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// Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.

package agreement_products

// This file was generated by the swagger tool.
// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command

import (

    cr ""

// NewGetAgreementProductsParams creates a new GetAgreementProductsParams object
// with the default values initialized.
func NewGetAgreementProductsParams() *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    var ()
    return &GetAgreementProductsParams{

        timeout: cr.DefaultTimeout,

// NewGetAgreementProductsParamsWithTimeout creates a new GetAgreementProductsParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a timeout on a request
func NewGetAgreementProductsParamsWithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    var ()
    return &GetAgreementProductsParams{

        timeout: timeout,

// NewGetAgreementProductsParamsWithContext creates a new GetAgreementProductsParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a context for a request
func NewGetAgreementProductsParamsWithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    var ()
    return &GetAgreementProductsParams{

        Context: ctx,

// NewGetAgreementProductsParamsWithHTTPClient creates a new GetAgreementProductsParams object
// with the default values initialized, and the ability to set a custom HTTPClient for a request
func NewGetAgreementProductsParamsWithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    var ()
    return &GetAgreementProductsParams{
        HTTPClient: client,

/*GetAgreementProductsParams contains all the parameters to send to the API endpoint
for the get agreement products operation typically these are written to a http.Request
type GetAgreementProductsParams struct {

    AgreementID *int32
    AgreementIds []int32
    AgreementTypeIds []string
    CustomerTenantID *int32
    ExcludeLanguageNames []string
    ExcludeLevelNames []string
    ExcludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames []string
    ExcludeLicenseTypeNames []string
    ExcludeOfferingNames []string
    ExcludeOperatingSystemNames []string
    ExcludePartNumbers []string
    ExcludePoolNames []string
    ExcludeProductCategoryNames []string
    ExcludeProductFamilyNames []string
    ExcludeProductTypeNames []string
    ExcludeProgramNames []string
    ExcludePublisherIds []int32
    ExcludePublisherNames []string
    ExcludePurchasePeriodNames []string
    ExcludePurchaseUnitNames []string
    ExcludeRegionNames []string
    ExcludeVersionNames []string
    IncludeLanguageNames []string
    IncludeLevelNames []string
    IncludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames []string
    IncludeLicenseTypeNames []string
    IncludeOfferingNames []string
    IncludeOperatingSystemNames []string
    IncludePartNumbers []string
    IncludePoolNames []string
    IncludeProductCategoryNames []string
    IncludeProductFamilyNames []string
    IncludeProductTypeNames []string
    IncludeProgramNames []string
    IncludePublisherIds []int32
    IncludePublisherNames []string
    IncludePurchasePeriodNames []string
    IncludePurchaseUnitNames []string
    IncludeRegionNames []string
    IncludeVersionNames []string
    IncludeProductInformation *bool
    IsTrial *bool
    OrganizationID *int32
    Page *int32
    PageSize *int32
    PriceListID *int32
    Search *string
    SearchDate *strfmt.DateTime
    SortKey *string
    SortOrder *string

    timeout    time.Duration
    Context    context.Context
    HTTPClient *http.Client

// WithTimeout adds the timeout to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetTimeout adds the timeout to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetTimeout(timeout time.Duration) {
    o.timeout = timeout

// WithContext adds the context to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithContext(ctx context.Context) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetContext adds the context to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetContext(ctx context.Context) {
    o.Context = ctx

// WithHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithHTTPClient(client *http.Client) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetHTTPClient adds the HTTPClient to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetHTTPClient(client *http.Client) {
    o.HTTPClient = client

// WithAgreementID adds the agreementID to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithAgreementID(agreementID *int32) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetAgreementID adds the agreementId to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetAgreementID(agreementID *int32) {
    o.AgreementID = agreementID

// WithAgreementIds adds the agreementIds to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithAgreementIds(agreementIds []int32) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetAgreementIds adds the agreementIds to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetAgreementIds(agreementIds []int32) {
    o.AgreementIds = agreementIds

// WithAgreementTypeIds adds the agreementTypeIds to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithAgreementTypeIds(agreementTypeIds []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetAgreementTypeIds adds the agreementTypeIds to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetAgreementTypeIds(agreementTypeIds []string) {
    o.AgreementTypeIds = agreementTypeIds

