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Test Coverage
from decimal import Decimal
from functools import lru_cache
import hashlib
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import attrs

from lib_shopware6_api_base import Shopware6AdminAPIClientBase, ShopwareAPIError, ConfShopware6ApiBase, PayLoad
from lib_shopware6_api_base import lib_shopware6_api_base_criteria as dal

    from sub_currency import Currency
    from sub_tax import Tax
    from sub_media import Media
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from .sub_currency import Currency  # type: ignore # pragma: no cover
    from .sub_tax import Tax  # type: ignore # pragma: no cover
    from .sub_media import Media  # type: ignore # pragma: no cover

# ProductPicture{{{
class ProductPicture:
    dataclass to upsert a picture

    # ProductPicture}}}
    position: int = 0  # the position in the shop
    url: str = ""  # the url to upload from
    media_alt: Optional[str] = None  # optional picture alt
    media_title: Optional[str] = None  # optional picture title
    upload_media: bool = True  # if to upload the media (default= True)

# Product{{{
class Product(object):
    def __init__(
        self, admin_client: Optional[Shopware6AdminAPIClientBase] = None, config: Optional[ConfShopware6ApiBase] = None, use_docker_test_container: bool = False
    ) -> None:
        :param admin_client:
        :param config:
        :param use_docker_test_container:

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()

        # Product}}}
        if admin_client is None:
            self._admin_client = Shopware6AdminAPIClientBase(config=config, use_docker_test_container=use_docker_test_container)
            self._admin_client = admin_client

        self.currency = Currency(admin_client=self._admin_client) = Tax(admin_client=self._admin_client) = Media(admin_client=self._admin_client)

    # calc_new_product_id{{{
    def calc_new_product_id(product_number: Union[int, str]) -> str:
        :param product_number:
        :return: the new id

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()
        >>> # Test
        >>> my_new_product_id = my_api.calc_new_product_id(product_number='123')
        >>> my_new_product_id2 = my_api.calc_new_product_id(product_number='1234')
        >>> assert 32 == len(my_new_product_id)
        >>> assert my_new_product_id != my_new_product_id2

        # calc_new_product_id}}}
        media_id = hashlib.md5(str(product_number).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
        return media_id

    # calc_new_product_media_id{{{
    def calc_new_product_media_id(product_id: str, position: int) -> str:
        the new product_media_id is calculated from product_id and position

        :param product_id:
        :param position:

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()
        >>> # Test
        >>> my_new_product_media_id = my_api.calc_new_product_media_id(product_id='123', position=0)
        >>> my_new_product_media_id2 = my_api.calc_new_product_media_id(product_id='123', position=1)
        >>> assert 32 == len(my_new_product_media_id)
        >>> assert my_new_product_media_id != my_new_product_media_id2

        # calc_new_product_media_id}}}
        hash_string = f"{product_id}{position}"
        media_id = hashlib.md5(hash_string.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
        return media_id

    # cache_clear_product{{{
    def cache_clear_product(self) -> None:
        Cache of some functions has to be cleared if articles are inserted or deleted

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()
        >>> # Test
        >>> my_api.cache_clear_product()

        # cache_clear_product}}}

    # delete_product_by_id{{{
    def delete_product_by_id(self, product_id: str) -> None:
        :param product_id:

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()
        >>> my_article_id = my_api.insert_product(name='rn-doctest-article', product_number='test_delete_article_by_id_001', price_brutto=Decimal(0), stock=0)

        >>> # delete_article
        >>> my_api.delete_product_by_id(product_id=my_article_id)

        # delete_product_by_id}}}

    # get_product_id_by_product_number{{{
    def get_product_id_by_product_number(self, product_number: Union[int, str]) -> str:
        :param product_number:

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()
        >>> my_payload = dal.Criteria(limit=1, page=1)
        >>> first_article = my_api._admin_client.request_get(request_url="product", payload=my_payload)["data"][0]
        >>> my_article_id = first_article['id']
        >>> my_article_product_number = first_article['productNumber']

        >>> # Test get article_id
        >>> assert my_article_id == my_api.get_product_id_by_product_number(product_number=my_article_product_number)

        >>> # test not existing (int)
        >>> my_api.get_product_id_by_product_number(product_number='get_article_id_by_product_number9999_not_existing')
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        FileNotFoundError: article with productNumber(mysql_artikelnummer) "..." not found

        >>> # test not existing (str)
        >>> my_api.get_product_id_by_product_number(product_number='not_existing')
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        FileNotFoundError: article with productNumber(mysql_artikelnummer) "not_existing" not found

        >>> # Test clear Cache - the Cache has to be cleared if products are inserted or deleted
        >>> my_api.get_product_id_by_product_number.cache_clear()

        # get_product_id_by_product_number}}}

        payload = dal.Criteria() = 1
        payload.limit = 1
        payload.filter = [dal.EqualsFilter(field="productNumber", value=str(product_number))]
        payload.includes = {"product": ["id"]}

        dict_response = self._admin_client.request_post(request_url="search/product", payload=payload)
            article_id = str(dict_response["data"][0]["id"])
        except IndexError:
            raise FileNotFoundError(f'article with productNumber(mysql_artikelnummer) "{product_number}" not found')
        return article_id

    # delete_product_media_relation_by_id{{{
    def delete_product_media_relation_by_id(self, product_media_id: str) -> None:
        delete product-media relation - but not the media itself.

