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Parser functions, including implementation for :py:mod:`pymatgen` compatible VASP files and :py:mod:`MDAnalysis`
compatible trajectories.

This parser borrows heavily from the :py:class:`pymatgen.analysis.diffusion_analyzer.DiffusionAnalyzer` class,
originally authored by Will Richards ( and Shyue Ping Ong.
We include this statement to note that we make no claim to authorship of that code and make no attack on the
original authors.

In fact, we love pymatgen!

# Copyright (c) Andrew R. McCluskey and Benjamin J. Morgan
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License
# author: Andrew R. McCluskey (arm61)

from typing import List, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

class Parser:
    The base class for parsing.

    :param disp: Displacements of atoms with the shape [site, time step, axis].
    :param indices: Indices for the atoms in the trajectory used in the diffusion calculation.
    :param drift_indices: Indices for the atoms in the trajectory that should not be used in the diffusion
        calculation, instead being used to correct for framework drift.
    :param time_step: Time step, in picoseconds, between steps in trajectory.
    :param step_skip: Sampling freqency of the trajectory (time_step is multiplied by this number to get the real
        time between output from the simulation file).
    :param min_dt: Minimum timestep to be evaluated, in the simulation units. Optional, defaults to the
        produce of :py:attr:`time_step` and :py:attr:`step_skip`.
    :param max_dt: Maximum timestep to be evaluated, in the simulation units. Optional, defaults to the
        length of the simulation.
    :param n_steps: Number of steps to be used in the timestep function. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`100`
        unless this is fewer than the total number of steps in the trajectory when it defaults to this number.
    :param spacing: The spacing of the steps that define the timestep, can be either :py:attr:`'linear'` or
        :py:attr:`'logarithmic'`. If :py:attr:`'logarithmic'` the number of steps will be less than or equal
        to that in the :py:attr:`n_steps` argument, such that all values are unique. Optional, defaults to
    :param sampling: The ways that the time-windows are sampled. The options are :py:attr:`'single-origin'`
        or :py:attr:`'multi-origin'` with the former resulting in only one observation per atom per
        time-window and the latter giving the maximum number of trajectories. Optional, defaults
        to :py:attr:`'multi-origin'`.
    :param memory_limit: Upper limit in the amount of computer memory that the displacements can occupy in
        gigabytes (GB). Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`8.`.
    :param progress: Print progress bars to screen. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`True`.

    def __init__(self,
                 disp: np.ndarray,
                 indices: np.ndarray,
                 drift_indices: np.ndarray,
                 time_step: float,
                 step_skip: int,
                 min_dt: float = None,
                 max_dt: float = None,
                 n_steps: int = 100,
                 spacing: str = 'linear',
                 sampling: str = 'multi-origin',
                 memory_limit: float = 8.,
                 progress: bool = True):

        self.time_step = time_step
        self.step_skip = step_skip
        self.indices = indices
        self.drift_indices = drift_indices
        self.memory_limit = memory_limit
        self.min_dt = min_dt
        self.max_dt = max_dt
        self.sampling = sampling
        self._volume = None

        drift_corrected = self.correct_drift(drift_indices, disp)
        self.dc = drift_corrected

        if self.max_dt is None:
            self.max_dt = drift_corrected.shape[1] * (self.step_skip * self.time_step)
        if self.min_dt is None:
            self.min_dt = self.step_skip * self.time_step
        min_dt_int = int(self.min_dt / (self.step_skip * self.time_step))
        if min_dt_int >= drift_corrected.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError('The passed min_dt is greater than or equal to the maximum simulation length.')
        if n_steps > (drift_corrected.shape[1] - min_dt_int) + 1:
            n_steps = int(drift_corrected.shape[1] - min_dt_int) + 1

        self.timesteps = self.get_timesteps(n_steps, spacing)

        self.delta_t, self.disp_3d, self._n_o = self.get_disps(self.timesteps, drift_corrected, progress)

    def volume(self) -> float:
        :return: Volume of system, in cubic angstrom.
        return self._volume

    def get_disp(coords: List[np.ndarray], latt: List[np.ndarray], progress: bool = True) -> np.ndarray:
        Calculate displacements.

        :param coords: Fractional coordinates for all atoms.
        :param latt: Lattice descriptions.

