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# :rocket: Kirby3 Boost <br>⏱️ up to 3x faster content loading<br>🎣 fastest page lookup and resolution of relations

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Boost the speed of Kirby by having content files of files/pages/users cached, with fast lookup based on uuid.

## Commercial Usage

> <br>
> <b>Support open source!</b><br><br>
> This plugin is free but if you use it in a commercial project please consider to sponsor me or make a donation.<br>
> If my work helped you to make some cash it seems fair to me that I might get a little reward as well, right?<br><br>
> Be kind. Share a little. Thanks.<br><br>
> &dash; Bruno<br>
> &nbsp; 

| M | O | N | E | Y |
| [Github sponsor]( | [Patreon]( | [Buy Me a Coffee]( | [Paypal dontation]( | [Hire me]( |

## Installation

- unzip []( as folder `site/plugins/kirby3-boost` or
- `git submodule add site/plugins/kirby3-boost` or
- `composer require bnomei/kirby3-boost`

## Usecase

If you have to process within a single request a lot of page objects (1000+) or if you have a lot of relations between page objects to resolve then consider using this plugin. With less page objects you will probably not gain enough to justify the overhead.

## How does this plugin work?

- It caches all content files and keeps the cache up to date when you add or modify content. This cache will be used when constructing page objects making everything that involves page objects faster (even the Panel).
- It provides a benchmark to help you decide which cachedriver to use.
- It will use Kirby's uuid (unique id) for page objects to create relations that do not break even if the slug or directory of a page object changes.
- It provides a very fast lookup for page objects via id, diruri or the uuid.

## Setup

For each template you want to be cached you need to use a model to add the content cache logic using a trait.


class DefaultPage extends \Kirby\Cms\Page
    use \Bnomei\ModelHasBoost;

> Since in most cases you will be using Kirbys autoloading for the [pagemodels]( your classname needs to end in `Page`. Like `site/models/article.php` and `ArticlePage` or `site/models/blogpost.php` and `BlogpostPage`.

As a last step fill the boost cache in calling the following in a template or controller. You only have to do this once (not on every request).

// fill cache
$count = site()->boost();
echo $count . ' Pages have been boosted.';

Congratulations! Now your project is boosted.

### User Models

Starting with version 1.9 you can also cache the content files of user models using the respective traits/extends in your custom models via a custom plugin.

class AdminUser extends \Kirby\Cms\User
    use \Bnomei\ModelHasBoost;

Kirby::plugin('myplugin/user', [
    'userModels' => [
        'admin' => AdminUser::class, // admin is default role

### File Models

Starting with version 2.0 the plugin to monkey patch the core `Files` class with content cache support. You can only turn this on or off for all files at once since Kirby does not allow custom File models. It would need to read content file first which would defeat the purpose for a content cache anyway.


return [
    // other options
    'bnomei.boost.patch.files' => true, // default: true

### Directories Inventory Cache (experimental)

Starting with version 5.0 the plugin will cache the inventory of directories. For that to be possible it will patch the `Kirby\Filesystem\Dir` class. It will automatically flush the cache if you edit pages in the panel, just like the core [pages cache]( It's enabled by default but you can disable it if you want to like the following.

// after bootstrap and before kirby runs
\Bnomei\BoostDirInventory::singleton(['enabled' => false]);

You could also flush the cache manually.


### Pages Field Alternative

This plugin provided a pages field alternative based on the multiselect field and optimized for performance.

preset: page

    extends: fields/boostidkv

    extends: fields/boostidkvs

> You can create your own fields for related pages based on the [fields]( and [collections]( this plugins provides.

### Easier loading of custom models, blueprints, ...

When you use boost your project you might end up with a couple of custom models in a plugin. You can use my [autoloader helper]( to make registering these classes a bit easier. It can also load blueprints, classes, collections, controllers, blockModels, pageModels, routes, api/routes, userModels, snippets, templates and translation files. If you installed the Boost plugin via composer the autoloader helper was installed as a dependency, and you can start using it straight way.