// WithCustomerTenantID adds the customerTenantID to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithCustomerTenantID(customerTenantID *int32) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetCustomerTenantID adds the customerTenantId to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetCustomerTenantID(customerTenantID *int32) {
    o.CustomerTenantID = customerTenantID

// WithExcludeLanguageNames adds the excludeLanguageNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludeLanguageNames(excludeLanguageNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludeLanguageNames adds the excludeLanguageNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludeLanguageNames(excludeLanguageNames []string) {
    o.ExcludeLanguageNames = excludeLanguageNames

// WithExcludeLevelNames adds the excludeLevelNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludeLevelNames(excludeLevelNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludeLevelNames adds the excludeLevelNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludeLevelNames(excludeLevelNames []string) {
    o.ExcludeLevelNames = excludeLevelNames

// WithExcludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames adds the excludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames(excludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames adds the excludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames(excludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames []string) {
    o.ExcludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames = excludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames

// WithExcludeLicenseTypeNames adds the excludeLicenseTypeNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludeLicenseTypeNames(excludeLicenseTypeNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludeLicenseTypeNames adds the excludeLicenseTypeNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludeLicenseTypeNames(excludeLicenseTypeNames []string) {
    o.ExcludeLicenseTypeNames = excludeLicenseTypeNames

// WithExcludeOfferingNames adds the excludeOfferingNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludeOfferingNames(excludeOfferingNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludeOfferingNames adds the excludeOfferingNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludeOfferingNames(excludeOfferingNames []string) {
    o.ExcludeOfferingNames = excludeOfferingNames

// WithExcludeOperatingSystemNames adds the excludeOperatingSystemNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludeOperatingSystemNames(excludeOperatingSystemNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludeOperatingSystemNames adds the excludeOperatingSystemNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludeOperatingSystemNames(excludeOperatingSystemNames []string) {
    o.ExcludeOperatingSystemNames = excludeOperatingSystemNames

// WithExcludePartNumbers adds the excludePartNumbers to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludePartNumbers(excludePartNumbers []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludePartNumbers adds the excludePartNumbers to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludePartNumbers(excludePartNumbers []string) {
    o.ExcludePartNumbers = excludePartNumbers

// WithExcludePoolNames adds the excludePoolNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludePoolNames(excludePoolNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludePoolNames adds the excludePoolNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludePoolNames(excludePoolNames []string) {
    o.ExcludePoolNames = excludePoolNames

// WithExcludeProductCategoryNames adds the excludeProductCategoryNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludeProductCategoryNames(excludeProductCategoryNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludeProductCategoryNames adds the excludeProductCategoryNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludeProductCategoryNames(excludeProductCategoryNames []string) {
    o.ExcludeProductCategoryNames = excludeProductCategoryNames

// WithExcludeProductFamilyNames adds the excludeProductFamilyNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludeProductFamilyNames(excludeProductFamilyNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludeProductFamilyNames adds the excludeProductFamilyNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludeProductFamilyNames(excludeProductFamilyNames []string) {
    o.ExcludeProductFamilyNames = excludeProductFamilyNames

// WithExcludeProductTypeNames adds the excludeProductTypeNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludeProductTypeNames(excludeProductTypeNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludeProductTypeNames adds the excludeProductTypeNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludeProductTypeNames(excludeProductTypeNames []string) {
    o.ExcludeProductTypeNames = excludeProductTypeNames

// WithExcludeProgramNames adds the excludeProgramNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludeProgramNames(excludeProgramNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludeProgramNames adds the excludeProgramNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludeProgramNames(excludeProgramNames []string) {
    o.ExcludeProgramNames = excludeProgramNames

// WithExcludePublisherIds adds the excludePublisherIds to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludePublisherIds(excludePublisherIds []int32) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludePublisherIds adds the excludePublisherIds to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludePublisherIds(excludePublisherIds []int32) {
    o.ExcludePublisherIds = excludePublisherIds

// WithExcludePublisherNames adds the excludePublisherNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludePublisherNames(excludePublisherNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludePublisherNames adds the excludePublisherNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludePublisherNames(excludePublisherNames []string) {
    o.ExcludePublisherNames = excludePublisherNames