        :param product_media_id:

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()
        >>> = '/Product Media/api_test_delete_product_media_by_id'
        >>> product_number = 'test_delete_product_media_by_id'
        >>> my_url=''
        >>> my_position = 10

        >>> my_product_id = my_api.insert_product(name='rn-doctest-article', product_number=product_number, price_brutto=Decimal(0), stock=0)
        >>> my_media_id =, position=my_position, url=my_url)
        >>> my_product_media_id = my_api.insert_product_media_relation(product_id=my_product_id, media_id=my_media_id, position=my_position)

        >>> # Test
        >>> assert True == my_api.is_media_used_in_product_media(media_id=my_media_id)
        >>> my_api.delete_product_media_relation_by_id(product_media_id=my_product_media_id)
        >>> assert False == my_api.is_media_used_in_product_media(media_id=my_media_id)

        >>> # Teardown
        >>> my_api.delete_product_by_id(product_id=my_product_id)
        >>>, force=True)

        # delete_product_media_relation_by_id}}}

    # delete_product_media_relations_by_product_number{{{
    def delete_product_media_relations_by_product_number(self, product_number: Union[int, str]) -> None:
        Delete all product_media relations of a product , but not the media itself,
        because there will be a reorg which deletes unused pictures.
        it does not change the cover picture

        It is neccessary to delete the product_media_relations before updating them, because otherwise
        deletion of pictures on the source database would not be propagated.

        If someone need to update the product pictures very frequently on a huge amount of products,
        there might be more efficient (but much more complicated) methods.

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()
        >>> = '/Product Media/api_test_delete_product_picture_relations'
        >>> my_product_number = 'api_test_delete_product_picture_relations'
        >>> my_url=''

        >>> my_product_id = my_api.insert_product(name='test_del_prod_media_rel_by_prod_number_001', product_number=my_product_number, \
                price_brutto=Decimal(0), stock=0)

        >>> my_position = 10
        >>> my_media_id_10 =, position=my_position, url=my_url)
        >>> my_product_media_id_10 = my_api.insert_product_media_relation(product_id=my_product_id, media_id=my_media_id_10, position=my_position)

        >>> my_position = 20
        >>> my_media_id_20 =, position=my_position, url=my_url)
        >>> my_product_media_id_20 = my_api.insert_product_media_relation(product_id=my_product_id, media_id=my_media_id_20, position=my_position)

        >>> # Test delete product_media_relations
        >>> assert True == my_api.is_media_used_in_product_media(media_id=my_media_id_10)
        >>> assert True == my_api.is_media_used_in_product_media(media_id=my_media_id_20)
        >>> my_api.delete_product_media_relations_by_product_number(product_number=my_product_number)
        >>> assert False == my_api.is_media_used_in_product_media(media_id=my_media_id_10)
        >>> assert False == my_api.is_media_used_in_product_media(media_id=my_media_id_20)

        >>> # Test delete product_media_relations - product not existing is ok
        >>> my_api.delete_product_by_id(product_id=my_product_id)
        >>> my_api.delete_product_media_relations_by_product_number(product_number=my_product_number)

        >>> # Teardown
        >>>, force=True)

        # delete_product_media_relations_by_product_number}}}
            product_id = self.get_product_id_by_product_number(product_number)
        except FileNotFoundError:

        payload = dal.Criteria()
        payload.filter = [dal.EqualsFilter(field="productId", value=product_id)]
        payload.includes = {"product-media": ["id"]}
        l_dict_product_media = self.search_product_medias(payload=payload)
        for dict_product_media in l_dict_product_media:

    # get_product_medias{{{
    def get_product_medias(self, payload: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        get all product_media - filters and so on can be set in the payload
        we read paginated (in junks of 100 items) - this is done automatically by function base_client.request_get_paginated()

            payload, to set filters etc.


        sample payload :
            page and limit will be overridden by function base_client.request_get_paginated() and will be ignored

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()
        >>> my_l_dict_data = my_api.get_product_medias()
        # get_product_medias}}}

        dict_response = self._admin_client.request_get_paginated(request_url="product-media", payload=payload)
        l_dict_data = list(dict_response["data"])
        return l_dict_data