## Usage

### Page from PageId
$page = page($somePageId); // slower
$page = boost($somePageId); // faster

### Page from DirUri
$page = boost($somePageDirUri); // fastest

### Page from uuid
$page = page($uuid); // slower
$page = boost($uuid); // will use fastest internally

### Pages from uuids
$pages = pages([$uuid1, $uuid2, ...]); // slower
$pages = boost([$uuid1, $uuid2, ...]); // will use fastest internally

### File from uuid
$file = site()->file($uuid); // slower
$file = boost($uuid1); // will use fastest internally

### Resolving relations
Fields where defined in the example blueprint above.

// one
$pageOrNull = $page->one_relation()->toPage(); // slower
$pageOrNull = $page->one_relation()->toPageBoosted(); // faster

// many
$pagesCollectionOrNull = $page->many_related()->toPages(); // slower
$pagesCollectionOrNull = $page->many_related()->toPagesBoosted(); // faster

### Modified timestamp from cache

This will try to get the modified timestamp from cache. If the page object content can be cached but currently was not, it will force a content cache write. It will return the modified timestamp of a page object or if it does not exist it will return `null`.

$pageModifiedTimestampOrNull = modified($someUuidOrPageId); // faster

### Search for Template from cache

It will return a collection page object(s) and you can expect this to be a lot faster than calling `site()->index()->template('myTemplateName')`

 // in full site index
$allPagesWithTemplatePost = site()->searchForTemplate('post');

 // starting with blog as parent
$pagesWithTemplatePostInBlog = page('blog')->searchForTemplate('post');

## Caches and Cache Drivers

A cache driver is a piece of code that defines where get/set commands for the key/value store of the cache are directed to. Kirby has [built in support]( for File, Apcu, Memcached and Memory. I have created additional cache drivers for [MySQL](, [Redis](, [SQLite]( and [PHP](

Within Kirby caches can be used for:

- Kirbys own [Pages Cache]( to cache fully rendered HTML code
- Plugin Caches for each individual plugin
- The Content Cache provided by this plugin
- Partial Caches like my helper plugin called [Lapse](
- Configuration Caches are not supported [yet](

To optimize performance it would make sense to use the **same** cache driver for all but the Pages Cache. The Pages Cache is better of in a file cache than anywhere else.

### TL;DR

If you have APCu cache available and your content fits into the defined memory limit use the `apcu` cache driver.

### Debug = read from content file (not from cache)

If you set Kirbys global debug option to `true` the plugin will not read the content cache but from the content file on disk. But it will write to the content cache so you can get debug messages if anything goes wrong with that process.

### Forcing a content cache update

You can force writing outdated values to the cache manually but doing that should not be necessary.

// write content cache of a single page
$cachedYesOrNoAsBoolean = $page->boost();

// write content cache of all pages in a Pages collection
$durationOfThisCacheIO = $page->children()->boost();

// write content cache of all pages in site index
$durationOfThisCacheIO = site()->boost();

### Limitations

How much and if you gain anything regarding performance depends on the hardware. All your content files must fit within the memory limitation. If you run into errors consider increasing the server settings or choose a different cache driver.

| Defaults for | Memcached | APCu | Redis | MySQL | SQLite |
| max memory size | 64MB | 32MB | 0 (none) | 0 (none) | 0 (none) |
| size of key/value pair | 1MB | 4MB | 512MB | 0 (none) | 0 (none) |

### Benchmark

The included benchmark can help you make an educated guess which is the faster cache driver. The only way to make sure is measuring in production. 
Be aware that this will create and remove 1000 items cached. The benchmark will try to perform as many get operations within given timeframe (default 1 second per cache). The higher results are better.

// use helpers to generate caches to compare
// rough performance level is based on my tests
$caches = [
    // better
    // \Bnomei\BoostCache::null(),
    // \Bnomei\BoostCache::memory(),
    \Bnomei\BoostCache::php(),       // 142
    \Bnomei\BoostCache::apcu(),      // 118
    \Bnomei\BoostCache::sqlite(),    //  60
    \Bnomei\BoostCache::redis(),     //  57
    // \Bnomei\BoostCache::file(),   //  44
    \Bnomei\BoostCache::memcached(), //  11
    // \Bnomei\BoostCache::mysql(),  //  ??
    // worse

// run the cachediver benchmark
var_dump(\Bnomei\CacheBenchmark::run($caches, 1, 1000)); // a rough guess
var_dump(\Bnomei\CacheBenchmark::run($caches, 1, site()->index()->count())); // more realistic