// WithExcludePurchasePeriodNames adds the excludePurchasePeriodNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludePurchasePeriodNames(excludePurchasePeriodNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludePurchasePeriodNames adds the excludePurchasePeriodNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludePurchasePeriodNames(excludePurchasePeriodNames []string) {
    o.ExcludePurchasePeriodNames = excludePurchasePeriodNames

// WithExcludePurchaseUnitNames adds the excludePurchaseUnitNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludePurchaseUnitNames(excludePurchaseUnitNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludePurchaseUnitNames adds the excludePurchaseUnitNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludePurchaseUnitNames(excludePurchaseUnitNames []string) {
    o.ExcludePurchaseUnitNames = excludePurchaseUnitNames

// WithExcludeRegionNames adds the excludeRegionNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludeRegionNames(excludeRegionNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludeRegionNames adds the excludeRegionNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludeRegionNames(excludeRegionNames []string) {
    o.ExcludeRegionNames = excludeRegionNames

// WithExcludeVersionNames adds the excludeVersionNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithExcludeVersionNames(excludeVersionNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetExcludeVersionNames adds the excludeVersionNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetExcludeVersionNames(excludeVersionNames []string) {
    o.ExcludeVersionNames = excludeVersionNames

// WithIncludeLanguageNames adds the includeLanguageNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludeLanguageNames(includeLanguageNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludeLanguageNames adds the includeLanguageNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludeLanguageNames(includeLanguageNames []string) {
    o.IncludeLanguageNames = includeLanguageNames

// WithIncludeLevelNames adds the includeLevelNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludeLevelNames(includeLevelNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludeLevelNames adds the includeLevelNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludeLevelNames(includeLevelNames []string) {
    o.IncludeLevelNames = includeLevelNames

// WithIncludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames adds the includeLicenseAgreementTypeNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames(includeLicenseAgreementTypeNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames adds the includeLicenseAgreementTypeNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames(includeLicenseAgreementTypeNames []string) {
    o.IncludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames = includeLicenseAgreementTypeNames

// WithIncludeLicenseTypeNames adds the includeLicenseTypeNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludeLicenseTypeNames(includeLicenseTypeNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludeLicenseTypeNames adds the includeLicenseTypeNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludeLicenseTypeNames(includeLicenseTypeNames []string) {
    o.IncludeLicenseTypeNames = includeLicenseTypeNames

// WithIncludeOfferingNames adds the includeOfferingNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludeOfferingNames(includeOfferingNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludeOfferingNames adds the includeOfferingNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludeOfferingNames(includeOfferingNames []string) {
    o.IncludeOfferingNames = includeOfferingNames

// WithIncludeOperatingSystemNames adds the includeOperatingSystemNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludeOperatingSystemNames(includeOperatingSystemNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludeOperatingSystemNames adds the includeOperatingSystemNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludeOperatingSystemNames(includeOperatingSystemNames []string) {
    o.IncludeOperatingSystemNames = includeOperatingSystemNames

// WithIncludePartNumbers adds the includePartNumbers to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludePartNumbers(includePartNumbers []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludePartNumbers adds the includePartNumbers to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludePartNumbers(includePartNumbers []string) {
    o.IncludePartNumbers = includePartNumbers

// WithIncludePoolNames adds the includePoolNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludePoolNames(includePoolNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludePoolNames adds the includePoolNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludePoolNames(includePoolNames []string) {
    o.IncludePoolNames = includePoolNames

// WithIncludeProductCategoryNames adds the includeProductCategoryNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludeProductCategoryNames(includeProductCategoryNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludeProductCategoryNames adds the includeProductCategoryNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludeProductCategoryNames(includeProductCategoryNames []string) {
    o.IncludeProductCategoryNames = includeProductCategoryNames

// WithIncludeProductFamilyNames adds the includeProductFamilyNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludeProductFamilyNames(includeProductFamilyNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludeProductFamilyNames adds the includeProductFamilyNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludeProductFamilyNames(includeProductFamilyNames []string) {
    o.IncludeProductFamilyNames = includeProductFamilyNames