        :return: Numpy array of with shape [site, time step, axis] describing displacements.
        coords = np.concatenate(coords, axis=1)
        d_coords = coords[:, 1:] - coords[:, :-1]
        d_coords = d_coords - np.round(d_coords)
        f_disp = np.cumsum(d_coords, axis=1)
        latt = np.array(latt)
        disp = np.einsum('ijk,jkl->jik', f_disp, latt[1:])
        disp = np.transpose(disp, (1, 0, 2))
        return disp

    def correct_drift(drift_indices: np.ndarray, disp: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        Perform drift correction, such that the displacement is calculated normalised to any framework drift.

        :param drift_indices: Indices for the atoms in the trajectory that should not be used in the diffusion
        :param disp: Numpy array of with shape [site, time step, axis] that describes the displacements.

        :return: Displacements corrected to account for drift of a framework.
        # drift corrected position
        if len(drift_indices) > 0:
            framework_disp = disp[drift_indices]
            drift_corrected = disp - np.average(framework_disp, axis=0)[None, :, :]
            drift_corrected = disp
        return drift_corrected

    def get_timesteps(self, n_steps: int, spacing: str) -> np.ndarray:
        Calculate the smoothed timesteps to be used.

        :param n_steps: Number of time steps.
        :param step_spacing:

        :return: Smoothed timesteps.
        min_dt = int(self.min_dt / (self.step_skip * self.time_step))
        max_dt = int(self.max_dt / (self.step_skip * self.time_step))
        if min_dt == 0:
            min_dt = 1
        if spacing == 'linear':
            return np.linspace(min_dt, max_dt, n_steps, dtype=int)
        elif spacing == 'logarithmic':
            return np.unique(np.geomspace(min_dt, max_dt, n_steps, dtype=int))
            raise ValueError("Only linear or logarithmic spacing is allowed.")

    def get_disps(self,
                  timesteps: np.ndarray,
                  drift_corrected: np.ndarray,
                  progress: bool = True) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]:
        Calculate the displacement at each timestep.

        :param timesteps: Smoothed timesteps.
        :param drift_corrected: Drift of framework corrected disp.
        :param progress: Print progress bars to screen. Defaults to :py:attr:`True`.

        :return: Tuple containing: time step intervals and raw displacement.
        delta_t = timesteps * self.time_step * self.step_skip
        disp_3d = []
        n_samples = np.array([])
        if progress:
            iterator = tqdm(timesteps, desc='Getting Displacements')
            iterator = timesteps
        disp_mem = 0
        itemsize = drift_corrected.itemsize
        for i, timestep in enumerate(iterator):
            disp_mem += np.product(drift_corrected[self.indices, timestep::].shape) * itemsize
            disp_mem += (len(self.indices) * drift_corrected.shape[-1]) * itemsize
        disp_mem *= 1e-9
        if disp_mem > self.memory_limit:
            raise MemoryError(f"The memory limit of this job is {self.memory_limit:.1e} GB but the "
                              f"displacement values will use {disp_mem:.1e} GB. Please either increase "
                              "the memory_limit parameter or descrease the sampling rate (see "
        for i, timestep in enumerate(iterator):
            if self.sampling == 'single-origin':
                disp = drift_corrected[self.indices, i:i + 1]
                if np.multiply(*disp[:, ::timestep].shape[:2]) <= 1:
            elif self.sampling == 'multi-origin':
                disp = np.concatenate([
                    drift_corrected[self.indices, np.newaxis, timestep - 1],
                    np.subtract(drift_corrected[self.indices, timestep:], drift_corrected[self.indices, :-timestep])
                if np.multiply(*disp[:, ::timestep].shape[:2]) <= 1:
                raise ValueError(f"The sampling option of {self.sampling} is unrecognized, "
                                 "please use 'multi-origin' or 'single-origin'.")
            # n_samples = np.append(n_samples, np.multiply(*disp[:, ::timestep].shape[:2]))
            n_samples = np.append(n_samples, disp.shape[0] * timesteps[-1] / timestep)
        return delta_t, disp_3d, n_samples

