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namespace Bnomei;

use Closure;
use Exception;
use Kirby\Toolkit\A;
use Spyc;
use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml;

final class Autoloader
    // exclude files like filename.config.(php|yml)
    public const PHP = '/^[\w\d\-\_]+\.php$/';

    public const ANY_PHP = '/^[\w\d\-\_\.]+\.php$/';

    public const BLOCK_PHP = '/^[\w\d\-\_]+(Block)\.php$/';

    public const PAGE_PHP = '/^[\w\d\-\_]+(Page)\.php$/';

    public const USER_PHP = '/^[\w\d\-\_]+(User)\.php$/';

    public const YML = '/^[\w\d\-\_]+\.yml$/';

    public const ANY_YML = '/^[\w\d\-\_\.]+\.yml$/';

    public const PHP_OR_HTMLPHP = '/^[\w\d\-\_]+(\.html)?\.php$/';

    public const PHP_OR_YML = '/^[\w\d\-\_]+\.(php|yml)$/';

    public const ANY_PHP_OR_YML = '/^[\w\d\-\_\.]+\.(php|yml)$/';

    public const PHP_OR_YML_OR_JSON = '/^[\w\d\-\_]+\.(php|yml|json)$/';

    public const ANY_PHP_OR_YML_OR_JSON = '/^[\w\d\-\_\.]+\.(php|yml|json)$/';

    /** @var self */
    private static $singleton;

    /** @var array */
    private $options;

    /** @var array */
    private $registry;

    public function __construct(array $options = [])
        $this->options = array_merge_recursive([
            // we can not read the kirby options since we are loading
            // while kirby is booting, but once spyc is removed we can
            // default to symfony yaml
            // TODO: maybe with a Kirby::version() check
            'yaml.handler' => 'spyc', // spyc or symfony
            'blueprints' => [
                'folder' => 'blueprints',
                'name' => self::ANY_PHP_OR_YML,
                'key' => 'relativepath',
                'require' => true, // false
                'transform' => fn ($key) => strtolower($key),
            'classes' => [
                'folder' => 'classes',
                'name' => self::PHP,
                'key' => 'classname',
                'require' => false,
                'transform' => fn ($key) => strtolower($key),
                'map' => [],
            'collections' => [
                'folder' => 'collections',
                'name' => self::ANY_PHP,
                'key' => 'relativepath',
                'require' => true,
                'transform' => false,
            'commands' => [
                'folder' => 'commands',
                'name' => self::ANY_PHP,
                'key' => 'relativepath',
                'require' => true,
                'transform' => fn ($key) => str_replace('/', ':', $key),
            'controllers' => [
                'folder' => 'controllers',
                'name' => self::ANY_PHP,
                'key' => 'filename',
                'require' => true,
                'transform' => fn ($key) => self::pascalToKebabCase($key),
            'blockModels' => [
                'folder' => 'models',
                'name' => self::BLOCK_PHP,
                'key' => 'classname',
                'require' => false,
                'transform' => fn ($key) => self::pascalToKebabCase($key),
                'map' => [],
            'pageModels' => [
                'folder' => 'models',
                'name' => self::PAGE_PHP,
                'key' => 'classname',
                'require' => false,
                'transform' => fn ($key) => self::pascalToKebabCase($key),
                'map' => [],
            'routes' => [
                'folder' => 'routes',
                'name' => self::ANY_PHP,
                'key' => 'route',
                'require' => true,
                'transform' => false,
            'apiroutes' => [
                'folder' => 'api/routes',
                'name' => self::ANY_PHP,
                'key' => 'route',
                'require' => true,
                'transform' => false,
            'userModels' => [
                'folder' => 'models',
                'name' => self::USER_PHP,
                'key' => 'classname',
                'require' => false,
                'transform' => fn ($key) => self::pascalToKebabCase($key),
                'map' => [],
            'snippets' => [
                'folder' => 'snippets',
                'name' => self::ANY_PHP,
                'key' => 'relativepath',
                'require' => false,
                'transform' => false,
            'templates' => [
                'folder' => 'templates',
                'name' => self::ANY_PHP,
                'key' => 'filename',
                'require' => false,
                'transform' => fn ($key) => strtolower($key),
            'translations' => [
                'folder' => 'translations',
                'name' => self::ANY_PHP_OR_YML_OR_JSON,
                'key' => 'filename',
                'require' => true,
                'transform' => fn ($key) => strtolower($key),
        ], $options);

        if (! array_key_exists('dir', $this->options)) {
            throw new Exception('Autoloader needs a directory to start scanning at.');

