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# Kirby 3 Feed and Sitemap

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Generate a RSS/JSON/Sitemap-Feed from a Pages-Collection.

## Commercial Usage

> <br>
> <b>Support open source!</b><br><br>
> This plugin is free but if you use it in a commercial project please consider to sponsor me or make a donation.<br>
> If my work helped you to make some cash it seems fair to me that I might get a little reward as well, right?<br><br>
> Be kind. Share a little. Thanks.<br><br>
> &dash; Bruno<br>
> &nbsp; 

| M | O | N | E | Y |
| [Github sponsor]( | [Patreon]( | [Buy Me a Coffee]( | [Paypal dontation]( | [Hire me]( |

## Similar Plugins

- [kirby3-xmlsitemap](
- [kirby3-feeds](

> both have not seen any updates since April 2019

## Installation

- unzip []( as folder `site/plugins/kirby3-feed` or
- `git submodule add site/plugins/kirby3-feed` or
- `composer require bnomei/kirby3-feed`

## Usage Feed

You can use this in a template for a dedicated feed page, in a template controller or a route.

$options = [
    'title'       => 'Latest articles',
    'description' => 'Read the latest news about our company',
    'link'        => 'blog'
echo page('blog')->children()->listed()->flip()->limit(10)->feed($options);

**options array defaults**

If you use these defaults you need to provide the fields `date (type: date)` and `text (type: text)`.

    'url' => site()->url(),
    'feedurl' => site()->url() . '/feed/',
    'title' => 'Feed',
    'description' => '',
    'link' => site()->url(),
    'urlfield' => 'url',
    'titlefield' => 'title',
    'datefield' => 'date',
    'textfield' => 'text',
    'modified' => time(),
    'snippet' => 'feed/rss', // 'feed/json'
    'dateformat' => 'r',
    'mime' => null,
    'sort' => true,

**virtual page in site/config/config.php**

return [
    'routes' => [
            'pattern' => 'feed',
            'method' => 'GET',
            'action'  => function () {
                $options = [
                    'title'       => 'Latest articles',
                    'description' => 'Read the latest news about our company',
                    'link'        => 'blog'
                $feed = page('blog')->children()->listed()->flip()->limit(10)->feed($options);
                return $feed;

**HTML head element**

rss xml
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Latest articles" href="<?= site()->url() ?>/feed"/>
and/or rss json
<link rel="alternate" type="application/json" title="Latest articles" href="<?= site()->url() ?>/feed"/>

> TIP: Having multiple feed links is still valid html. So you can have both rss and json if you want and setup the routes properly.


The Plugin applies a default sorting for the pages by date/modified in descending order (newest first). 

- If you do not want this you have to set the `datefield` setting to another Field name or PageMethod name.
- If you want to disable sorting by the plugin and add your own you can set the option `sort` to `false`.

**Pitfalls when presorting by date and limit**

Using `sortBy('date', 'desc')` will **not** yield expected results! In K3 sorting by date needs a callback.
$feed = page('blog')->children()->listed()->sortBy(function ($page) {
 return $page->date()->toDate();
}, 'desc')->limit(10)->feed($options);

## Usage Sitemap

**options array defaults**

If you use these defaults you need to provide the fields `date (type: date)` and `text (type: text)`.

    'dateformat' => 'c',
    'xsl' => true,
    'urlfield' => 'url',
    'modified' => time(),
    'snippet' => 'feed/sitemap',
    'mime' => null,
    'sort' => true,
    'images' => false,
    'imagesfield' => 'images',
    'imagetitlefield' => 'title',
    'imagecaptionfield' => 'caption',
    'imagelicensefield' => 'license',
    'videos' => false,
    'videosfield' => 'videos',
    'videotitlefield' => 'title',
    'videothumbnailfield' => 'thumbnail',
    'videodescriptionfield' => 'description',
    'videourlfield' => 'url',

**virtual page in site/config.php**

return [
    'routes' => [
        // ... other routes,
            'pattern' => 'sitemap.xml',
            'method' => 'GET',
            'action'  => function () {
                $options = [
                    'images'       => false,
                    'videos'       => false,
                $feed = site()->index()->listed()->limit(50000)->sitemap($options);
                return $feed;
        // (optional) Add stylesheet for human readable version of the xml file.
        // With that stylesheet visiting the xml in a browser will per-generate the images.
        // The images will NOT be pre-generated if the xml file is downloaded (by google).
            'pattern' => 'sitemap.xsl',
            'method' => 'GET',
            'action'  => function () {

**example for excluding pages from sitemap**

see [Kirby Docs -Filtering compendium](

$feed = site()->index()->listed()
    ->filterBy('template', '!=', 'excludeme')

## Settings

| bnomei.feed.              | Default        | Description               |            
| mime | `null` | to autodetect json or rss-xml otherwise enforce output with a certain MIME type (one of the extensions defined in Kirby's [Mime class](, e.g. value `xml` to enforce `text/xml`) |
| expires |`60*24*7` | in minutes |

> The plugin will automatically devalidate the cache if any of the Page-Objects were modified.

## Cache

If the **global** debug option is set to `true` the plugin will automatically flush its own cache and not write to the cache.

## Disclaimer

This plugin is provided "as is" with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk and always test it yourself before using it in a production environment. If you find any issues, please [create a new issue](

## License


It is discouraged to use this plugin in any project that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, animal abuse, violence or any other form of hate speech.

## Credits

based on K2 versions of