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Test Coverage
package configs

import (


type env string

func (e env) String() string {
    return string(e)

const (
    EnvLocal      env = "local"
    EnvTest       env = "test"
    EnvStaging    env = "staging"
    EnvProduction env = "production"

// Configs struct handles all dependencies required for handling configurations
type Configs struct {
    Environment env
    AppName     string
    AppVersion  string

// HTTP returns the configuration required for HTTP package
func (cfg *Configs) HTTP() (*http.Config, error) {
    return &http.Config{
        EnableAccessLog:   (cfg.Environment == EnvLocal) || (cfg.Environment == EnvTest),
        TemplatesBasePath: strings.TrimSpace(os.Getenv("TEMPLATES_BASEPATH")),
        Port:              8080,
        ReadTimeout:       time.Second * 5,
        WriteTimeout:      time.Second * 5,
        DialTimeout:       time.Second * 3,
    }, nil

func (cfg *Configs) Postgres() *postgres.Config {
    return &postgres.Config{
        Host:   os.Getenv("POSTGRES_HOST"),
        Port:   os.Getenv("POSTGRES_PORT"),
        Driver: "postgres",

        StoreName: os.Getenv("POSTGRES_STORENAME"),
        Username:  os.Getenv("POSTGRES_USERNAME"),
        Password:  os.Getenv("POSTGRES_PASSWORD"),

        ConnPoolSize: 24,
        ReadTimeout:  time.Second * 3,
        WriteTimeout: time.Second * 6,
        IdleTimeout:  time.Minute,
        DialTimeout:  time.Second * 3,

func (cfg *Configs) UserPostgresTable() string {
    return "users"

func (cfg *Configs) UserNotesPostgresTable() string {
    return "user_notes"

func loadEnv() env {
    switch env(os.Getenv("ENV")) {
    case EnvLocal:
        return EnvLocal
    case EnvTest:
        return EnvTest
    case EnvStaging:
        return EnvProduction
    case EnvProduction:
        return EnvProduction
        return EnvLocal

// New returns an instance of Config with all the required dependencies initialized
func New() (*Configs, error) {
    return &Configs{
        Environment: loadEnv(),
        AppName:     os.Getenv("APP_NAME"),
        AppVersion:  os.Getenv("APP_VERSION"),
    }, nil