        $this->registry = [];

    public function dir(): string
        return $this->options['dir'];

    private function registry(string $type): array
        // only register once
        if (array_key_exists($type, $this->registry)) {
            return $this->registry[$type];

        $options = $this->options[$type];
        $dir = $this->options['dir'].'/'.$options['folder'];
        if (! file_exists($dir) || ! is_dir($dir)) {
            return [];

        $this->registry[$type] = [];
        $finder = (new Finder())->files()

        foreach ($finder as $file) {
            $key = '';
            $class = '';
            $split = explode('.', $file->getPathname());
            $extension = array_pop($split);
            if ($options['key'] === 'relativepath' || $options['key'] === 'route') {
                $key = $file->getRelativePathname();
                $key = str_replace('.'.$extension, '', $key);
                $key = str_replace('\\', '/', $key); // windows
            } elseif ($options['key'] === 'filename') {
                $key = basename($file->getRelativePathname());
                $key = str_replace('.'.$extension, '', $key);
            } elseif ($options['key'] === 'classname') {
                $key = $file->getRelativePathname();
                $key = str_replace('.'.$extension, '', $key);
                $class = str_replace('/', '\\', $key);
                if ($classFile = file_get_contents($file->getPathname())) {
                    if (preg_match('/^namespace (.*);$/im', $classFile, $matches) === 1) {
                        $class = str_replace($matches[1].'\\', '', $class);
                        $class = $matches[1].'\\'.$class;
                $this->registry[$type]['map'][$class] = $file->getRelativePathname();

                foreach (['Page', 'User', 'Block'] as $suffix) {
                    $at = strpos($key, $suffix);
                    if ($at === strlen($key) - strlen($suffix)) {
                        $key = substr($key, 0, -strlen($suffix));

            if (empty($key)) {
            } else {
                if ($options['transform'] instanceof Closure) { // apply transform function
                    $key = $options['transform']($key);

                $key = strval($key); // in case key looks like a number but should be a string
            if (! empty($class)) {
                $this->registry[$type][$key] = $class;

            if ($options['key'] === 'classname') {
                $this->registry[$type][$key] = $class;
            } elseif ($options['key'] === 'route') {
                // Author: @tobimori
                $pattern = strtolower($file->getRelativePathname());
                $pattern = preg_replace('~(.*)'.preg_quote('.php', '~').'~', '$1'.'', $pattern, 1); // replace extension at end
                $pattern = preg_replace('~(.*)'.preg_quote('index', '~').'~', '$1'.'', $pattern, 1); // replace index at end, for root of folder, but not in paths etc.

                $route = require $file->getRealPath();

                // check if return is actually an array (if additional stuff is specified, e.g. method or language) or returns a function
                if (is_array($route) || $route instanceof Closure) {
                    $this->registry[$type][] = array_merge(
                            'pattern' => /*'/' . */ $pattern,
                            'action' => $route instanceof Closure ? $route : null,
                        is_array($route) ? $route : []
            } elseif ($options['folder'] === 'blueprints' && $extension && strtolower($extension) === 'php') {
                $path = $file->getPathname();
                $this->registry[$type][$key] = include $path; // require will link, include will read
                if (is_array($this->registry[$type][$key])) {
                    $kk = explode('/', $key);
                    $this->registry[$type][$key]['name'] = array_pop($kk);
            } elseif ($options['require'] && $extension && strtolower($extension) === 'php') {
                $path = $file->getPathname();
                $this->registry[$type][$key] = include $path; // require will link, include will read
            } elseif ($options['require'] && $extension && strtolower($extension) === 'json') {
                $path = $file->getPathname();
                $this->registry[$type][$key] = json_decode(file_get_contents($path), true);
            } elseif ($options['require'] && $extension && strtolower($extension) === 'yml') {
                $path = $file->getPathname();
                // remove BOM
                $yaml = str_replace("\xEF\xBB\xBF", '', file_get_contents($path));
                if ($this->options['yaml.handler'] === 'symfony') {
                    $this->registry[$type][$key] = Yaml::parse($yaml);
                } else {
                    $this->registry[$type][$key] = Spyc::YAMLLoadString($yaml);
                if (is_array($this->registry[$type][$key]) && $options['folder'] === 'blueprints') {
                    $kk = explode('/', $key);
                    $this->registry[$type][$key]['name'] = array_pop($kk);
            } else {
                $this->registry[$type][$key] = $file->getRealPath();

