# Installs rake tasks for gemming and packaging
# This file installs the 'rake package', 'rake gem' tasks and associates
# (clobber_package, repackage, ...). It is automatically generated by Noe
# from your .noespec file, and should therefore be configured there, under
# the variables/rake_tasks/gem entry, as illustrated below:
# variables:
# rake_tasks:
# gem:
# package_dir: pkg
# need_tar: false
# need_tar_gz: false
# need_tar_bz2: false
# need_zip: false
# ...
# If you have specific needs requiring manual intervention on this file,
# don't forget to set safe-override to false in your noe specification:
# template-info:
# manifest:
# tasks/gem.rake:
# safe-override: false
require 'rubygems/package_task'
# Dynamically load the gem spec
gemspec_file = File.expand_path('../../finitio.gemspec', __FILE__)
gemspec = Kernel.eval(File.read(gemspec_file))
Gem::PackageTask.new(gemspec) do |t|
# Name of the package
t.name = gemspec.name
# Version of the package
t.version = gemspec.version
# Directory used to store the package files
t.package_dir = "pkg"
# True if a gzipped tar file (tgz) should be produced
t.need_tar = false
# True if a gzipped tar file (tar.gz) should be produced
t.need_tar_gz = false
# True if a bzip2'd tar file (tar.bz2) should be produced
t.need_tar_bz2 = false
# True if a zip file should be produced (default is false)
t.need_zip = false
# List of files to be included in the package.
t.package_files = gemspec.files
# Tar command for gzipped or bzip2ed archives.
t.tar_command = "tar"
# Zip command for zipped archives.
t.zip_command = "zip"
rescue LoadError
task :gem do
abort 'rubygems/package_task is not available. You should verify your rubygems installation'
task :package do
abort 'rubygems/package_task is not available. You should verify your rubygems installation'