class ASEParser(Parser):
    A parser for ASE Atoms objects
    :param atoms: Atoms ordered in sequence of run.
    :param specie: symbol to calculate diffusivity for as a String, e.g. :py:attr:`'Li'`.
    :param time_step: Time step, in picoseconds, between steps in trajectory.
    :param step_skip: Sampling frequency of the trajectory (time_step is multiplied by this number to get the real
        time between output from the simulation file).
    :param sub_sample_traj: Multiple of the :py:attr:`time_step` to sub sample at. Optional, defaults
        to :py:attr:`1` where all timesteps are used.
    :param min_dt: Minimum timestep to be evaluated, in the simulation units. Optional, defaults to the
        produce of :py:attr:`time_step` and :py:attr:`step_skip`.
    :param max_dt: Maximum timestep to be evaluated, in the simulation units. Optional, defaults to the
        length of the simulation.
    :param n_steps: Number of steps to be used in the timestep function. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`100`
        unless this is fewer than the total number of steps in the trajectory when it defaults to this number.
    :param spacing: The spacing of the steps that define the timestep, can be either :py:attr:`'linear'` or
        :py:attr:`'logarithmic'`. If :py:attr:`'logarithmic'` the number of steps will be less than or equal
        to that in the :py:attr:`n_steps` argument, such that all values are unique. Optional, defaults to
    :param sampling: The ways that the time-windows are sampled. The options are :py:attr:`'single-origin'`
        or :py:attr:`'multi-origin'` with the former resulting in only one observation per atom per
        time-window and the latter giving the maximum number of origins without sampling overlapping
        trajectories. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`'multi-origin'`.
    :param memory_limit: Upper limit in the amount of computer memory that the displacements can occupy in
        gigabytes (GB). Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`8.`.
    :param progress: Print progress bars to screen. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`True`.
    :param specie_indices: Optional, list of indices to calculate diffusivity for as a list of indices. Specie 
        must be set to None for this to function. Molecules can be specificed as a list of lists of indices.
        The inner lists must all be on the same length.
    :param masses: Optional, list of masses associated with the indices in specie_indices. Must be same shape as specie_indices.
    :param framework_indices: Optional, list of framework indices to be used to correct framework drift. If an empty list is passed no drift correction will be performed. 

    def __init__(self,
                 atoms: List["ase.atoms.Atoms"],
                 specie: str,
                 time_step: float,
                 step_skip: int,
                 sub_sample_traj: int = 1,
                 min_dt: float = None,
                 max_dt: float = None,
                 n_steps: int = 100,
                 spacing: str = 'linear',
                 sampling: str = 'multi-origin',
                 memory_limit: float = 8.,
                 progress: bool = True,
                 specie_indices: List[int] = None,
                 masses: List[float] = None,
                 framework_indices: List[int] = None):

        structure, coords, latt = self.get_structure_coords_latt(atoms, sub_sample_traj, progress)

        if specie is not None:
            indices = self.get_indices(structure, specie, framework_indices)
        elif isinstance(specie_indices, (list, tuple)):
            if isinstance(specie_indices[0], (list, tuple)):
                coords, indices = _get_molecules(structure, coords, specie_indices, masses, framework_indices)
                indices = _get_framework(structure, specie_indices, framework_indices)
            raise TypeError('Unrecognized type for specie or specie_indices')

        self.coords_check = coords[0]

        super().__init__(self.get_disp(coords, latt, progress=progress), indices[0], indices[1], time_step, step_skip,
                         min_dt, max_dt, n_steps, spacing, sampling, memory_limit, progress)
        self._volume = structure.get_volume()

    def get_structure_coords_latt(
            atoms: List["ase.atoms.Atoms"],
            sub_sample_traj: int = 1,
            progress: bool = True) -> Tuple["ase.atoms.Atoms", List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]:
        Obtain the initial structure and displacement from a :py:attr:`list` of :py:class`pymatgen.core.structure.Structure`.

        :param structures: Structures ordered in sequence of run.
        :param sub_sample_traj: Multiple of the :py:attr:`time_step` to sub sample at. Optional, default is :py:attr:`1`.
        :param progress: Print progress bars to screen. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`True`.

