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# The Biurad PHP Dependency Injection

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**biurad/php-dependency-injection** is a powerful tool for managing class dependencies and performing dependency injection for [PHP] 7.2+ created by [Divine Niiquaye][@divineniiquaye] based on The [Nette DI][nette-di]. This library provides a fancy phrase that essentially means this: class dependencies are "injected" into the class via the constructor or, in some cases, "setter" methods.

## πŸ“¦ Installation & Basic Usage

This project requires [PHP] 7.2 or higher. The recommended way to install, is via [Composer]. Simply run:

$ composer require biurad/dependency-injection

### How To Use

A deep understanding of the Dependency Injection is essential to building a powerful, large application, as well as for contributing to this library core itself. This README is focused on the new features added to [Nette Di][nette-di].

This dependency is an extended version of [Nette Di][nette-di] which has been simplified for developer's convenient. With this bridge, more features have been implemented to have a fast and flexible Dependency Injection Container.

> Container implementation is fully compatible with [PSR-11 Container](

### PSR-11 Container

You can always access container directly in your code by requesting `Psr\Container\ContainerInterface`:

use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

class HomeContoller
    public function index(ContainerInterface $container)

## πŸ““ Documentation

For in-depth documentation before using this library. Full documentation on advanced usage, configuration, and customization can be found at [][docs].

## ⏫ Upgrading

Information on how to upgrade to newer versions of this library can be found in the [UPGRADE].

## 🏷️ Changelog

[SemVer]( is followed closely. Minor and patch releases should not introduce breaking changes to the codebase; See [CHANGELOG] for more information on what has changed recently.

Any classes or methods marked `@internal` are not intended for use outside of this library and are subject to breaking changes at any time, so please avoid using them.

## πŸ› οΈ Maintenance & Support

When a new **major** version is released (`1.0`, `2.0`, etc), the previous one (`0.19.x`) will receive bug fixes for _at least_ 3 months and security updates for 6 months after that new release comes out.

(This policy may change in the future and exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis.)

**Professional support, including notification of new releases and security updates, is available at [Biurad Commits][commit].**

## πŸ‘·β€β™€οΈ Contributing

To report a security vulnerability, please use the [Biurad Security]( We will coordinate the fix and eventually commit the solution in this project.

Contributions to this library are **welcome**, especially ones that:

- Improve usability or flexibility without compromising our ability to adhere to ???.
- Optimize performance
- Fix issues with adhering to ???.
- ???.

Please see [CONTRIBUTING] for additional details.

## πŸ§ͺ Testing

$ composer test

This will tests biurad/php-dependency-injection will run against PHP 7.2 version or higher.

## πŸ‘₯ Credits & Acknowledgements

- [Divine Niiquaye Ibok][@divineniiquaye]
- [All Contributors][]

## πŸ™Œ Sponsors

Are you interested in sponsoring development of this project? Reach out and support us on [Patreon]( or see <> for a list of ways to contribute.

## πŸ“„ License

**biurad/php-dependency-injection** is licensed under the BSD-3 license. See the [`LICENSE`](LICENSE) file for more details.

## πŸ›οΈ Governance

This project is primarily maintained by [Divine Niiquaye Ibok][@divineniiquaye]. Members of the [Biurad Lap][] Leadership Team may occasionally assist with some of these duties.

## πŸ—ΊοΈ Who Uses It?

You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment we highly appreciate you sending us an [email] or [message] mentioning this library. We publish all received request's at <>.

Check out the other cool things people are doing with `biurad/php-dependency-injection`: <>

[CONTRIBUTING]: ./.github/
[All Contributors]:
[Biurad Lap]: