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namespace Bnomei;

trait ModelHasBoost
    /** @var bool */
    private $boostWillBeDeleted;

    public function hasBoost(): bool
        return true;

    public function checkModifiedTimestampForContentBoost(): bool
        return option('bnomei.boost.fileModifiedCheck');

    public function setBoostWillBeDeleted(bool $value): void
        $this->boostWillBeDeleted = $value;

    public function isContentBoosted(?string $languageCode = null): bool
        return $this->readContentCache($languageCode) !== null;

    public function contentBoostedKey(?string $languageCode = null): string
        $key = hash(BoostCache::hashalgo(), $this->id()); // can not use UUID since content not loaded yet
        if (! $languageCode) {
            $languageCode = kirby()->languages()->count() ? kirby()->language()->code() : null;
        if ($languageCode) {
            $key = $key.'-'.$languageCode;

        return $key;

    public function isContentCacheExpiredByModified(?string $languageCode = null): bool
        $cache = BoostCache::singleton();
        if (! $cache) {
            return true;

        $modifiedCache = $cache->get(
        if (! $modifiedCache) {
            return true;

        $modified = $this->modified();
        // in rare case the file does not exist or is not readable
        if ($modified === false) {
            return true;
        // otherwise compare
        if ($modifiedCache && intval($modifiedCache) < intval($modified)) {
            return true;

        return false;

    public function readContentCache(?string $languageCode = null): ?array
        if ($this->checkModifiedTimestampForContentBoost()) {
            if ($this->isContentCacheExpiredByModified($languageCode)) {
                return null;

        return BoostCache::singleton()->get(

    public function readContent(?string $languageCode = null): array
        // read from boostedCache if exists
        $data = option('') === false || option('debug') ? null : $this->readContentCache($languageCode);

        // read from file and update boostedCache
        if (! $data) {
            $data = parent::readContent($languageCode);
            if ($data && $this->boostWillBeDeleted !== true) {
                $this->writeContentCache($data, $languageCode);

        return $data;

    public function writeContentCache(?array $data = null, ?string $languageCode = null): bool
        $cache = BoostCache::singleton();
        if (! $cache || option('bnomei.boost.write') === false) {
            return true;

        $modified = $this->modified();

        // in rare case file does not exists or is not readable
        if ($modified === false) {
            $this->deleteContentCache(); // whatever was in the cache is no longer valid

            return false; // try again another time


        return $cache->set(
            array_filter($data, fn ($content) => $content !== null),

    public function writeContent(array $data, ?string $languageCode = null): bool
        // write to file and cache
        return parent::writeContent($data, $languageCode) &&
            $this->writeContentCache($data, $languageCode);

    public function deleteContentCache(): bool
        $cache = BoostCache::singleton();
        if (! $cache) {
            return true;


        foreach (kirby()->languages() as $language) {

        return true;

    public function delete(bool $force = false): bool
        $cache = BoostCache::singleton();
        if (! $cache) {
            return parent::delete($force);

        $success = parent::delete($force);

        return $success;