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// Package currency helps represent a currency with high precision, and do currency computations.
package currency

import (

var (
    // ErrMismatchCurrency is the error returned if trying to do computation between unmatched currencies
    ErrMismatchCurrency = errors.New("currencies do not match")

    // ErrInvalidCurrency is the error returned while trying parse an invalid currency value
    ErrInvalidCurrency = errors.New("invalid currency value provided")

    // ErrInvalidFUS is the error returned when Functional unit share is equal to 0
    ErrInvalidFUS = errors.New("invalid functional unit share provided")

// replacer is the regex which replaces all invalid characters inside a string representing a currency value
var replacer = regexp.MustCompile(`([^0-9.\-\+])`)

const (
    replaceWith = ""

// Currency represents money with all the meta data required.
type Currency struct {
    // Code represents the international currency code
    Code string `json:"code,omitempty"`
    // Symbol is the respective currency symbol
    Symbol string `json:"symbol,omitempty"`
    // Main represents the main unit value of the currency
    Main int `json:"main,omitempty"`
    // Fractional represents the fractional unit value of the currency
    Fractional int `json:"fractional,omitempty"`
    // FUName is the name of the fractional unit of the currency. e.g. paise
    FUName string `json:"fuName,omitempty"`
    // FUShare represents the number of fractional units that make up 1 main unit. e.g. ₹1 = 100 Paise.
    FUShare uint `json:"fuShare,omitempty"`

    // fuDigits is the number of digits in FUShare-1 (i.e. number of digits in the maximum value which the fractional unit can have, e.g. 99 paise, 2 digits)
    fuDigits int `json:"fuDigits,omitempty"`
    // magnitude is the fraction which sets the magnitude required for the rounding function
    magnitude float64 `json:"magnitude,omitempty"`
    // PrefixSymbol if true will add the symbol as a prefix to the string representation of currency. e.g. ₹1.5
    PrefixSymbol bool `json:"alwaysAddPrefix,omitempty"`
    // SuffixSymbol if true will add the symbol as a suffix to the string representation of currency. e.g. 1.5₹
    SuffixSymbol bool `json:"alwaysAddSuffix,omitempty"`

// New returns a new instance of currency.
func New(main int, fractional int, code, symbol, funame string, fushare uint) (*Currency, error) {
    if fushare == 0 {
        return nil, ErrInvalidFUS

    if main != 0 && fractional < 0 {
        fractional = -fractional

    fus := int(fushare)

    m := main + (fractional / fus)
    f := fractional % fus

    fudigits := digits(fus - 1)

    mag := float64(5.0)

    for i := 0; i < fudigits-1; i++ {
        mag /= 10

    return &Currency{
        Code:       code,
        Symbol:     symbol,
        Main:       m,
        Fractional: f,
        FUName:     funame,
        FUShare:    fushare,
        fuDigits:   fudigits,
        magnitude:  mag,
    }, nil

// NewFractional returns a new instance of currency given the total value of currency in fractional unit.
func NewFractional(ftotal int, code, symbol, funame string, fushare uint) (*Currency, error) {
    if fushare == 0 {
        return nil, ErrInvalidFUS

    fus := int(fushare)

    m := ftotal / fus
    f := (ftotal % fus)

    if m < 0 {
        f = -f

    fudigits := digits(fus - 1)

    mag := float64(5.0)

    for i := 0; i < fudigits-1; i++ {
        mag /= 10

    return &Currency{
        Code:       code,
        Symbol:     symbol,
        Main:       m,
        Fractional: f,
        FUName:     funame,
        FUShare:    fushare,
        fuDigits:   fudigits,
        magnitude:  mag,
    }, nil

// ParseString will parse a string representation of the currency and return instance of Currency.
func ParseString(value string, code, symbol, funame string, fushare uint) (*Currency, error) {
    str := replacer.ReplaceAllString(value, replaceWith)
    f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return ParseFloat64(f, code, symbol, funame, fushare)

// ParseFloat64 will parse a float value into currency.
func ParseFloat64(value float64, code, symbol, funame string, fushare uint) (*Currency, error) {
    if fushare == 0 {
        return nil, ErrInvalidFUS

    fus := int(fushare)
    fudigits := digits(fus - 1)

    mag := float64(5.0)
    for i := 0; i < fudigits-1; i++ {
        mag /= 10

    ftotal := round(value*float64(fushare), mag)

    main := ftotal / fus
    fractional := (ftotal % fus)

    if main < 0 {
        fractional = -fractional

    m := main + (fractional / fus)
    f := fractional % fus

    return &Currency{
        Code:       code,
        Symbol:     symbol,
        Main:       m,
        Fractional: f,
        FUName:     funame,
        FUShare:    fushare,
        fuDigits:   fudigits,
        magnitude:  mag,
    }, nil

// FractionalTotal returns the total value in fractional int.
func (c *Currency) FractionalTotal() int {
    cFrac := c.Fractional

    if c.Main < 0 {
        cFrac = -cFrac

    return ((c.Main * int(c.FUShare)) + cFrac)

// Float64 returns the currency in float64 format.
func (c *Currency) Float64() float64 {
    frac := c.Fractional
    if c.Main < 0 {
        frac = -frac

    return float64(c.Main) + (float64(frac) / float64(c.FUShare))

func (c *Currency) StringWithoutSymbols() string {
    frc := c.Fractional
    if c.Fractional < 0 {
        frc = -frc

    fstr := strconv.Itoa(frc)

    //all the missing digits are added to the string
    for i := 0; i < c.fuDigits-len(fstr); i++ {
        fstr = "0" + fstr

    str := strconv.Itoa(c.Main) + "." + fstr

    if c.Fractional < 0 {
        str = "-" + str
    return str

// String returns the currency represented as string.
func (c *Currency) String() string {
    str := c.StringWithoutSymbols()

    if c.PrefixSymbol {
        if c.Fractional < 0 || c.Main < 0 {
            str = strings.Replace(str, "-", "-"+c.Symbol, 1)
        } else {
            str = c.Symbol + str

    if c.SuffixSymbol {
        str = str + c.Symbol

    return str

func (c *Currency) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune) {
    switch verb {
    // 's' verb would produce the full currency string along with its symbol. equivalent to c.String()
    // 'v' - only once you add this does the fmt.Stringer seem to work, otherwise it's always printing blank
    case 's', 'v':
            _, _ = io.WriteString(s, c.String())
    // 'd' verb would produce the main integer part of the currency, without the symbol
    case 'd':
            main := strconv.Itoa(c.Main)
            _, _ = io.WriteString(s, main)
    // 'm' verb would produce the fractional integer part of the currency, without the symbol
    case 'm':
            main := strconv.Itoa(c.Fractional)
            _, _ = io.WriteString(s, main)
    // 'f' verb would produce the full currency string without its symbol. equivalent to c.StringWithoutSymbols()
    case 'f':
            _, _ = io.WriteString(s, c.StringWithoutSymbols())
    // 'y' verb would produce the currency symbol alone
    case 'y':
            _, _ = io.WriteString(s, c.Symbol)

// round rounds off the float value to the configured precision and returns an integer.
func round(f float64, magnitude float64) int {
    if math.Abs(f) < 0.5 {
        return 0

    return int(f + math.Copysign(magnitude, f))

// digits returns the number of digits in an integer
func digits(n int) int {
    if n < 0 {
        n = -n

    n /= 10
    d := 1

    for n > 0 {
        n /= 10

    return d