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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

 * This file is part of Biurad opensource projects.
 * @copyright 2022 Biurad Group (
 * @license License
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Biurad\Monorepo;

use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\{InputArgument, InputInterface, InputOption};
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle;

 * The Monorepo's workflow command.
 * @author Divine Niiquaye Ibok <>
class WorkflowCommand extends Command
    private Monorepo $monorepo;
    private SymfonyStyle $output;

    /** @var array<int,WorkerInterface> */
    private array $workers = [];

    public function __construct(private string $rootPath)

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        if (0 === $totalWorkerCount = \count($jobWorkers = $this->workers)) {
            return self::FAILURE;

        $isDryRun = (bool) $input->getOption('dry-run');
        $stage = $input->getArgument('job');
        $status = self::SUCCESS;

        foreach ($jobWorkers as $i => $jobWorker) {
            $this->output->title(\sprintf('%s/%d) ', ++$i, $totalWorkerCount).$jobWorker->getDescription());

            if ($this->output->isVerbose()) {
                $output->writeln(\sprintf('class: %s; stage: %s;', $jobWorker::class, $stage));

            if (!$isDryRun && self::SUCCESS !== $status = $jobWorker->work($this->monorepo, $input, $this->output)) {

        if (self::SUCCESS !== $status) {
            $this->output->error(\sprintf('Workflow job "%s" failed with exit code %d', $stage, $status));
        } elseif ($isDryRun) {
            $this->output->note(\sprintf('Workflow job "%s" running in dry mode, nothing is changed', $stage));
        } else {
            $this->output->success(\sprintf('Workflow job "%s" is now completed and successful!', $stage));

        return $status;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function configure(): void
        $this->setDescription('Workflow job runner for working the monorepo repositories');
        $this->addArgument('job', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The specified workflow job to run', 'main');
        $this->addOption('force', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Force the workflow job to run');
        $this->addOption('no-push', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not push to the remote repositories.');
        $this->addOption('dry-run', 'd', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Do not perform operations, just their preview');
        $this->addOption('path', 'p', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Absolute path to project\'s directory, defaults to directory were script is called.');
        $this->addOption('cache', 'c', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Absolute path to cache directory, defaults to .monorepo-cache in the project directory.');
        $this->addOption('clean', 'x', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Re-clone cached repositories of monorepo\'s sub-repo');
        $this->addOption('only', 'o', InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY | InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'List of sub-repos specified by repo name', []);

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): void
        $repositories = [];
        $this->output = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);
        $config = new Config(\rtrim($input->getOption('path') ?? $this->rootPath, '\/'), $input->getOption('cache'), $input->getOption('clean'));
        $exclusive = $input->getOption('only');

        if (empty($jobWorkers = $config['workers'][$stage = $input->getArgument('job')] ?? [])) {
            $this->output->error(\sprintf('There are workflow workers registered. Be sure to add them to "%s"', $stage));


        foreach ($jobWorkers as $offset => $worker) {
            $worker = $worker::configure($this);

            if ($worker instanceof PriorityInterface && $offset !== $worker->getPriority()) {
                    'The "%s" worker must indexed "%s" and not "%s" in stage "%s"',

            $this->workers[] = $worker;

        foreach ($config['repositories'] as $repoName => $data) {
            if ($exclusive && !\in_array($repoName, $exclusive, true)) {

            if (\in_array($stage, $data['workers'] ?? ['main'], true)) {
                $repositories[] = [$data['url'], $repoName, $data['path'], $data['merge'] ? 'true' : 'false'];

        $this->output->table(['Repo Url', 'Repo Name', 'Repo Path', 'Allow Merge'], $repositories);
        $this->monorepo = new Monorepo($config, $output->getVerbosity(), $repositories);