- Memory Cache Driver and Null Cache Driver would perform best but it either caches in memory only for current request or not at all and that is not really useful for this plugin. 
- PHP Cache Driver will be the fastest possible solution, but you might run out of php app memory. Use this driver if you need ultimate performance, have full control over your server php.ini configs and the size of your cached data fits within you application memory. But this driver is not suited well for concurrent writes from multiple requests with overlapping processing time.
- APCu Cache can be expected to be very fast but one has to make sure all content fits into the memory limitations. You can also use my [apcu cachedriver with garbage collection ](
- SQLite Cache Driver will perform very well since everything will be in one file and I optimized the read/write with [pragmas]( and [wal journal mode]( Content will be written using transactions.
- My Redis Cache Driver has smart preloading using the very fast Redis pipeline and will write changes using transactions.
- The MySQL Cache Driver is slightly slower than Redis and uses transactions as well.
- The File Cache Driver will perform worse the more page objects you have. You are probably better of with no cache. This is the only driver with this flaw. Benchmarking this driver will also create a lot of file which in total might cause the script to exceed your php execution time.

But do not take my word for it. Download the plugin, set realistic benchmark options and run the benchmark on your production server.

### Config

Once you know which driver you want to use you can set the plugin cache options.


return [
    // other options
    // like Pages or UUID Cache
    // cache type for each plugin you use like the Laspe plugin

    // default is file cache driver because it will always work
    // but performance is not great so set to something else please
    'bnomei.boost.cache' => [
        'type'     => 'file',

    // example php
    'bnomei.boost.cache' => [
        'type'     => 'php',
    'cache' => [
        'uuid' => [
            'type' => 'php',

    // example apcu
    'bnomei.boost.cache' => [
        'type'     => 'apcu',
    'cache' => [
        'uuid' => [
            'type' => 'apcu',
    // example apcu with garbage collection
    'bnomei.boost.cache' => [
        'type'     => 'apcugc',
    'cache' => [
        'uuid' => [
            'type' => 'apcugc',

    // example sqlite
    'bnomei.boost.cache' => [
        'type'     => 'sqlite',
    'cache' => [
        'uuid' => [
            'type' => 'sqlite',

    // example redis
    'bnomei.boost.cache' => [
        'type'     => 'redis',
        'host'     => function() { return env('REDIS_HOST'); },
        'port'     => function() { return env('REDIS_PORT'); },
        'database' => function() { return env('REDIS_DATABASE'); },
        'password' => function() { return env('REDIS_PASSWORD'); },
    'cache' => [
        'uuid' => [
            // do same as boost

    // example memcached
    'bnomei.boost.cache' => [
        'type'     => 'memcached',
        'host'     => '',
        'port'     => 11211,
    'cache' => [
        'uuid' => [
            // do same as boost

### Verify with Boostmark

First make sure all boosted pages are up-to-date in cache. Run this in a template or controller once. This will also add an unique id to boosted pages that do not have one yet (reindexing).

// this can be skipped on next benchmark

Then comment out the forced cache update and run the benchmark that tracks how many and how fast your content is loaded.

// site()->boost();

If you are interested in how fast a certain pages collection loads you can do that as well.

// site()->boost();

## Site Index with lower memory footprint

Using `site()->index()` in Kirby will load all Pages into memory at the same time. This plugin provides a way to iterate over the index with having only one page loaded at a time.

$boostedCount = 0;
$indexCount = \Bnomei\Bolt::index(function ($page) use (&$boostedCount) {
    // do something with that $page like...
    $boostedCount += $page->boost() ? 1 : 0;
// or just
$boostedCount = site()->boost();

## Settings

| bnomei.boost.     | Default      | Description                                     |            
| hashalgo          | `xxh3,crc32` | used hash algorithm php8.1+/php8.0              |
| expire            | `0`          | expire in minutes for all caches created        |
| read              | `true`       | read from cache                                 |
| write             | `true`       | write to cache                                  |
| drafts            | `true`       | index drafts                                    |
| patch.files       | `true`       | monkey patch Files Class to do content caching  |
| fileModifiedCheck | `false`      | expects file to not be altered outside of kirby |                                                                                                     |
| helper            | `true`       | allow usage of boost() helper                   |

## External changes to content files

If your content file are written to by any other means than using Kirbys page object methods you need to enable the `bnomei.boost.fileModifiedCheck` option or overwrite the `checkModifiedTimestampForContentBoost(): bool` method on a model basis. This will reduce performance by about 1/3 but still be faster than without using a cache at all.

## Disclaimer

This plugin is provided "as is" with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk and always test it yourself before using it in a production environment. If you find any issues, please [create a new issue](

## License


It is discouraged to use this plugin in any project that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, animal abuse, violence or any other form of hate speech.