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Test Coverage
package benchmark

import (

//Benchmark holds all the parameters required to run the benchmark and respective methods
type Benchmark struct {
    //benchStart is the time at which the benchmark is started. This value is set when you run the benchmark, i.e. `Run`
    benchStart time.Time

    //TotalRequests is the total number of requests to be fired.
    TotalRequests uint64
    //BenchDuration is the duration over which all the requests are fired, in milliseconds.
    BenchDuration uint64
    //WaitPerReq is the duration to wait before firing the consecutive request
    WaitPerReq time.Duration
    //ShowProgress is set to true if it should display current stat when the benchmark is running/in progress.
    ShowProgress bool

    //waitGroup is used for tracking go routine executions
    waitGroup sync.WaitGroup

    //successRequestTimer is cummulative time taken for all successful responses, in nano seconds
    successRequestTimer uint64

    //errorRequestTimer is cummulative time taken for all error responses, in nano seconds
    errorRequestTimer uint64

    //minReqTime is the minimum time taken for a request, in nano seconds. (i.e. fastest)
    minReqTime uint64

    //successMinReqTime is the minimum time taken for a successful request, in nano seconds. (i.e. fastest)
    successMinReqTime uint64

    //errorMinReqTime is the minimum time taken for a failed request, in nano seconds. (i.e. fastest)
    errorMinReqTime uint64

    //maxReqTime is the maximum time taken for a request, in nano seconds. (i.e. slowest)
    maxReqTime uint64

    //successMaxReqTime is the maximum time taken for a successful request, in nano seconds. (i.e. slowest)
    successMaxReqTime uint64

    //errorMaxReqTime is the maximum time taken for a failed request, in nano seconds. (i.e. slowest)
    errorMaxReqTime uint64

    //requestCounter is the no.of requests completed (fail & success) at any given point of time
    requestCounter uint64
    //errorCounter is the no.of errors encountered at any given point of time
    errorCounter uint64
    //successCounter is the no.of errors encountered at any given point of time
    successCounter uint64

    //StatReqCount is the number of requests processed after which progress statistics is printed
    StatReqCount uint64

    //errors keeps track of all the errors encountered during the benchmark
    errors map[string]errorStat

    mutex *sync.Mutex

type errorStat struct {
    Message string
    Count   uint64

type errorsList map[string]errorStat

//errStat sets the error statistics
func (bA *Benchmark) errStat(err error) {
    errMsg := err.Error()

    //Creating a checksum for the error message;
    hash := md5.Sum([]byte(errMsg))
    //errKey is used as the key in map[string]errStat
    errKey := hex.EncodeToString(hash[:])


    if item, ok := bA.errors[errKey]; ok {
        bA.errors[errKey] = item
    } else {
        bA.errors[errKey] = errorStat{
            Message: errMsg,
            Count:   1,



//New returns a new Benchmark pointer with the default values set
func New() *Benchmark {
    bA := &Benchmark{
        //200 requests per second. i.e. 200k per minute
        TotalRequests: 200,
        //1000 milliseconds. i.e. 1 second
        BenchDuration: 1000,
        //Stat would be printed after completing every 20 requests
        StatReqCount: 200 / 10,
        //By default, show progress is set to true
        ShowProgress: true,

        //cumulative time of requests is set to 0 initially
        successRequestTimer: 0,
        errorRequestTimer:   0,

        // Setting the highest value so that the first request would replace this
        minReqTime:        1 << 63,
        successMinReqTime: 1 << 63,
        errorMinReqTime:   1 << 63,

        errors: make(map[string]errorStat),

        mutex: &sync.Mutex{},

    return bA

//Init initializes all the fields with their respective values
func (bA *Benchmark) Init() {
    //No.of go routines to be spwaned (i.e. concurrent requests)

    //Progress is always showed every time it completes 1/10th of the total number of requests
    bA.StatReqCount = bA.TotalRequests / 10

    //If wait time is not provided, calculate based on benchmark duration and total no.of requests
    if bA.WaitPerReq == 0 {
        bA.WaitPerReq = time.Nanosecond * time.Duration((bA.BenchDuration*1000000)/bA.TotalRequests)

    //if 1/10th of total requests is less than 1, it's set to 1
    if bA.StatReqCount == 0 {
        bA.StatReqCount = 1


