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55 mins
Test Coverage
import ctypes
import getpass
import os
import platform
import socket
import subprocess

import lib_registry

def get_hostname() -> str:
    Returns fqdn hostname lowercase, also for WINE

    >>> result = get_hostname()
    >>> assert len(result) > 1

    if get_is_platform_windows_wine():  # for wine get hostname not via IP Adress - that would give name of the linux host
        # noinspection PyBroadException
            result_wine_reg = lib_registry.Registry().get_value(key=r'HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName', value_name='ComputerName')
            assert isinstance(result_wine_reg, str)
            _hostname = result_wine_reg
        except Exception:
            result_wine_env = os.getenv('COMPUTERNAME')  # max 15 Zeichen
            if result_wine_env is None:
                raise RuntimeError('can not determine Username on Wine')
                _hostname = result_wine_env

    elif get_is_platform_windows():
        _hostname = _get_fqdn_by_hostname()
        # this one failed on the first call sometimes - use now getfqdn() supports both IPv4 and IPv6. - and sometimes give WRONG HOSTNAME
        # _hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0]

        # sometimes gives WRONG HOSTNAME on a bridge after reboot - WEIRD !
        # _hostname = socket.getfqdn()

        # this always works
        _hostname = subprocess.getoutput('uname -n')

    _hostname = str(_hostname.lower())
    return str(_hostname)

def _get_fqdn_by_hostname() -> str:
    Returns fqdn by hostname - will be only used on windows
    if You use just socket.getfqdn(), it will return '' if Solid Works 3DExperience is installed.
    this is because they tinker with the loopback address
    therefore we get hostname --> ip adress --> fqdn

    >>> if get_is_platform_windows(): \
            assert _get_fqdn_by_hostname() is not None

    _hostname_short = socket.gethostname()
    _ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(_hostname_short)
    _fqdn = socket.getfqdn(name=_ip_address)
    return _fqdn

def get_hostname_short() -> str:
    Returns hostname lowercase without domain part

    >>> result = get_hostname_short()
    >>> assert len(result) > 1


    _hostname = get_hostname()
    _hostname_short = _hostname.split('.', 1)[0]
    return _hostname_short

def get_system() -> str:
    gets system - but more detailed
    >>> result = get_system()
    >>> possible_results = ['darwin', 'linux', 'windows', 'windows_xp', 'windows_wine', 'windows_wine_xp']
    >>> assert result in possible_results
    if get_is_platform_windows():
        s_system = _get_system_windows()
        s_system = platform.system().lower()
    return s_system

def _get_system_windows() -> str:
    _is_platform_windows_wine = get_is_platform_windows_wine()
    if _is_platform_windows_wine:
        s_system = _get_system_windows_wine()
        s_system = _get_system_windows_not_wine()
    return s_system

def _get_system_windows_wine() -> str:
    _is_platform_windows_xp = get_is_platform_windows_xp()
    if _is_platform_windows_xp:
        s_system = 'windows_wine_xp'
        s_system = 'windows_wine'
    return s_system

def _get_system_windows_not_wine() -> str:
    _is_platform_windows_xp = get_is_platform_windows_xp()
    if _is_platform_windows_xp:
        s_system = 'windows_xp'
        s_system = 'windows'
    return s_system

def get_username() -> str:
    Returns username lowercase

    >>> username = get_username()
    >>> assert len(username) > 1

    _username = getpass.getuser().lower()
    return _username

def get_is_platform_windows() -> bool:
    >>> result = get_is_platform_windows()
    is_platform_windows = platform.system().lower() == 'windows'
    return is_platform_windows

def get_is_platform_windows_xp() -> bool:
    >>> result = get_is_platform_windows_xp()

    if get_is_platform_windows() and platform.release().lower() == 'xp':
        return True
        return False

def get_is_platform_windows_wine() -> bool:
    >>> result = get_is_platform_windows_wine()


    if get_is_platform_windows():
        _is_platform_windows_wine = lib_registry.Registry().key_exist(r'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wine')
        _is_platform_windows_wine = False
    return bool(_is_platform_windows_wine)

def get_path_userhome() -> str:
    >>> result = get_path_userhome()
    >>> assert len(result) > 1


    s_userhome = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser("~"))
    return s_userhome

def get_is_user_admin() -> bool:

    """Return True if user has admin privileges.

    Raises:  AdminStateUnknownError under Windows if user privileges cannot be determined.

    >>> result = get_is_user_admin()
    >>> assert type(result) == bool


    if get_is_platform_windows():
        # type ignore is needed here, because does not exist on linux
        _is_user_admin = ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() == 1   # type: ignore
        # type ignore is needed here, because does not exist on windows
        _is_user_admin = os.getuid() == 0                             # type: ignore

    return bool(_is_user_admin)

is_platform_windows = get_is_platform_windows()
is_platform_linux = platform.system().lower() == 'linux'
is_platform_darwin = platform.system().lower() == 'darwin'
is_platform_posix = not get_is_platform_windows()
is_platform_windows_xp = get_is_platform_windows_xp()
is_platform_windows_wine = get_is_platform_windows_wine()
is_platform_windows_wine_xp = is_platform_windows_xp and is_platform_windows_wine
is_user_admin = get_is_user_admin()
# 'darwin', 'linux', 'windows', 'windows_xp', 'windows_wine', 'windows_wine_xp'
system = get_system()
username = get_username()
hostname = get_hostname()
hostname_short = get_hostname_short()
path_userhome = get_path_userhome()