        :return: Tuple containing: initial structure, fractional coordinates for all atoms, and lattice descriptions.
        coords, latt = [], []
        first = True
        if progress:
            iterator = tqdm(atoms[::sub_sample_traj], desc='Reading Trajectory')
            iterator = atoms[::sub_sample_traj]
        for struct in iterator:
            if first:
                structure = struct
                first = False
            scaled_positions = struct.get_scaled_positions()
            coords.append(np.array(scaled_positions)[:, None])

        coords.insert(0, coords[0])
        latt.insert(0, latt[0])
        return structure, coords, latt

    def get_indices(structure: "ase.atoms.Atoms", specie: "str",
                    framework_indices: List[int]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        Determine framework and non-framework indices for a :py:mod:`ase` compatible file.

        :param structure: Initial structure.
        :param specie: Specie to calculate diffusivity for as a String, e.g. :py:attr:`'Li'`.
        :param framework_indices: Indices of framework to be used in drift correction. If set to None will return all indices that are not in indices.

        :returns: Tuple containing: indices for the atoms in the trajectory used in the calculation of the diffusion
            and indices of framework atoms.
        indices = []
        drift_indices = []
        if not isinstance(specie, List):
            specie = [specie]
        for i, site in enumerate(structure):
            if site.symbol in specie:

        if len(indices) == 0:
            raise ValueError("There are no species selected to calculate the mean-squared displacement of.")

        if isinstance(framework_indices, (list, tuple)):
            drift_indices = framework_indices

        return indices, drift_indices

class PymatgenParser(Parser):
    A parser for pymatgen structures.

    :param structures: Structures ordered in sequence of run.
    :param specie: Specie to calculate diffusivity for as a String, e.g. :py:attr:`'Li'`.
    :param time_step: Time step, in picoseconds, between steps in trajectory.
    :param step_skip: Sampling freqency of the trajectory (time_step is multiplied by this number to get the real
        time between output from the simulation file).
    :param sub_sample_traj: Multiple of the :py:attr:`time_step` to sub sample at. Optional, defaults
        to :py:attr:`1` where all timesteps are used.
    :param min_dt: Minimum timestep to be evaluated, in the simulation units. Optional, defaults to the
        produce of :py:attr:`time_step` and :py:attr:`step_skip`.
    :param max_dt: Maximum timestep to be evaluated, in the simulation units. Optional, defaults to the
        length of the simulation.
    :param n_steps: Number of steps to be used in the timestep function. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`100`
        unless this is fewer than the total number of steps in the trajectory when it defaults to this number.
    :param spacing: The spacing of the steps that define the timestep, can be either :py:attr:`'linear'` or
        :py:attr:`'logarithmic'`. If :py:attr:`'logarithmic'` the number of steps will be less than or equal
        to that in the :py:attr:`n_steps` argument, such that all values are unique. Optional, defaults to
    :param sampling: The ways that the time-windows are sampled. The options are :py:attr:`'single-origin'`
        or :py:attr:`'multi-origin'` with the former resulting in only one observation per atom per
        time-window and the latter giving the maximum number of origins without sampling overlapping
        trajectories. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`'multi-origin'`.
    :param memory_limit: Upper limit in the amount of computer memory that the displacements can occupy in
        gigabytes (GB). Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`8.`.
    :param progress: Print progress bars to screen. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`True`.
    :param specie_indices: Optional, list of indices to calculate diffusivity for as a list of indices. Specie 
        must be set to None for this to function. Molecules can be specificed as a list of lists of indices.
        The inner lists must all be on the same length.
    :param masses: Optional, list of masses associated with the indices in specie_indices. Must be same shape as specie_indices.
    :param framework_indices: Optional, list of framework indices to be used to correct framework drift. If an empty list is passed no drift correction will be performed.

    def __init__(self,
                 structures: List["pymatgen.core.structure.Structure"],
                 specie: Union["pymatgen.core.periodic_table.Element", "pymatgen.core.periodic_table.Specie"],
                 time_step: float,
                 step_skip: int,
                 sub_sample_traj: int = 1,
                 min_dt: float = None,
                 max_dt: float = None,
                 n_steps: int = 100,
                 spacing: str = 'linear',
                 sampling: str = 'multi-origin',
                 memory_limit: float = 8.,
                 progress: bool = True,
                 specie_indices: List[int] = None,
                 masses: List[float] = None,
                 framework_indices: List[int] = None):

        structure, coords, latt = self.get_structure_coords_latt(structures, sub_sample_traj, progress)