    # get_products{{{
    def get_products(self, payload: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        get all articles back - filters and so on can be set in the payload
        we read paginated (in junks of 100 items) - this is done automatically by function base_client.request_get_paginated()

            payload, to set filters etc.


        sample payload :
            page and limit will be overridden by function base_client.request_get_paginated() and will be ignored

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()
        >>> dict_data = my_api.get_products()
        >>> assert len(dict_data) > 5

        # get_products}}}

        dict_response = self._admin_client.request_get_paginated(request_url="product", payload=payload)
        l_dict_data = list(dict_response["data"])
        return l_dict_data

    # insert_product{{{
    def insert_product(
        name: str,
        product_number: Union[int, str],
        stock: int = 0,
        price_brutto: Decimal = Decimal("0.00"),
        price_netto: Decimal = Decimal("0.00"),
        tax_name: str = "Standard rate",
        currency_iso_code: str = "EUR",
        linked: bool = True,
    ) -> str:
        see :

        :param name:                        'Stromerzeuger GD4-1A-6000-5EBZ'
        :param product_number:              productNumber, mysql_artikelnummer
        :param stock:                       Anzahl auf Lager (?)
        :param tax_name:                    default tax record ('Standard rate')
        :param price_brutto:                this price is displayed to customers who see gross prices in the shop
        :param price_netto:                 this price is shown to customers who see net prices in the shop
                                            if the price_netto is 0.00 it will be calculated from brutto price with the
                                            tax rate of the 'tax_name' stated
        :param currency_iso_code:           the currency isoCode like 'EUR', 'CHF', ...
        :param linked:                      this is a flag for the administration. If it is set to true,
                                            the gross or net counterpart is calculated when a price is entered in the administration.

        :return: the new product id

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()

        >>> # insert article
        >>> my_new_product_id = my_api.insert_product(name='test_insert_product001', product_number='test_insert_article_by_product_number_999',
        ...                                           price_brutto=Decimal(100), stock=0)
        >>> assert 32 == len(my_new_product_id)

        >>> # Teardown
        >>> my_api.delete_product_by_id(product_id=my_new_product_id)

        # insert_product}}}

        tax_id =

        if not price_netto:
            tax_rate =
            price_netto = price_brutto / (1 + tax_rate / 100)
        currency_id = self.currency.get_currency_id_by_iso_code(currency_iso_code=currency_iso_code)
        new_product_id = self.calc_new_product_id(product_number=product_number)
        payload = {
            "id": new_product_id,
            "name": name,
            "productNumber": str(product_number),
            "stock": stock,
            "taxId": tax_id,
            "price": [{"currencyId": currency_id, "gross": str(price_brutto), "net": str(price_netto), "linked": linked}],
        self._admin_client.request_post("product", payload)
        return new_product_id

    # upsert_product_payload{{{
    def upsert_product_payload(self, product_number: Union[int, str], payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
        # upsert_product_payload}}}
            product_id = self.get_product_id_by_product_number(product_number=product_number)
            self._update_product_payload(product_id=product_id, payload=payload)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            product_id = self.calc_new_product_id(product_number=product_number)
            payload["productNumber"] = product_number
            self._insert_product_payload(product_id=product_id, payload=payload)
        return product_id

    def _update_product_payload(self, product_id: str, payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        self._admin_client.request_patch(f"product/{product_id}", payload)

    def _insert_product_payload(self, product_id: str, payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        payload["id"] = product_id
        self._admin_client.request_post("product", payload)

    # insert_product_media_relation{{{
    def insert_product_media_relation(self, product_id: str, media_id: str, position: int) -> str:
        inserts a single product_media Relation.
        the new product_media_relation_id is calculated from product_id and position
        this should only be used if You uploaded the media indipendently from products -
        otherwise You should use associations to update the product with one request - see :

        :param product_id:
        :param media_id:
        :param position: 0-based
        :return: the new product_media_relation_id

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()
        >>> my_new_product_id = my_api.insert_product(name='rn-doctest-article', product_number='test_insert_product_media_999')
        >>> my_new_media_id = \
                path_media='/Product Media/test_insert_product_media_999/test_insert_product_media_999_01_1280.jpg', \

        >>> # Test
        >>> my_new_product_media_id = my_api.insert_product_media_relation(product_id=my_new_product_id, media_id=my_new_media_id, position=0)
        >>> # Assert Media is used in product_media
        >>> assert True == my_api.is_media_used_in_product_media(media_id=my_new_media_id)

        >>> # Test delete Product, cascading delete to product_media
        >>> my_api.delete_product_by_id(product_id=my_new_product_id)
        >>> assert False == my_api.is_media_used_in_product_media(media_id=my_new_media_id)

        >>> # Teardown
        >>> = '/Product Media/test_insert_product_media_999/', force=True)