// WithIncludeProductTypeNames adds the includeProductTypeNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludeProductTypeNames(includeProductTypeNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludeProductTypeNames adds the includeProductTypeNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludeProductTypeNames(includeProductTypeNames []string) {
    o.IncludeProductTypeNames = includeProductTypeNames

// WithIncludeProgramNames adds the includeProgramNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludeProgramNames(includeProgramNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludeProgramNames adds the includeProgramNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludeProgramNames(includeProgramNames []string) {
    o.IncludeProgramNames = includeProgramNames

// WithIncludePublisherIds adds the includePublisherIds to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludePublisherIds(includePublisherIds []int32) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludePublisherIds adds the includePublisherIds to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludePublisherIds(includePublisherIds []int32) {
    o.IncludePublisherIds = includePublisherIds

// WithIncludePublisherNames adds the includePublisherNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludePublisherNames(includePublisherNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludePublisherNames adds the includePublisherNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludePublisherNames(includePublisherNames []string) {
    o.IncludePublisherNames = includePublisherNames

// WithIncludePurchasePeriodNames adds the includePurchasePeriodNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludePurchasePeriodNames(includePurchasePeriodNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludePurchasePeriodNames adds the includePurchasePeriodNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludePurchasePeriodNames(includePurchasePeriodNames []string) {
    o.IncludePurchasePeriodNames = includePurchasePeriodNames

// WithIncludePurchaseUnitNames adds the includePurchaseUnitNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludePurchaseUnitNames(includePurchaseUnitNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludePurchaseUnitNames adds the includePurchaseUnitNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludePurchaseUnitNames(includePurchaseUnitNames []string) {
    o.IncludePurchaseUnitNames = includePurchaseUnitNames

// WithIncludeRegionNames adds the includeRegionNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludeRegionNames(includeRegionNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludeRegionNames adds the includeRegionNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludeRegionNames(includeRegionNames []string) {
    o.IncludeRegionNames = includeRegionNames

// WithIncludeVersionNames adds the includeVersionNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludeVersionNames(includeVersionNames []string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludeVersionNames adds the includeVersionNames to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludeVersionNames(includeVersionNames []string) {
    o.IncludeVersionNames = includeVersionNames

// WithIncludeProductInformation adds the includeProductInformation to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIncludeProductInformation(includeProductInformation *bool) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIncludeProductInformation adds the includeProductInformation to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIncludeProductInformation(includeProductInformation *bool) {
    o.IncludeProductInformation = includeProductInformation

// WithIsTrial adds the isTrial to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithIsTrial(isTrial *bool) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetIsTrial adds the isTrial to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetIsTrial(isTrial *bool) {
    o.IsTrial = isTrial

// WithOrganizationID adds the organizationID to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithOrganizationID(organizationID *int32) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetOrganizationID adds the organizationId to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetOrganizationID(organizationID *int32) {
    o.OrganizationID = organizationID

// WithPage adds the page to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithPage(page *int32) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetPage adds the page to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetPage(page *int32) {
    o.Page = page

// WithPageSize adds the pageSize to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithPageSize(pageSize *int32) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetPageSize adds the pageSize to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetPageSize(pageSize *int32) {
    o.PageSize = pageSize

// WithPriceListID adds the priceListID to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithPriceListID(priceListID *int32) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetPriceListID adds the priceListId to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetPriceListID(priceListID *int32) {
    o.PriceListID = priceListID

// WithSearch adds the search to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithSearch(search *string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetSearch adds the search to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetSearch(search *string) {
    o.Search = search

// WithSearchDate adds the searchDate to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithSearchDate(searchDate *strfmt.DateTime) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetSearchDate adds the searchDate to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetSearchDate(searchDate *strfmt.DateTime) {
    o.SearchDate = searchDate

// WithSortKey adds the sortKey to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithSortKey(sortKey *string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetSortKey adds the sortKey to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetSortKey(sortKey *string) {
    o.SortKey = sortKey

// WithSortOrder adds the sortOrder to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WithSortOrder(sortOrder *string) *GetAgreementProductsParams {
    return o

