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Test Coverage
 * @license Copyright 2011-2014 BitPay Inc., MIT License 
 * see

namespace Bitpay\Client;

use Bitpay\InvoiceInterface;
use Bitpay\PayoutInterface;

 * Sends request(s) to bitpay server
 * @package Bitpay
interface ClientInterface
    const TESTNET = '0x6F';
    const LIVENET = '0x00';

     * These can be changed/updated so when the request is sent to BitPay it
     * gives insight into what is making the calls.
     * @see RFC2616 section 14.43 for User-Agent Format
    const NAME    = 'BitPay PHP-Client';
    const VERSION = '4.0.0';

    //public function createApplication(ApplicationInterface $application);

    //public function createBill(BillInterface $bill);
    //public function getBills($status = null);
    //public function getBill($billId);
    //public function updateBill(BillInterface $bill);

    //public function createAccessToken(AccessTokenInterface $accessToken);
    //public function getAccessTokens();
    //public function getAccessToken($keyId);

    public function getCurrencies();

     * @param InvoiceInterface $invoiceId
     * @return \Bitpay\Invoice
     * @throws \Exception
    public function createInvoice(InvoiceInterface $invoice);
    //public function getInvoices();

     * @param $invoiceId
     * @return InvoiceInterface
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getInvoice($invoiceId);

    //public function getLedgers();
    //public function getLedger(CurrencyInterface $currency);

    //public function getOrgs();
    //public function getOrg($orgId);
    //public function updateOrg(OrgInterface $org);

     * Create a Payout Request on Bitpay
     * @param PayoutInterface $payout
     * @return PayoutInterface|mixed
     * @throws \Exception
    public function createPayout(PayoutInterface $payout);

     * @param null $status
     * @return array
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getPayouts($status = null);

     * @param $payoutId
     * @return \Bitpay\Payout
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getPayout($payoutId);

     * @param PayoutInterface
     * @return PayoutInterface|mixed
     * @throws \Exception
    public function deletePayout(PayoutInterface $payout);

    //public function updatePayout(PayoutInterface $payout);

    //public function getRates();
    //public function getRate(CurrencyInterface $currency);

     * Get an array of tokens indexed by facade
     * @return array
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getTokens();

    //public function getUser();
    //public function updateUser(UserInterface $user);