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This module contains the base class for the different :py:class:`Analyzer` objects used by :py:mod:`kinisi`.

# Copyright (c) Andrew R. McCluskey and Benjamin J. Morgan
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License
# author: Andrew R. McCluskey (arm61)

from typing import Union, List
import numpy as np
from kinisi.parser import MDAnalysisParser, PymatgenParser, ASEParser

class Analyzer:
    This class is the superclass for the :py:class:`kinisi.analyze.DiffusionAnalyzer`,
    :py:class:`kinisi.analyze.JumpDiffusionAnalyzer` and :py:class:`kinisi.analyze.ConductivityAnalyzer` classes.
    Therefore all of the properties here are available to these other classes.

    :param delta_t: An array of the timestep values.
    :param disp_3d: A list of arrays, where each array has the axes :code:`[atom, displacement observation,
        dimension]`. There is one array in the list for each delta_t value. Note: it is necessary to use a
        list of arrays as the number of observations is not necessary the same at each data point.
    :param volume: The volume of the simulation cell.

    def __init__(self, delta_t: np.ndarray, disp_3d: List[np.ndarray], n_o: np.ndarray, volume: float):
        self._delta_t = delta_t
        self._disp_3d = disp_3d
        self._n_o = n_o
        self._volume = volume

    def save(self, filename: str):
        Save the Analyzer object as a HDF5 file.

        :param filename: Name for the file, no file extension is required and if one if given it is replaced with .hdf.
        filename = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.hdf'
        my_dict = self.to_dict()
            import h5py
            from os.path import exists
        except ModuleNotFoundError:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ModuleNotFoundError("To save and load objects, the h5py module is required")  # pragma: no cover
        if exists(filename):
            raise ValueError(f"The file {filename} already exists, please delete it or change the input filename.")
        with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as h5file:
            _dict_to_group(h5file, '/', my_dict)

    def load(cls, filename: str) -> 'Analyzer':
        Load the :py:class:`Analyzer` object from an HDF5 file.

        :param filename: Name for the file, any file extension will be replaced with .hdf.

        :return: An :py:class:`Analyzer` object from the file.
        filename = filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.hdf'
            import h5py
        except ModuleNotFoundError:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ModuleNotFoundError("To save and load objects, the h5py module is required")  # pragma: no cover
        with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as h5file:
            my_dict = _group_to_dict(h5file, '/')
        return cls.from_dict(my_dict)

    def to_dict(self) -> dict:
        :return: Dictionary description of Analyzer.
        return {'delta_t': self._delta_t, 'disp_3d': self._disp_3d, 'n_o': self._n_o, 'volume': self._volume}

    def from_dict(cls, my_dict: dict) -> 'Analyzer':
        Generate an :py:class:`Analyzer` object from a dictionary.

        :param my_dict: The input dictionary.

        :return: New :py:class:`Analyzer` object.
        return cls(**my_dict)

    def _from_pymatgen(cls,
                       trajectory: List[Union['pymatgen.core.structure.Structure',
                       parser_params: dict,
                       dtype: str = None,
        Create a :py:class:`Analyzer` object from a list or nested list of
        :py:class:`pymatgen.core.structure.Structure` objects.

        :param trajectory: The list or nested list of structures to be analysed.
        :param parser_params: The parameters for the :py:class:`kinisi.parser.PymatgenParser` object.
            See the appropriate documentation for more guidance on this dictionary.
        :param dtype: If :py:attr:`trajectory` is a list of :py:class:`pymatgen.core.structure.Structure`
            objects, this should be :py:attr:`None`. However, if a list of lists is passed, then it is necessary
            to identify if these constitute a series of :py:attr:`consecutive` trajectories or a series of
            :py:attr:`identical` starting points with different random seeds, in which case the `dtype` should
            be either :py:attr:`consecutive` or :py:attr:`identical`.