// SetSortOrder adds the sortOrder to the get agreement products params
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) SetSortOrder(sortOrder *string) {
    o.SortOrder = sortOrder

// WriteToRequest writes these params to a swagger request
func (o *GetAgreementProductsParams) WriteToRequest(r runtime.ClientRequest, reg strfmt.Registry) error {

    if err := r.SetTimeout(o.timeout); err != nil {
        return err
    var res []error

    if o.AgreementID != nil {

        // query param AgreementId
        var qrAgreementID int32
        if o.AgreementID != nil {
            qrAgreementID = *o.AgreementID
        qAgreementID := swag.FormatInt32(qrAgreementID)
        if qAgreementID != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("AgreementId", qAgreementID); err != nil {
                return err


    var valuesAgreementIds []string
    for _, v := range o.AgreementIds {
        valuesAgreementIds = append(valuesAgreementIds, swag.FormatInt32(v))

    joinedAgreementIds := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesAgreementIds, "multi")
    // query array param AgreementIds
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("AgreementIds", joinedAgreementIds...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesAgreementTypeIds := o.AgreementTypeIds

    joinedAgreementTypeIds := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesAgreementTypeIds, "multi")
    // query array param AgreementTypeIds
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("AgreementTypeIds", joinedAgreementTypeIds...); err != nil {
        return err

    if o.CustomerTenantID != nil {

        // query param CustomerTenantId
        var qrCustomerTenantID int32
        if o.CustomerTenantID != nil {
            qrCustomerTenantID = *o.CustomerTenantID
        qCustomerTenantID := swag.FormatInt32(qrCustomerTenantID)
        if qCustomerTenantID != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("CustomerTenantId", qCustomerTenantID); err != nil {
                return err


    valuesExcludeLanguageNames := o.ExcludeLanguageNames

    joinedExcludeLanguageNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludeLanguageNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.LanguageNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.LanguageNames", joinedExcludeLanguageNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludeLevelNames := o.ExcludeLevelNames

    joinedExcludeLevelNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludeLevelNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.LevelNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.LevelNames", joinedExcludeLevelNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames := o.ExcludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames

    joinedExcludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.LicenseAgreementTypeNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.LicenseAgreementTypeNames", joinedExcludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludeLicenseTypeNames := o.ExcludeLicenseTypeNames

    joinedExcludeLicenseTypeNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludeLicenseTypeNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.LicenseTypeNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.LicenseTypeNames", joinedExcludeLicenseTypeNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludeOfferingNames := o.ExcludeOfferingNames

    joinedExcludeOfferingNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludeOfferingNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.OfferingNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.OfferingNames", joinedExcludeOfferingNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludeOperatingSystemNames := o.ExcludeOperatingSystemNames

    joinedExcludeOperatingSystemNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludeOperatingSystemNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.OperatingSystemNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.OperatingSystemNames", joinedExcludeOperatingSystemNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludePartNumbers := o.ExcludePartNumbers

    joinedExcludePartNumbers := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludePartNumbers, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.PartNumbers
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.PartNumbers", joinedExcludePartNumbers...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludePoolNames := o.ExcludePoolNames

    joinedExcludePoolNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludePoolNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.PoolNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.PoolNames", joinedExcludePoolNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludeProductCategoryNames := o.ExcludeProductCategoryNames

    joinedExcludeProductCategoryNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludeProductCategoryNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.ProductCategoryNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.ProductCategoryNames", joinedExcludeProductCategoryNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludeProductFamilyNames := o.ExcludeProductFamilyNames

    joinedExcludeProductFamilyNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludeProductFamilyNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.ProductFamilyNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.ProductFamilyNames", joinedExcludeProductFamilyNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludeProductTypeNames := o.ExcludeProductTypeNames

    joinedExcludeProductTypeNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludeProductTypeNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.ProductTypeNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.ProductTypeNames", joinedExcludeProductTypeNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludeProgramNames := o.ExcludeProgramNames

    joinedExcludeProgramNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludeProgramNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.ProgramNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.ProgramNames", joinedExcludeProgramNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    var valuesExcludePublisherIds []string
    for _, v := range o.ExcludePublisherIds {
        valuesExcludePublisherIds = append(valuesExcludePublisherIds, swag.FormatInt32(v))