//Done does all the operations & calculation required while ending a function call
func (bA *Benchmark) Done(doneTime time.Duration, err error) {
    timeConsumed := uint64(doneTime.Nanoseconds())

    atomic.AddUint64(&bA.requestCounter, 1)


    if err != nil {
        atomic.AddUint64(&bA.errorRequestTimer, timeConsumed)

        if timeConsumed > bA.errorMaxReqTime {
            atomic.StoreUint64(&bA.errorMaxReqTime, timeConsumed)

        if timeConsumed < bA.errorMinReqTime {
            atomic.StoreUint64(&bA.errorMinReqTime, timeConsumed)
    } else {
        atomic.AddUint64(&bA.successRequestTimer, timeConsumed)
        atomic.AddUint64(&bA.successCounter, 1)

        if timeConsumed > bA.successMaxReqTime {
            atomic.StoreUint64(&bA.successMaxReqTime, timeConsumed)

        if timeConsumed < bA.successMinReqTime {
            atomic.StoreUint64(&bA.successMinReqTime, timeConsumed)


//Run runs the benchmark for the given function
func (bA *Benchmark) Run(fn func() error) {
    bA.benchStart = time.Now()
        "\nDuration              :", time.Millisecond*time.Duration(bA.BenchDuration),
        "\nTotal requests        :", bA.TotalRequests,
        "\nWait time per request :", bA.WaitPerReq,
        "\nShow progess          :", bA.ShowProgress,
        ", per", bA.StatReqCount, "request(s)",
        "\nStart                 :", bA.benchStart,

    for i := uint64(0); i < bA.TotalRequests; i++ {
        go func() {
            startTime := time.Now()
            err := fn()
            bA.Done(time.Since(startTime), err)


//PrintStat prints the stats available based on the given input params and the global variable values
func (bA *Benchmark) PrintStat() {
    if bA.ShowProgress == true && bA.requestCounter%bA.StatReqCount == 0 {
            bA.requestCounter, " out of ", bA.TotalRequests, " done.",
            " Success:", bA.successCounter,
            " Errors:", bA.errorCounter)

//Final prints all the statistics of the benchmark
//The input to Final() is the time when you start the benchmark
func (bA *Benchmark) Final() {
    //Wait for all the go routines to complete

    successRatio := float64(bA.successCounter) * float64(100) / float64(bA.requestCounter)
    errorRatio := float64(bA.errorCounter) * float64(100) / float64(bA.requestCounter)

    //Req completion will be printed inside this infinite for loop, as well as the app would wait
        "\n========================= Benchmark stats =========================\n",
        "\nDone               :", time.Now(),
        "\nTime to complete   :", time.Since(bA.benchStart),
        "\nTotal requests     :", bA.TotalRequests,
        "\nRequests completed :", bA.requestCounter,
        "\nSuccess            :", bA.successCounter, "("+strconv.FormatFloat(successRatio, 'f', -1, 64)+"%)",
        "\nErrors             :", bA.errorCounter, "("+strconv.FormatFloat(errorRatio, 'f', -1, 64)+"%)",

    if bA.successCounter > 0 {
            "\nAverage time per successful request :", time.Nanosecond*time.Duration(bA.successRequestTimer)/time.Duration(bA.successCounter),
            "\nFastest                             :", time.Duration(time.Nanosecond*time.Duration(bA.successMinReqTime)),
            "\nSlowest                             :", time.Duration(time.Nanosecond*time.Duration(bA.successMaxReqTime)),

    if bA.errorCounter > 0 {
            "\nAverage time per failed request :", time.Nanosecond*time.Duration(bA.errorRequestTimer)/time.Duration(bA.errorCounter),
            "\nFastest                         :", time.Duration(time.Nanosecond*time.Duration(bA.errorMinReqTime)),
            "\nSlowest                         :", time.Duration(time.Nanosecond*time.Duration(bA.errorMaxReqTime)),

    if len(bA.errors) > 0 {
        println("\n\nError messages (" + strconv.Itoa(len(bA.errors)) + ")")
        idx := 1
        for _, item := range bA.errors {
            println("\n "+strconv.Itoa(idx)+".", item.Message)
            println("  Occurrences:", item.Count)