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Test Coverage
  - unless authorized?
    %a(href="/auth") Sign-In with LinkedIn
  - else
    %a(href="/auth/logout") Logout
    %h1 Skillmatch
    - if authorized?
        %input(id="term" type="text" name="term")
        %button(id="search")Search Connections

  - unless authorized? This is a sample app that demonstrates using the LinkedIn API with Sinatra. You'll need to <a href="/auth">authenticate with LinkedIn</a> to use it.
  - else
      %li Enter a skill above to find connections that have that skill using the LinkedIn API.

  %p Copyright &copy; 2012 <a href="">Bob Nadler, Jr.</a> (The MIT License)
  %p Source code available on <a href="">GitHub</a>.

%script(type="text/tmpl" id="cnn")
    <li id="<%= cnn['id'] %>">
      <img class="profile-pic" src="<%= cnn['picture_url'] %>" />
        <h2><%= cnn['full_name'] %><span> (<%= cnn['formatted_similarity'] %>% match)</span></h2>
        <a href="<%= cnn['public_profile_url'] %>" style="text-decoration:none;">
          <span style="font: 80% Arial,sans-serif; color:#0783B6;">
            <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="View <%= cnn['full_name'] %>'s LinkedIn profile" style="vertical-align:middle" border="0" />
            View <%= cnn['full_name'] %>'s profile
        <p><%= cnn['skill_list'] %></p>