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# Change Log

## [0.2.11]( (2017-12-17)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Deprecate in favor of ember-braze [\#46]( ([blimmer](
- Upgrade Ember [\#45]( ([blimmer](

## [v0.2.10]( (2017-08-13)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Upgrade to Ember 2.14.x & Latest SDK [\#44]( ([blimmer](

## [v0.2.9]( (2017-06-25)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Upgrade appboy-web-sdk to 1.6.11. [\#43]( ([blimmer](
- Upgrade Ember-CLI [\#42]( ([blimmer](

## [v0.2.8]( (2017-04-06)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Move ember-require-module to runtime dependencies. [\#41]( ([blimmer](

## [v0.2.7]( (2017-04-06)
[Full Changelog](

**Fixed bugs:**

- Fix missing css import [\#39]( ([blimmer](

## [v0.2.6]( (2017-01-12)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Update ember-appboy to 1.6.5 or better. [\#37]( ([blimmer](

## [v0.2.5]( (2016-12-20)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Work around undefined IAM.buttons. [\#36]( ([blimmer](
- Upgrade ember-CLI. [\#34]( ([blimmer](

## [v0.2.4]( (2016-11-16)
[Full Changelog](

## [v0.2.3]( (2016-10-17)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- bump appboy version to 1.6.2 [\#32]( ([trevorrjohn](

## [v0.2.2]( (2016-10-16)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- Add codeclimate. [\#31]( ([blimmer](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Bump appboy-web-sdk dependency to 1.6.1. [\#30]( ([blimmer](

## [v0.2.1]( (2016-10-05)
[Full Changelog](

**Implemented enhancements:**

- passthrough options to appboy initialization [\#25]( ([trevorrjohn](

**Merged pull requests:**

- update testing fake api [\#26]( ([trevorrjohn](

## [v0.2.0]( (2016-09-21)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Remove minification hack. [\#20]( ([blimmer](
- Test external linking in-app messages. [\#19]( ([blimmer](
- Better URI handling. [\#15]( ([blimmer](
- Override minified showInAppMessage\(\) function. [\#14]( ([blimmer](
- Documentation on Testing [\#10]( ([blimmer](

## [0.1.1]( (2016-09-15)
[Full Changelog](

## [0.1.0]( (2016-09-15)
[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Docs [\#8]( ([blimmer](
- Support Exit Intent Targeting [\#7]( ([blimmer](
- Show In App Messages [\#1]( ([blimmer](

## [0.1.0-alpha.1]( (2016-09-13)

\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*