        if specie is not None:
            indices = self.get_indices(structure, specie, framework_indices)
        elif isinstance(specie_indices, (list, tuple)):
            if isinstance(specie_indices[0], (list, tuple)):
                coords, indices = _get_molecules(structure, coords, specie_indices, masses, framework_indices)
                indices = _get_framework(structure, specie_indices, framework_indices)
            raise TypeError('Unrecognized type for specie or specie_indices')

        self.coords_check = coords[0]

        super().__init__(disp=self.get_disp(coords, latt, progress=progress),
                         step_skip=step_skip * sub_sample_traj,
        self._volume = structure.volume
        self.delta_t *= 1e-3

    def get_structure_coords_latt(
            structures: List["pymatgen.core.structure.Structure"],
            sub_sample_traj: int = 1,
            progress: bool = True) -> Tuple["pymatgen.core.structure.Structure", List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]:
        Obtain the initial structure and displacement from a :py:attr:`list`
        of :py:class`pymatgen.core.structure.Structure`.

        :param structures: Structures ordered in sequence of run.
        :param sub_sample_traj: Multiple of the :py:attr:`time_step` to sub sample at.
            Optional, default is :py:attr:`1`.
        :param progress: Print progress bars to screen. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`True`.

        :return: Tuple containing: initial structure, fractional coordinates for all atoms,
            and lattice descriptions.
        coords, latt = [], []
        first = True
        if progress:
            iterator = tqdm(structures[::sub_sample_traj], desc='Reading Trajectory')
            iterator = structures[::sub_sample_traj]
        for struct in iterator:
            if first:
                structure = struct
                first = False
            coords.append(np.array(struct.frac_coords)[:, None])

        coords.insert(0, coords[0])
        latt.insert(0, latt[0])
        return structure, coords, latt

    def get_indices(structure: "pymatgen.core.structure.Structure",
                    specie: Union["pymatgen.core.periodic_table.Element", "pymatgen.core.periodic_table.Specie",
                                  "pymatgen.core.periodic_table.Species", List["pymatgen.core.periodic_table.Element"],
                    framework_indices: List[int]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        Determine framework and non-framework indices for a :py:mod:`pymatgen` compatible file.

        :param structure: Initial structure.
        :param specie: Specie to calculate diffusivity for as a String, e.g. :py:attr:`'Li'`.
        :param framework_indices: Indices of framework to be used in drift correction. If set to None will return all indices that are not in indices.

        :returns: Tuple containing: indices for the atoms in the trajectory used in the calculation of the diffusion
            and indices of framework atoms.
        indices = []
        drift_indices = []
        if not isinstance(specie, List):
            specie = [specie]
        for i, site in enumerate(structure):
            if site.specie.__str__() in specie:

        if len(indices) == 0:
            raise ValueError("There are no species selected to calculate the mean-squared displacement of.")

        if isinstance(framework_indices, (list, tuple)):
            drift_indices = framework_indices

        return indices, drift_indices

class MDAnalysisParser(Parser):
    A parser that consumes an MDAnalysis.Universe object.

    :param universe: The MDAnalysis object of interest.
    :param specie: Specie to calculate diffusivity for as a String, e.g. :py:attr:`'Li'`.
    :param time_step: Time step, in picoseconds, between steps in trajectory.
    :param step_skip: Sampling freqency of the trajectory (time_step is multiplied by this number to get the real
        time between output from the simulation file).
    :param sub_sample_atoms: The sampling rate to sample the atoms in the system. Optional, defaults
        to :py:attr:`1` where all atoms are used.
    :param sub_sample_traj: Multiple of the :py:attr:`time_step` to sub sample at. Optional,
        defaults to :py:attr:`1` where all timesteps are used.
    :param min_dt: Minimum timestep to be evaluated, in the simulation units. Optional, defaults to the
        produce of :py:attr:`time_step` and :py:attr:`step_skip`.
    :param max_dt: Maximum timestep to be evaluated, in the simulation units. Optional, defaults to the
        length of the simulation.
    :param n_steps: Number of steps to be used in the timestep function. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`100`
        unless this is fewer than the total number of steps in the trajectory when it defaults to this number.
    :param spacing: The spacing of the steps that define the timestep, can be either :py:attr:`'linear'` or
        :py:attr:`'logarithmic'`. If :py:attr:`'logarithmic'` the number of steps will be less than or equal
        to that in the :py:attr:`n_steps` argument, such that all values are unique. Optional, defaults to
    :param sampling: The ways that the time-windows are sampled. The options are :py:attr:`'single-origin'`
        or :py:attr:`'multi-origin'` with the former resulting in only one observation per atom per
        time-window and the latter giving the maximum number of origins without sampling overlapping
        trajectories. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`'multi-origin'`.
    :param memory_limit: Upper limit in the amount of computer memory that the displacements can occupy in
        gigabytes (GB). Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`8.`.
    :param n_steps: Number of steps to be used in the timestep function. Optional, defaults to all of them.
    :param progress: Print progress bars to screen. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`True`.
    :param specie_indices: Optional, list of indices to calculate diffusivity for as a list of indices. Specie 
        must be set to None for this to function. Molecules can be specificed as a list of lists of indices.
        The inner lists must all be on the same length.
    :param masses: Optional, list of masses associated with the indices in specie_indices. Must be same shape as specie_indices.
    :param framework_indices: Optional, list of framework indices to be used to correct framework drift. If an empty list is passed no drift correction will be performed.

