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 * @package   Backtrace
 * @author    Brad Kent <bkfake-github@yahoo.com>
 * @license   http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT MIT
 * @copyright 2020-2023 Brad Kent
 * @version   v2.2
 * @link      http://www.github.com/bkdotcom/Backtrace

namespace bdk;

use bdk\Backtrace\Context;
use bdk\Backtrace\Normalizer;
use bdk\Backtrace\SkipInternal;
use bdk\Backtrace\Xdebug;
use Exception;
use ParseError;

 * Utility for getting backtrace
 * backtrace:
 *    index 0 is current position
 *    file/line are calling _from_
 *    function/class are what's getting called
class Backtrace
    const INCL_ARGS = 1;
    const INCL_OBJECT = 2;

    protected static $callerInfoDefault = array(
        'args' => array(),
        'class' => null,         // where the method is defined
        'classCalled' => null,   // parent::method()... this will be the parent class
        'classContext' => null,  // child->method()
        'evalLine' => null,
        'file' => null,
        'function' => null,
        'line' => null,
        'type' => null,

     * Add a new namespace or classname to be used to determine when to
     * stop iterrating over the backtrace when determining calling info
     * @param array|string $classes classname(s)
     * @param int          $level   "priority".  0 = will never skip
     * @return void
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    public static function addInternalClass($classes, $level = 0)
        SkipInternal::addInternalClass($classes, $level);

     * Helper method to get backtrace
     * Uses passed exception, xdebug_get_function_stack, or debug_backtrace
     * @param int|null              $options   bitmask of options
     * @param int                   $limit     limit the number of stack frames returned.
     * @param \Exception|\Throwable $exception (optional) Exception from which to get backtrace
     * @return array
    public static function get($options = 0, $limit = 0, $exception = null)
        $debugBacktraceOpts = self::translateOptions($options);
        $limit = $limit ?: null;
        $trace = $exception
            ? self::getExceptionTrace($exception)
            : (\array_reverse(Xdebug::getFunctionStack() ?: array())
                ?: \debug_backtrace($debugBacktraceOpts, $limit ? $limit + 2 : 0));
        $trace = Normalizer::normalize($trace);
        $trace = SkipInternal::removeInternalFrames($trace);
        // keep the calling file & line, but toss the called function (what initiated trace)
        unset($trace[\count($trace) - 1]['function']);  // remove "{main}"
        $trace = \array_slice($trace, 0, $limit);
        $keysRemove = \array_filter(array(
            'args' => ($options & self::INCL_ARGS) !== self::INCL_ARGS,
            'object' => ($options & self::INCL_OBJECT) !== self::INCL_OBJECT,
        return \array_map(static function ($frame) use ($keysRemove) {
            $frame = \array_diff_key($frame, $keysRemove);
            return $frame;
        }, $trace);

     * Returns information regarding previous call stack position
     * call_user_func() and call_user_func_array() are skipped
     * Information returned:
     *     function : function/method name
     *     class :    fully qualified classname
     *     file :     file
     *     line :     line number
     *     type :     "->": instance call, "::": static call, null: not object oriented
     * If a method is defined as static:
     *    the class value will always be the class in which the method was defined,
     *    type will always be "::", even if called with an ->
     * @param int $offset  Adjust how far to go back
     * @param int $options bitmask options
     * @return array
    public static function getCallerInfo($offset = 0, $options = 0)
            we need to collect object... we'll remove object at end if undesired
        $phpOptions = static::translateOptions($options | self::INCL_OBJECT);
        $backtrace = \debug_backtrace($phpOptions, 28);
        $backtrace = Normalizer::normalize($backtrace);
        $index = SkipInternal::getFirstIndex($backtrace, $offset);
        $index = \max($index, 1); // insure we're >= 1
        $return = static::callerInfoBuild(\array_slice($backtrace, $index, 2));
        if (!($options & self::INCL_OBJECT)) {
        return $return;

     * Add context (code snippet) to each frame
     * context is an array of `lineNumber => line`
     * @param array $backtrace backtrace frames
     * @param int   $length    number of lines to include
     * @return array backtrace
    public static function addContext(array $backtrace, $length = 19)
        return Context::add($backtrace, $length);

     * Get lines from a file
     * Returns array of lineNumber => line
     * @param string $file   filepath
     * @param int    $start  line to start on (1 = first line)
     * @param int    $length number of lines to return
     * @return array|false false if file doesn't exist
    public static function getFileLines($file, $start = null, $length = null)
        return Context::getFileLines($file, $start, $length);

     * Build callerInfo array from given backtrace segment
     * @param array $backtrace backtrace
     * @return array
    private static function callerInfoBuild(array $backtrace)
        $return = static::$callerInfoDefault;
        $iFileLine = 0;
        $iFunc = 1;
        if (isset($backtrace[$iFunc])) {
            $return = \array_merge(
            $return['classCalled'] = $return['class'];
        if (isset($backtrace[$iFileLine])) {
            $fileLineVals = \array_intersect_key($backtrace[$iFileLine], \array_flip(array(
            $return = \array_merge($return, $fileLineVals);
        if ($return['type'] === '->') {
            $return['classContext'] = \get_class($backtrace[$iFunc]['object']);
            $return = self::callerInfoClassCalled($return);
        return $return;

     * Instance method was called...  classCalled
     * @param array $info Caller info
     * @return array
    private static function callerInfoClassCalled(array $info)
        // parent::method()
        //   class : classname of parent (or where method defined)
        //   object : scope / context
        $info['classCalled'] = $info['classContext'];
        $classDeclared = null;
        if ($info['classContext'] !== $info['class']) {
            $reflector = new \ReflectionMethod($info['classContext'], $info['function']);
            $classDeclared = $reflector->getDeclaringClass()->getName();
        if ($classDeclared === $info['classContext']) {
            // method is (re)declared in classContext, yet that's not what's being executed
            // we must have called parent::method()
            $info['classCalled'] = $info['class'];
        return $info;

     * Get trace from exception
     * @param Exception|Throwable $exception Exception instance
     * @return array
    private static function getExceptionTrace($exception)
        if ($exception instanceof ParseError) {
            return array();
        $trace = $exception->getTrace();
        $fileLine = array(
            'file' => $exception->getFile(),
            'line' => $exception->getLine(),
        if (\array_intersect_assoc($fileLine, \reset($trace) ?: array()) !== $fileLine) {
            \array_unshift($trace, $fileLine);
        return $trace;

     * Parsed "normalized" function into class, type, & function components
     * @param string $function Function string to parse
     * @return array
    private static function parseFunction($function)
        return \preg_match('/^(?<class>\S+)(?<type>::|->)(?<method>\S+)$/', $function, $matches)
            ? array(
                'class' => $matches['class'],
                'function' => $matches['method'],
                'type' => $matches['type'],
            : array(
                'class' => null,
                'function' => $function,
                'type' => null,

     * Convert our additive options to PHP's options
     * @param int $options bitmask options
     * @return int
    private static function translateOptions($options)
        $options = $options ?: 0;
        $phpOptions = DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS;
        if ($options & self::INCL_ARGS) {
            $phpOptions &= ~DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS;
        if ($options & self::INCL_OBJECT) {
            $phpOptions |= DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT;
        return $phpOptions;