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Test Coverage
> <br>
> With Kirby 3.7 introducing an improved system view most important checks have been covered. Thus I will not continue to work on this plugin.
> <br><br>

# Kirby 3 Doctor

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[![Coverage Status](](

Plugin to check health of your CMS installation


## Commercial Usage

> <br>
> <b>Support open source!</b><br><br>
> This plugin is free but if you use it in a commercial project please consider to sponsor me or make a donation.<br>
> If my work helped you to make some cash it seems fair to me that I might get a little reward as well, right?<br><br>
> Be kind. Share a little. Thanks.<br><br>
> &dash; Bruno<br>
> &nbsp;

| M | O | N | E | Y |
| [Github sponsor]( | [Patreon]( | [Buy Me a Coffee]( | [Paypal dontation]( | [Hire me]( |

## Installation

- unzip []( as folder `site/plugins/kirby3-doctor` or
- `git submodule add site/plugins/kirby3-doctor` or
- `composer require bnomei/kirby3-doctor`

## Screenshots


## Usage Kirby Panel

This plugin will register a Panel Area "Doctor". Many thanks to @Daandelange for PRing this feature.
Alternatively you could also add the button to perform the checks on any other view.

    type: doctor
    label: Perform checks
    # progress: Performing checks...

## Usage Kirby API (post Authentification)

let doctor = fetch('')
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(json => {

## Provided Checks

- CheckPHPVersion (laminas): Kirby installation requirements
- CheckPHPExtension (laminas): Kirby installation requirements
- CheckKirbyFolders (laminas): Read/Write-Access to core Kirby folders
- CheckGitFolder: No public `.git` folder
- CheckHtaccess: Has a `.htaccess` file
- CheckKirbyAccount: Has at least one account
- CheckKirbyCacheSize: Cache folder not too big
- CheckKirbyLicense: License exists (on non localhost)
- CheckKirbyMediaSize: Media folder not too big
- CheckKirbySystem: Kirby build-in system checks
- CheckKirbyVersion: Is Kirby up-to-date
- CheckSSL: Using `https` scheme

## Custom Checks

You can add custom checks or disable build checks using the `checks` setting in the config file.

return [
    '' => [
        "MyNamespace\\MyClass" => true, // enable new
        "Bnomei\\CheckKirbyCacheSize" => false, // disable build-in
    // ...

You can also use your own plugin to define checks (since 1.2.0). Many thanks to @fabianmichael for the great idea.
Kirby::plugin('my/plugin', [        // your plugin
  '' => [       // required option id
    "MyNamespace\\MyClass" => true, // enable new

> Contribute: You have an idea for a check or a plugin defining a check? Please [create a new issue]( or submit a PR.

## Settings

|           | Default        | Description               |
| expire | `24*60` | minutes to cache the results and not run tests again |
| debugforce | `true` | will expire the cache every time if `option('debug')` is true as well. |
| checks | `[]` | example: `["MyNamespace\\MyCheckClass" => true, "Bnomei\\CheckGitFolder" => false]` Attention: Namespaces must use `\\`-notion. |
| log.enabled | `true` | will create a log file if [Kirby Log Plugin]( is installed as well. |
| log | `callback` | to `kirbyLog()` |

## Credits

- [@bvdputte]( Kirby Log Plugin
- [@jenstornell]( idea of a K3 enviroment checklist Plugin

## Disclaimer

This plugin is provided "as is" with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk and always test it yourself before using it in a production environment. If you find any issues, please [create a new issue](

## License


It is discouraged to use this plugin in any project that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, animal abuse, violence or any other form of hate speech.