    def __init__(self,
                 universe: "MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe",
                 specie: str,
                 time_step: float,
                 step_skip: int,
                 sub_sample_atoms: int = 1,
                 sub_sample_traj: int = 1,
                 min_dt: float = None,
                 max_dt: float = None,
                 n_steps: int = 100,
                 spacing: str = 'linear',
                 sampling: str = 'multi-origin',
                 memory_limit: float = 8.,
                 progress: bool = True,
                 specie_indices: List[int] = None,
                 masses: List[float] = None,
                 framework_indices: List[int] = None):

        if sub_sample_atoms != 1 and specie_indices is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                'sub_sample_atom cannot be used with specie_indices. Please specify only inidices you wish to sample.')

        structure, coords, latt, volume = self.get_structure_coords_latt(universe, sub_sample_atoms, sub_sample_traj,
        if specie is not None:
            indices = self.get_indices(structure, specie, framework_indices)
        elif isinstance(specie_indices, (list, tuple)):
            if isinstance(specie_indices[0], (list, tuple)):
                coords, indices = _get_molecules(
                    structure, coords, specie_indices, masses, framework_indices
                )  #Warning: This function changes the structure without changing the MDAnalysis object
                indices = _get_framework(structure, specie_indices, framework_indices)
            raise TypeError('Unrecognized type for specie or specie_indices')

        self.coords_check = coords[0]

        super().__init__(disp=self.get_disp(coords, latt, progress=progress),
                         step_skip=step_skip * sub_sample_traj,
        self._volume = volume

    def get_structure_coords_latt(
            universe: "MDAnalysis.core.universe.Universe",
            sub_sample_atoms: int = 1,
            sub_sample_traj: int = 1,
            progress: bool = True
    ) -> Tuple["MDAnalysis.core.groups.AtomGroup", List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray], float]:
        Obtain the initial structure and displacement from a :py:class:`MDAnalysis.universe.Universe` file.

        :param universe: Universe for analysis.
        :param sub_sample_atoms: Frequency to sub sample the number of atoms. Optional, default is :py:attr:`1`.
        :param sub_sample_traj: Multiple of the :py:attr:`time_step` to sub sample at. Optional,
            default is :py:attr:`1`.
        :param progress: Print progress bars to screen. Optional, defaults to :py:attr:`True`.

        :return: Tuple containing: initial structure, fractional coordinates for all atoms,
            lattice descriptions, and the cell volume.
        coords, latt = [], []
        first = True
        if progress:
            iterator = tqdm(universe.trajectory[::sub_sample_traj], desc='Reading Trajectory')
            iterator = universe.trajectory[::sub_sample_traj]
        volume = 0
        for timestep in iterator:
            if first:
                structure = universe.atoms[::sub_sample_atoms]
                first = False
                volume = timestep.volume
            matrix = timestep.triclinic_dimensions
            inv_matrix = np.linalg.inv(matrix)
            coords.append(np.array([::sub_sample_atoms].positions, inv_matrix))[:, None])
        coords.insert(0, coords[0])
        latt.insert(0, latt[0])
        return structure, coords, latt, volume

    def get_indices(structure: "MDAnalysis.universe.Universe", specie: str,
                    framework_indices: List[int]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
        Determine framework and non-framework indices for an :py:mod:`MDAnalysis` compatible file.