        :return: Relevant :py:class:`Analyzer` object.
        if dtype is None:
            u = PymatgenParser(trajectory, **parser_params)
            return cls(u.delta_t, u.disp_3d, u._n_o, u.volume, **kwargs)
        elif dtype == 'identical':
            u = [PymatgenParser(f, **parser_params) for f in trajectory]
            n_o = np.zeros(u[0]._n_o.size)
            for i in u:
                n_o += i._n_o
            return cls(u[0].delta_t, cls._stack_trajectories(u), n_o, u[0].volume, **kwargs)
        elif dtype == 'consecutive':
            structures = _flatten_list([x for x in trajectory])
            u = PymatgenParser(structures, **parser_params)
            return cls(u.delta_t, u.disp_3d, u._n_o, u.volume, **kwargs)
            raise ValueError('The dtype specified was not recognised, please consult the kinisi documentation.')

    def _from_ase(cls,
                  trajectory: List[Union['ase.atoms.Atoms', List['ase.atoms.Atoms']]],
                  parser_params: dict,
                  dtype: str = None,
        Create a :py:class:`Analyzer` object from a list or nested list of
        :py:class:`ase.atoms.Atoms` objects.

        :param trajectory: The list or nested list of structures to be analysed.
        :param parser_params: The parameters for the :py:class:`kinisi.parser.ASEParser` object.
            See the appropriate documentation for more guidance on this dictionary.
        :param dtype: If :py:attr:`trajectory` is a list of :py:class:`ase.atoms.Atoms`
            objects, this should be :py:attr:`None`. However, if a list of lists is passed, then it is necessary
            to identify if these constitute a series of :py:attr:`consecutive` trajectories or a series of
            :py:attr:`identical` starting points with different random seeds, in which case the `dtype` should
            be either :py:attr:`consecutive` or :py:attr:`identical`.

        :return: Relevant :py:class:`Analyzer` object.
        if dtype is None:
            u = ASEParser(trajectory, **parser_params)
            return cls(u.delta_t, u.disp_3d, u._n_o, u.volume, **kwargs)
        elif dtype == 'identical':
            u = [ASEParser(f, **parser_params) for f in trajectory]
            n_o = np.zeros(u[0]._n_o.size)
            for i in u:
                n_o += i._n_o
            return cls(u[0].delta_t, cls._stack_trajectories(u), n_o, u[0].volume, **kwargs)
        elif dtype == 'consecutive':
            structures = _flatten_list([x for x in trajectory])
            u = ASEParser(structures, **parser_params)
            return cls(u.delta_t, u.disp_3d, u._n_o, u.volume, **kwargs)
            raise ValueError('The dtype specified was not recognised, please consult the kinisi documentation.')

    def _from_Xdatcar(cls,
                      trajectory: Union['', List['']],
                      parser_params: dict,
                      dtype: str = None,
        Create a :py:class:`Analyzer` object from a single or a list of
        :py:class:`` objects.

        :param trajectory: The Xdatcar or list of Xdatcar objects to be analysed.
        :param parser_params: The parameters for the :py:class:`kinisi.parser.PymatgenParser` object. See the
            appropriate documentation for more guidance on this dictionary.
        :param dtype: If :py:attr:`trajectory` is a :py:class:`` object, this
            should be :py:attr:`None`. However, if a list of :py:class:`` objects is
            passed, then it is necessary to identify if these constitute a series of :py:attr:`consecutive`
            trajectories or a series of :py:attr:`identical` starting points with different random seeds, in which
            case the `dtype` should be either :py:attr:`consecutive` or :py:attr:`identical`.

        :return: Relevant :py:class:`Analyzer` object.
        if dtype is None:
            structures = trajectory.structures
            u = PymatgenParser(structures, **parser_params)
            return cls(u.delta_t, u.disp_3d, u._n_o, u.volume, **kwargs)
        elif dtype == 'identical':
            u = [PymatgenParser(f.structures, **parser_params) for f in trajectory]
            n_o = np.zeros(u[0]._n_o.size)
            for i in u:
                n_o += i._n_o
            return cls(u[0].delta_t, cls._stack_trajectories(u), n_o, u[0].volume, **kwargs)
        elif dtype == 'consecutive':
            structures = _flatten_list([x.structures for x in trajectory])
            u = PymatgenParser(structures, **parser_params)
            return cls(u.delta_t, u.disp_3d, u._n_o, u.volume, **kwargs)
            raise ValueError('The dtype specified was not recognised, please consult the kinisi documentation.')

    def _from_file(cls, trajectory: Union[str, List[str]], parser_params: dict, dtype: str = None, **kwargs):
        Create a :py:class:`Analyzer` object from a single or a list of Xdatcar file(s).