    joinedExcludePublisherIds := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludePublisherIds, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.PublisherIds
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.PublisherIds", joinedExcludePublisherIds...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludePublisherNames := o.ExcludePublisherNames

    joinedExcludePublisherNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludePublisherNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.PublisherNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.PublisherNames", joinedExcludePublisherNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludePurchasePeriodNames := o.ExcludePurchasePeriodNames

    joinedExcludePurchasePeriodNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludePurchasePeriodNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.PurchasePeriodNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.PurchasePeriodNames", joinedExcludePurchasePeriodNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludePurchaseUnitNames := o.ExcludePurchaseUnitNames

    joinedExcludePurchaseUnitNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludePurchaseUnitNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.PurchaseUnitNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.PurchaseUnitNames", joinedExcludePurchaseUnitNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludeRegionNames := o.ExcludeRegionNames

    joinedExcludeRegionNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludeRegionNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.RegionNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.RegionNames", joinedExcludeRegionNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesExcludeVersionNames := o.ExcludeVersionNames

    joinedExcludeVersionNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesExcludeVersionNames, "multi")
    // query array param Exclude.VersionNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Exclude.VersionNames", joinedExcludeVersionNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludeLanguageNames := o.IncludeLanguageNames

    joinedIncludeLanguageNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludeLanguageNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.LanguageNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.LanguageNames", joinedIncludeLanguageNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludeLevelNames := o.IncludeLevelNames

    joinedIncludeLevelNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludeLevelNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.LevelNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.LevelNames", joinedIncludeLevelNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames := o.IncludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames

    joinedIncludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.LicenseAgreementTypeNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.LicenseAgreementTypeNames", joinedIncludeLicenseAgreementTypeNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludeLicenseTypeNames := o.IncludeLicenseTypeNames

    joinedIncludeLicenseTypeNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludeLicenseTypeNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.LicenseTypeNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.LicenseTypeNames", joinedIncludeLicenseTypeNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludeOfferingNames := o.IncludeOfferingNames

    joinedIncludeOfferingNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludeOfferingNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.OfferingNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.OfferingNames", joinedIncludeOfferingNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludeOperatingSystemNames := o.IncludeOperatingSystemNames

    joinedIncludeOperatingSystemNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludeOperatingSystemNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.OperatingSystemNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.OperatingSystemNames", joinedIncludeOperatingSystemNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludePartNumbers := o.IncludePartNumbers

    joinedIncludePartNumbers := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludePartNumbers, "multi")
    // query array param Include.PartNumbers
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.PartNumbers", joinedIncludePartNumbers...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludePoolNames := o.IncludePoolNames

    joinedIncludePoolNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludePoolNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.PoolNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.PoolNames", joinedIncludePoolNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludeProductCategoryNames := o.IncludeProductCategoryNames

    joinedIncludeProductCategoryNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludeProductCategoryNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.ProductCategoryNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.ProductCategoryNames", joinedIncludeProductCategoryNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludeProductFamilyNames := o.IncludeProductFamilyNames

    joinedIncludeProductFamilyNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludeProductFamilyNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.ProductFamilyNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.ProductFamilyNames", joinedIncludeProductFamilyNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludeProductTypeNames := o.IncludeProductTypeNames

    joinedIncludeProductTypeNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludeProductTypeNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.ProductTypeNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.ProductTypeNames", joinedIncludeProductTypeNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludeProgramNames := o.IncludeProgramNames

    joinedIncludeProgramNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludeProgramNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.ProgramNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.ProgramNames", joinedIncludeProgramNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    var valuesIncludePublisherIds []string
    for _, v := range o.IncludePublisherIds {
        valuesIncludePublisherIds = append(valuesIncludePublisherIds, swag.FormatInt32(v))

    joinedIncludePublisherIds := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludePublisherIds, "multi")
    // query array param Include.PublisherIds
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.PublisherIds", joinedIncludePublisherIds...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludePublisherNames := o.IncludePublisherNames

    joinedIncludePublisherNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludePublisherNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.PublisherNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.PublisherNames", joinedIncludePublisherNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludePurchasePeriodNames := o.IncludePurchasePeriodNames

    joinedIncludePurchasePeriodNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludePurchasePeriodNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.PurchasePeriodNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.PurchasePeriodNames", joinedIncludePurchasePeriodNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludePurchaseUnitNames := o.IncludePurchaseUnitNames

    joinedIncludePurchaseUnitNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludePurchaseUnitNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.PurchaseUnitNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.PurchaseUnitNames", joinedIncludePurchaseUnitNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludeRegionNames := o.IncludeRegionNames

    joinedIncludeRegionNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludeRegionNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.RegionNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.RegionNames", joinedIncludeRegionNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    valuesIncludeVersionNames := o.IncludeVersionNames

    joinedIncludeVersionNames := swag.JoinByFormat(valuesIncludeVersionNames, "multi")
    // query array param Include.VersionNames
    if err := r.SetQueryParam("Include.VersionNames", joinedIncludeVersionNames...); err != nil {
        return err

    if o.IncludeProductInformation != nil {

        // query param IncludeProductInformation
        var qrIncludeProductInformation bool
        if o.IncludeProductInformation != nil {
            qrIncludeProductInformation = *o.IncludeProductInformation
        qIncludeProductInformation := swag.FormatBool(qrIncludeProductInformation)
        if qIncludeProductInformation != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("IncludeProductInformation", qIncludeProductInformation); err != nil {
                return err


    if o.IsTrial != nil {

        // query param IsTrial
        var qrIsTrial bool
        if o.IsTrial != nil {
            qrIsTrial = *o.IsTrial
        qIsTrial := swag.FormatBool(qrIsTrial)
        if qIsTrial != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("IsTrial", qIsTrial); err != nil {
                return err


    if o.OrganizationID != nil {

        // query param OrganizationId
        var qrOrganizationID int32
        if o.OrganizationID != nil {
            qrOrganizationID = *o.OrganizationID
        qOrganizationID := swag.FormatInt32(qrOrganizationID)
        if qOrganizationID != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("OrganizationId", qOrganizationID); err != nil {
                return err


    if o.Page != nil {

        // query param Page
        var qrPage int32
        if o.Page != nil {
            qrPage = *o.Page
        qPage := swag.FormatInt32(qrPage)
        if qPage != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("Page", qPage); err != nil {
                return err


    if o.PageSize != nil {

        // query param PageSize
        var qrPageSize int32
        if o.PageSize != nil {
            qrPageSize = *o.PageSize
        qPageSize := swag.FormatInt32(qrPageSize)
        if qPageSize != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("PageSize", qPageSize); err != nil {
                return err


    if o.PriceListID != nil {

        // query param PriceListId
        var qrPriceListID int32
        if o.PriceListID != nil {
            qrPriceListID = *o.PriceListID
        qPriceListID := swag.FormatInt32(qrPriceListID)
        if qPriceListID != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("PriceListId", qPriceListID); err != nil {
                return err


    if o.Search != nil {

        // query param Search
        var qrSearch string
        if o.Search != nil {
            qrSearch = *o.Search
        qSearch := qrSearch
        if qSearch != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("Search", qSearch); err != nil {
                return err


    if o.SearchDate != nil {

        // query param SearchDate
        var qrSearchDate strfmt.DateTime
        if o.SearchDate != nil {
            qrSearchDate = *o.SearchDate
        qSearchDate := qrSearchDate.String()
        if qSearchDate != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("SearchDate", qSearchDate); err != nil {
                return err


    if o.SortKey != nil {

        // query param SortKey
        var qrSortKey string
        if o.SortKey != nil {
            qrSortKey = *o.SortKey
        qSortKey := qrSortKey
        if qSortKey != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("SortKey", qSortKey); err != nil {
                return err


    if o.SortOrder != nil {

        // query param SortOrder
        var qrSortOrder string
        if o.SortOrder != nil {
            qrSortOrder = *o.SortOrder
        qSortOrder := qrSortOrder
        if qSortOrder != "" {
            if err := r.SetQueryParam("SortOrder", qSortOrder); err != nil {
                return err


    if len(res) > 0 {
        return errors.CompositeValidationError(res...)
    return nil