        :param structure: Initial structure.
        :param specie: Specie to calculate diffusivity for as a String, e.g. :py:attr:`'Li'`.
        :param framework_indices: Indices of framework to be used in drift correction. If set to None will return all indices that are not specie.

        :return: Tuple containing: indices for the atoms in the trajectory used in the calculation of the
            diffusion and indices of framework atoms.
        indices = []
        drift_indices = []

        if not isinstance(specie, list):
            specie = [specie]

        for i, site in enumerate(structure):
            if site.type in specie:

        if len(indices) == 0:
            raise ValueError("There are no species selected to calculate the mean-squared displacement of.")

        if isinstance(framework_indices, (list, tuple)):
            drift_indices = framework_indices

        return indices, drift_indices

def _get_molecules(structure: "ase.atoms.Atoms" or "pymatgen.core.structure.Structure"
                   or "MDAnalysis.universe.Universe", coords: List[np.ndarray], indices: List[int], masses: List[float],
                   framework_indices) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
    Determine framework and non-framework indices for an :py:mod:`ase` or :py:mod:`pymatgen` or :py:mod:`MDAnalysis` compatible file when specie_indices are provided and contain multiple molecules. Warning: This function changes the structure without changing the object.
    :param structure: Initial structure.
    :param coords: fractional coordinates for all atoms.
    :param indices: indices for the atoms in the molecules in the trajectory used in the calculation 
        of the diffusion.
    :param masses: Masses associated with indices in indices.
    :param framework_indices: Indices of framework to be used in drift correction. If set to None will return all indices that are not in indices.
    :return: Tuple containing: Tuple containing: fractional coordinates for centers and framework atoms
        and Tuple containing: indices for centers used in the calculation 
        of the diffusion and indices of framework atoms.
    drift_indices = []
        indices = np.array(indices) - 1
        raise ValueError('Molecules must be of same length')

    n_molecules = indices.shape[0]

    if isinstance(framework_indices, (list, tuple)):
        drift_indices = np.array(framework_indices) - 1
        for i, site in enumerate(structure):
            if i not in indices:

    if masses == None:
        weights = None
    elif len(masses) != indices.shape[-1]:
        raise ValueError('Masses must be the same length as a molecule')
        masses = np.array(masses)
        weights = masses

    sq_coords = np.squeeze(coords, axis=2)
    s_coords = sq_coords[:, indices]
    theta = s_coords * (2 * np.pi)
    xi = np.cos(theta)
    zeta = np.sin(theta)
    xi_bar = np.average(xi, axis=-2, weights=weights)
    zeta_bar = np.average(zeta, axis=-2, weights=weights)
    theta_bar = np.arctan2(zeta_bar, xi_bar)
    new_s_coords = theta_bar / (2 * np.pi)

    new_coords = np.concatenate((new_s_coords, sq_coords[:, drift_indices]), axis=1)
    new_indices = list(range(n_molecules))
    new_drift_indices = list(range(n_molecules, n_molecules + len(drift_indices)))

    if new_coords.shape[2] != 1:
        new_coords = np.expand_dims(new_coords, axis=2)

    return new_coords, (new_indices, new_drift_indices)

def _get_framework(structure: "ase.atoms.Atoms" or "pymatgen.core.structure.Structure"
                   or "MDAnalysis.universe.Universe", indices: List[int],
                   framework_indices: List[int]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    Determine the framework indices from an :py:mod:`ase` or :py:mod:`pymatgen` or :py:mod:`MDAnalysis` compatible file when indices are provided
    :param structure: Initial structure.
    :param indices: Indices for the atoms in the trajectory used in the calculation of the 
    :param framework_indices: Indices of framework to be used in drift correction. If set to None will return all indices that are not in indices.
    :return: Tuple containing: indices for the atoms in the trajectory used in the calculation of the
        diffusion and indices of framework atoms. 
    if isinstance(framework_indices, (list, tuple)):
        drift_indices = np.array(framework_indices) - 1
        drift_indices = []

    for i, site in enumerate(structure):
        if i not in indices:

    return indices, drift_indices