        :param trajectory: The file or list of Xdatcar files to be analysed.
        :param parser_params: The parameters for the :py:class:`kinisi.parser.PymatgenParser` object. See the
            appropriate documentation for more guidance on this dictionary.
        :param dtype: If :py:attr:`trajectory` is a single file, this should be :py:attr:`None`. However, if a
            list of files is passed, then it is necessary to identify if these constitute a series of
            :py:attr:`consecutive` trajectories or a series of :py:attr:`identical` starting points with different
            random seeds, in which case the `dtype` should be either :py:attr:`consecutive` or :py:attr:`identical`.

        :return: Relevant :py:class:`Analyzer` object.
            from import Xdatcar
        except ModuleNotFoundError:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ModuleNotFoundError("To use the from_file method, pymatgen must be installed.")  # pragma: no cover
        if dtype is None:
            structures = Xdatcar(trajectory).structures
            u = PymatgenParser(structures, **parser_params)
            return cls(u.delta_t, u.disp_3d, u._n_o, u.volume, **kwargs)
        elif dtype == 'identical':
            u = [PymatgenParser(Xdatcar(f).structures, **parser_params) for f in trajectory]
            n_o = np.zeros(u[0]._n_o.size)
            for i in u:
                n_o += i._n_o
            return cls(u[0].delta_t, cls._stack_trajectories(u), n_o, u[0].volume, **kwargs)
        elif dtype == 'consecutive':
            trajectory_list = (Xdatcar(f) for f in trajectory)
            structures = _flatten_list([x.structures for x in trajectory_list])
            u = PymatgenParser(structures, **parser_params)
            return cls(u.delta_t, u.disp_3d, u._n_o, u.volume, **kwargs)
            raise ValueError('The dtype specified was not recognised, please consult the kinisi documentation.')

    def _from_universe(cls,
                       trajectory: 'MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe',
                       parser_params: dict,
                       dtype: str = None,
        Create an :py:class:`Analyzer` object from an :py:class:`MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe` object.

        :param trajectory: The universe to be analysed.
        :param parser_params: The parameters for the :py:class:`kinisi.parser.MDAnalysisParser` object.
            See the appropriate documentation for more guidance on this dictionary.
        :param dtype: If :py:attr:`trajectory` is a single file, this should be :py:attr:`None`. However, if a
            list of files is passed, then it is necessary to identify that these constitute a series of
            :py:attr:`identical` starting points with different random seeds, in which case the `dtype` should
            be :py:attr:`identical`. For a series of consecutive trajectories, please construct the relevant
            object using :py:mod:`MDAnalysis`.

        :return: Relevant :py:class:`Analyzer` object.
            import MDAnalysis as mda
        except ModuleNotFoundError:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ModuleNotFoundError(
                "To use the MDAnalysis from file parsing, MDAnalysis must be installed.")  # pragma: no cover
        if dtype is None:
            u = MDAnalysisParser(trajectory, **parser_params)
            return cls(u.delta_t, u.disp_3d, u._n_o, u.volume, **kwargs)
        elif dtype == 'identical':
            u = [MDAnalysisParser(t, **parser_params) for t in trajectory]
            n_o = np.zeros(u[0]._n_o.size)
            for i in u:
                n_o += i._n_o
            return cls(u[0].delta_t, cls._stack_trajectories(u), n_o, u[0].volume, **kwargs)
            raise ValueError('The dtype specified was not recognised, please consult the kinisi documentation.')

    def _stack_trajectories(u: Union[MDAnalysisParser, PymatgenParser]) -> List[np.ndarray]:
        If more than one trajectory is given, then they are stacked to give the appearance that there are
        additional atoms in the trajectory.

        :param u: Results from the parsing of each trajectory.