        if ($options['key'] === 'classname' && array_key_exists('map', $this->registry[$type])) {
            // sort by \ in FQCN count desc
            // within same count sort alpha
            $map = array_flip($this->registry[$type]['map']);
            uasort($map, function ($a, $b) {
                $ca = substr_count($a, '\\');
                $cb = substr_count($b, '\\');
                if ($ca === $cb) {
                    $alpha = [$a, $b];

                    return $alpha[0] === $a ? -1 : 1;

                return $ca < $cb ? 1 : -1;
            $map = array_flip($map);
            $this->load($map, $this->options['dir'].'/'.$options['folder']);

            // load blueprints from classes
            foreach ($map as $class => $file) {
                // if instance of class has static method registerBlueprintExtension
                if (class_exists($class) && method_exists($class, 'blueprintFromAttributes')) {
                    // register blueprints now, using and empty array would prevent the loading later
                    if (! array_key_exists('blueprints', $this->registry)) {
                        $this->registry['blueprints'] = $this->blueprints();
                    // call blueprintFromAttributes
                    $blueprint = $class::blueprintFromAttributes();
                    // if blueprint is not empty
                    if (! empty($blueprint)) {
                        // merge with existing blueprint
                        $this->registry['blueprints'] = array_merge($this->registry['blueprints'], $blueprint);


        return $this->registry[$type];

    public function blueprints(): array
        return $this->registry('blueprints');

    public function classes(?string $folder = null): array
        if ($folder) {
            $this->options['classes']['folder'] = $folder;

        return $this->registry('classes');

    public function collections(): array
        return $this->registry('collections');

    public function commands(): array
        return $this->registry('commands');

    public function controllers(): array
        return $this->registry('controllers');

    public function blockModels(): array
        return $this->registry('blockModels');

    public function pageModels(): array
        return $this->registry('pageModels');

    public function routes(): array
        return $this->registry('routes');

    public function apiRoutes(): array
        return $this->registry('apiroutes');

    public function userModels(): array
        return $this->registry('userModels');

    public function snippets(): array
        return $this->registry('snippets');

    public function templates(): array
        return $this->registry('templates');

    public function translations(): array
        return $this->registry('translations');

    public function toArray(array $merge = []): array

        // merge each on its own to allow cross loading between registries
        // like a pageModel to load a blueprint
        $types = [
            fn () => ['blueprints' => $this->blueprints()],
            fn () => ['collections' => $this->collections()],
            fn () => ['commands' => $this->commands()],
            fn () => ['controllers' => $this->controllers()],
            fn () => ['blockModels' => $this->blockModels()],
            fn () => ['pageModels' => $this->pageModels()],
            fn () => ['userModels' => $this->userModels()],
            fn () => ['snippets' => $this->snippets()],
            fn () => ['templates' => $this->templates()],
            fn () => ['translations' => $this->translations()],
            fn () => ['api' => ['routes' => $this->apiRoutes()]],
            fn () => ['routes' => $this->routes()],
        foreach ($types as $callback) {
            $c = (array) $callback();
            $r = (array) $this->registry;
            $this->registry = array_merge($r, $c);

        // merge on top but do not store in the registry
        return array_merge_recursive($this->registry, $merge);

    public function pascalToKebabCase(string $string): string
        return ltrim(strtolower(preg_replace('/[A-Z]([A-Z](?![a-z]))*/', '-$0', $string)), '-');

    public static function singleton(array $options = []): self
        if (self::$singleton && self::$singleton->dir() === $options['dir']) {
            return self::$singleton;
        self::$singleton = new self($options);

        return self::$singleton;

     * A super simple class autoloader
     * @return void
    private function load(array $classmap, ?string $base = null)
        // convert all classnames to lowercase
        $classmap = array_change_key_case($classmap);

        spl_autoload_register(function ($class) use ($classmap, $base) {
            $class = strtolower($class);

            if (! isset($classmap[$class])) {
                return false;

            if ($base) {
                include $base.'/'.$classmap[$class];
            } else {
                include $classmap[$class];