        # insert_product_media_relation}}}
        product_media_id = self.calc_new_product_media_id(product_id=product_id, position=position)
        payload = {"id": product_media_id, "productId": product_id, "mediaId": media_id, "position": position}

        # insert the record
        self._admin_client.request_post("product-media", payload)
        return product_media_id

    # is_media_used_in_product_media{{{
    def is_media_used_in_product_media(self, media_id: str) -> bool:
        :returns True if the media is used in a product
        :param media_id:

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()
        >>> my_new_product_id = my_api.insert_product(name='rn-doctest-article', product_number='test_is_media_used_in_product_media_999')
        >>> my_new_media_id =
        ...     path_media='/Product Media/test_is_media_used_in_product_media_999/test_is_media_used_in_product_media_999_01_1280.jpg',
        ...     url='')

        >>> # Test
        >>> my_new_product_media_id = my_api.insert_product_media_relation(product_id=my_new_product_id, media_id=my_new_media_id, position=0)
        >>> # Assert Media is used in product_media
        >>> assert True == my_api.is_media_used_in_product_media(media_id=my_new_media_id)

        >>> # Test delete Product, cascading delete to product_media
        >>> my_api.delete_product_by_id(product_id=my_new_product_id)
        >>> assert False == my_api.is_media_used_in_product_media(media_id=my_new_media_id)

        >>> # Teardown
        >>> = '/Product Media/test_is_media_used_in_product_media_999', force=True)

        # is_media_used_in_product_media}}}
        payload = dal.Criteria() = 1
        payload.limit = 1
        payload.filter = [dal.EqualsFilter(field="mediaId", value=media_id)]
        payload.includes = {"product_media": ["id"]}

        l_product_media = self.search_product_medias(payload=payload)
        return bool(l_product_media)

    # is_product_number_existing{{{
    def is_product_number_existing(self, product_number: Union[int, str]) -> bool:
        :param product_number:

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()
        >>> my_new_product_id = my_api.insert_product(name='test_is_product_number_existing', product_number='is_product_number_existing_999')

        >>> # Test
        >>> assert True == my_api.is_product_number_existing(product_number = 'is_product_number_existing_999')
        >>> assert False == my_api.is_product_number_existing(product_number = 'product_number_does_not_exist')

        >>> # Teardown
        >>> my_api.delete_product_by_id(product_id=my_new_product_id)

        # is_product_number_existing}}}
            return True
        except FileNotFoundError:
            return False

    # search_product_medias{{{
    def search_product_medias(self, payload: PayLoad = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        search product_media

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()

        >>> # insert article
        >>> ignore = my_api.search_product_medias()

        # search_product_medias}}}
        response_dict = self._admin_client.request_post_paginated("search/product-media", payload)
        l_data_dict = list(response_dict["data"])
        return l_data_dict

    # upsert_product_pictures{{{
    def upsert_product_pictures(self, product_number: Union[int, str], l_product_pictures: List[ProductPicture]) -> None:
        upsert product pictures and cover picture. The first picture (by Position Number) is automatically the cover picture

        :parameter product_number
        :parameter l_product_pictures  list of Pictures

        >>> # Setup
        >>> my_api = Product()
        >>> = '/Product Media/api_test_upsert_product_pictures'
        >>> my_product_number = 'test_upsert_product_pictures'

        >>> my_product_id = my_api.insert_product(name='test_upsert_product_pictures', product_number=my_product_number, price_brutto=Decimal(0), stock=0)

        >>> my_pictures=list()
        >>> my_pictures.append(ProductPicture(position=20, url='', media_alt='', media_title=''))
        >>> my_pictures.append(ProductPicture(position=30, url='', media_alt='', media_title=''))
        >>> my_pictures.append(ProductPicture(position=40, url='', media_alt='', media_title=''))
        >>> my_pictures.append(ProductPicture(position=50, url='', media_alt='', media_title=''))
        >>> my_pictures.append(ProductPicture(position=10, url='', media_alt='', media_title=''))

        >>> # Test
        >>> my_api.upsert_product_pictures(product_number=my_product_number, l_product_pictures=my_pictures)

        >>> # Teardown
        >>> my_api.delete_product_media_relations_by_product_number(product_number=my_product_number)
        >>> my_api.delete_product_by_id(product_id=my_product_id)
        >>>, force=True)

        # upsert_product_pictures}}}
        product_id = self.get_product_id_by_product_number(product_number=product_number)

        l_product_pictures = sorted(l_product_pictures, key=lambda picture: picture.position)

        is_cover_picture = True
        for product_picture in l_product_pictures:
            media_id =
            media_relation_id = self.insert_product_media_relation(product_id=product_id, media_id=media_id, position=product_picture.position)

            if is_cover_picture:
                self._update_product_payload(product_id=product_id, payload={"coverId": media_relation_id})
                is_cover_picture = False