        :return: The stacked displacement list.
        joint_disp_3d = []
        for i in range(len(u[0].disp_3d)):
            disp = np.zeros((u[0].disp_3d[i].shape[0] * len(u), u[0].disp_3d[i].shape[1], u[0].disp_3d[i].shape[2]))
            disp[:u[0].disp_3d[i].shape[0]] = u[0].disp_3d[i]
            for j in range(1, len(u)):
                disp[u[0].disp_3d[i].shape[0] * j:u[0].disp_3d[i].shape[0] * (j + 1)] = u[j].disp_3d[i]
        return joint_disp_3d

    def posterior_predictive(self, posterior_predictive_params: Union[dict, None] = None):
        Sample  the posterior predictive distribution. The shape of the resulting array will be
        `(n_posterior_samples * n_predictive_samples, start_dt)`.
        :params posterior_predictive_params: Parameters for the :py:func:`diffusion.posterior_predictive` method. 
            See the appropriate documentation for more guidence on this dictionary.

        :return: Samples from the posterior predictive distribution. 
        if posterior_predictive_params is None:
            posterior_predictive_params = {}
        return self._diff.posterior_predictive(**posterior_predictive_params)

    def distribution(self) -> np.ndarray:
        :return: A distribution of samples for the linear relationship that can be used for easy
        plotting of credible intervals.
        return self._diff.gradient.samples * self.dt[:, np.newaxis] + self._diff.intercept.samples

    def dt(self) -> np.ndarray:
        :return: Timestep values that have been sampled.
        return self._diff.dt

    def dr(self) -> List['uravu.distribution.Distribution']:
        :return: A list of :py:class:`uravu.distribution.Distribution` objects that describe the Euclidean
            displacement at each :py:attr:`dt`.
        return self._diff.euclidian_displacements

    def ngp_max(self) -> float:
        :return: Position in dt where the non-Gaussian parameter is maximised.
        return self.dt[self._diff.ngp.argmax()]

    def intercept(self) -> 'uravu.distribution.Distribution':
        :return: The distribution describing the intercept.
        return self._diff.intercept

    def volume(self) -> float:
        :return: Volume of system, in cubic angstrom.
        return self._volume

def _flatten_list(this_list: list) -> list:
    Flatten nested lists.

    :param this_list: List to be flattened

    :return: Flattened list
    return [item for sublist in this_list for item in sublist]

def _dict_to_group(h5file: 'h5py._hl.files.File', path: str, my_dict: dict):
    A recursive function to help with saving to hdf5 file formats.

    :param h5file: Open hdf5 file.
    :param path: Path in the hdf5 file.
    :param my_dict: Dict to make datasets from.
    for key, value in my_dict.items():
        if isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, int, float, str, bytes)):
            h5file[path + key] = value
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            for i, d in enumerate(value):
                if isinstance(d, (np.ndarray, int, float, str, bytes)):
                    h5file[path + key + f'/list{i}'] = d
                elif isinstance(d, dict):
                    _dict_to_group(h5file, path + key + f'/list{i}' + '/', d)
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            _dict_to_group(h5file, path + key + '/', value)
        elif value is None:
            h5file[path + key] = 'NULL'
            raise ValueError(f'Cannot save {type(value)} type')

def _group_to_dict(h5file: 'h5py._hl.files.File', path: str) -> dict:
    A recursive function to load data from hdf5 files.

    :param h5file: Open hdf5 file.
    :param path: Path in the hdf5 file.

    :return: A dictionary of the hdf5 groups and datasets.
    import h5py
    my_dict = {}
    for key, value in h5file[path].items():
        if isinstance(value, h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset):
            if isinstance(value[()], (str, bytes)):
                if value[()] == b'NULL':
                    my_dict[key] = None
                    my_dict[key] = value[()]
                my_dict[key] = value[()]
        elif isinstance(value,
            key_list = list(h5file[path + key + '/'].keys())
            if key_list[0][:4] == 'list':
                my_dict[key] = []
                for i in sorted([int(i[4:]) for i in key_list]):
                    value = h5file[path + key + f'/list{i}']
                    if isinstance(value, h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset):
                        if isinstance(value[()], (str, bytes)):
                            if value[()] == b'NULL':
                    elif isinstance(h5file[path + key + f'/list{i}'],
                        my_dict[key].append(_group_to_dict(h5file, path + key + f'/list{i}'))
                my_dict[key] = _group_to_dict(h5file, path + key + '/')
            raise ValueError(f'Cannot save {type(value)} type')
    return my_dict