->getFacade() === 'merchant') {
            $this->request->setPath(sprintf('invoices/%s?token=%s', $invoiceId, $this->token->getToken()));
        } else {
            $this->request->setPath(sprintf('invoices/%s', $invoiceId));
        $this->response = $this->sendRequest($this->request);
        $body = json_decode($this->response->getBody(), true);

        if (isset($body['error'])) {
            throw new \Bitpay\Client\BitpayException($body['error']);

        $data = $body['data'];
        $invoice = new \Bitpay\Invoice();
        $invoice = $this->fillInvoiceData($invoice, $data);

        return $invoice;


     * @param RequestInterface $request
     * @return ResponseInterface
    public function sendRequest(RequestInterface $request)
        if (null === $this->adapter) {
            // Uses the default adapter
            $this->adapter = new \Bitpay\Client\Adapter\CurlAdapter();

        return $this->adapter->sendRequest($request);

     * @param RequestInterface $request
    protected function addIdentityHeader(RequestInterface $request)
        if (null === $this->publicKey) {
            throw new \Bitpay\Client\BitpayException('Please set your Public Key.');

        $request->setHeader('x-identity', (string) $this->publicKey);

     * @param RequestInterface $request
    protected function addSignatureHeader(RequestInterface $request)
        if (null === $this->privateKey) {
            throw new \Bitpay\Client\BitpayException('Please set your Private Key');

        if (true == property_exists($this->network, 'isPortRequiredInUrl')) {
            if ($this->network->isPortRequiredInUrl === true) {
                $url = $request->getUriWithPort();
            } else {
                $url = $request->getUri();
        } else {
            $url = $request->getUri();

        $message = sprintf(

        $signature = $this->privateKey->sign($message);
        $request->setHeader('x-signature', $signature);

     * @return RequestInterface
    protected function createNewRequest()
        $request = new Request();

        return $request;

     * Prepares the request object by adding additional headers
     * @param RequestInterface $request
    protected function prepareRequestHeaders(RequestInterface $request)
        // @see
            sprintf('%s/%s (PHP %s)', self::NAME, self::VERSION, phpversion())
        $request->setHeader('X-BitPay-Plugin-Info', sprintf('%s/%s', self::NAME, self::VERSION));
        $request->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
        $request->setHeader('X-Accept-Version', '2.0.0');

    protected function checkPriceAndCurrency($price, $currency)
        $decimalPosition = strpos($price, '.');
        if ($decimalPosition == 0) {
            $decimalPrecision = 0;
        } else {
            $decimalPrecision = strlen(substr($price, $decimalPosition + 1));
        if (($currency != 'BCH' && $currency != 'BTC') && $decimalPrecision > 2) {
            throw new \Bitpay\Client\BitpayException('Incorrect price format or currency type.');
        } elseif ($decimalPrecision > 6) {
            throw new \Bitpay\Client\BitpayException('Incorrect price format or currency type.');