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Test Coverage

import the module and check the code - it is very easy and documented there

as soon as I have some time, this will be completed (help welcome)


.. code-block:: bash


        log_util (-h | --version | --program_info)
        log_util [Options] "<message>"
        log_util "<message>" [Options]

        -h, --help          show help
        --version           show version
        --program_info      show Program Info


    the message to log


===========================  ====================================================================================
option                       description
===========================  ====================================================================================
-l --level <level>           the log level as number or predefined value, default = INFO
-b --banner                  log as banner
-w --width <width>           the width of the message or the banner, if text wrap is used, default = 140
-s --silent <True|False> **  disables the output if set to "True" (not case sensitive)**, default = False
-q --quiet                   disables the output (as flag), default = False
-f --force                   take precedence over environment settings, default = False
--wrap --nowrap              use text wrap (this is the default value), default = True
--traceback --no-traceback   show traceback on commandline error, default = False
-e --extended                extended log format, default = plain
-p --plain                   plain log format, default = plain
-c --colortest               color test
===========================  ====================================================================================

\**This makes it possible to silence messages elegantly in a shellscript:

.. code-block:: bash


        # disable deprecation messages

       log_util -l warning "some deprecation message" --silent=${DEP_MSG_OFF}
       log_util -l info "another deprecation message" --silent=${DEP_MSG_OFF}

log levels

=========   ===========
Text        Integer
=========   ===========
NOTSET      0
SPAM        5
DEBUG       10
VERBOSE     15
INFO        20
NOTICE      25
WARNING     30
SUCCESS     35
ERROR       40
=========   ===========

Environment Settings

========================  =======================================================================================
environment variable      function
========================  =======================================================================================
LOG_UTIL_FMT              the log format - either "plain", "extended" or a custom formatting string, default = plain
LOG_UTIL_LEVEL            the level of the logger, one of the predefined log levels, or "0" - "50", default = 0
LOG_UTIL_WIDTH            the banner width if text wrap is used, must be >="10", default = 140
LOG_UTIL_WRAP             if text wrap should be used, must be True or False (not case sensitive), default = True
LOG_UTIL_QUIET            if the logger is used at all - must be True or False (not case sensitive), default = False
COLOREDLOGS_LOG_FORMAT    `as described in coloredlogs <>`_
COLOREDLOGS_DATE_FORMAT   `as described in coloredlogs <>`_
COLOREDLOGS_FIELD_STYLES  `as described in coloredlogs <>`_
COLOREDLOGS_LEVEL_STYLES  `as described in coloredlogs <>`_
========================  =======================================================================================

environment settings take precedence over commandline arguments, unless --force is passed to the commandline


.. code-block:: bash

    # multi-line banner
    log_util -l warning "Line1${IFS}Line2${IFS}Line3"

    # only show log messages from level WARNING upwards

    log_util -l info   "spam"   # this is not shown
    log_util -l error  "ham"    # this is shown

    # reset the log_level to 0 (the default value)
    unset LOG_UTIL_LEVEL