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# Kirby 3 ICS

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Generate ICS Files.

## Commerical Usage

> <br>
> <b>Support open source!</b><br><br>
> This plugin is free but if you use it in a commercial project please consider to sponsor me or make a donation.<br>
> If my work helped you to make some cash it seems fair to me that I might get a little reward as well, right?<br><br>
> Be kind. Share a little. Thanks.<br><br>
> &dash; Bruno<br>
> &nbsp; 

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## Installation

- unzip []( as folder `site/plugins/kirby3-ics` or
- `git submodule add site/plugins/kirby3-ics` or
- `composer require bnomei/kirby3-ics`

## Usecase

### Plain PHP

// automatic id
$ics = new \Bnomei\ICS();
$id = $ics->id();

// or use custom id
$id = sha1('myUniqueID');

// provide custom options
$ics = new \Bnomei\ICS([
    Vcalendar::UNIQUE_ID => $id,

// maybe reuse a static object identified by id
// otherwise it will be created now
$ics = \Bnomei\ICS::createOrLoad($id);

// get Vcalendar object...
$vcalendar = $ics->vcalendar();
// ... apply your ics data (see docs of lib)
// then retrieve the ics string
echo $ics;

### Page Method

Use the `ics()->vcalendar()`-method to retrieve the `Vcalender` Object then add properties, events and alarms. Please read the [original docs of used lib]( for an overview about what is possible.

$vcalendar = $page->ics()->vcalendar();

$vcalendar->setXprop(Vcalendar::X_WR_CALDESC, "This is a demo calendar");

$event1 = $vcalendar->newVevent()
    ->setTransp( Vcalendar::OPAQUE )
    ->setClass( Vcalendar::P_BLIC )
    ->setSequence( 1 )
    // describe the event
    ->setSummary( 'Scheduled meeting with five occurrences' )
         'Agenda for the the meeting...',
         [ Vcalendar::ALTREP => 
             'CID:<>' ]
    ->setComment( 'It\'s going to be fun..' )
    // place the event
    ->setLocation( 'Kafé Ekorren Stockholm' )
    ->setGeo( '59.32206', '18.12485' )
    // set the time
        new DateTime(
            new DateTimezone( 'Europe/Stockholm' )
        new DateTime(
            new DateTimezone( 'Europe/Stockholm' )

echo $page->ics();

> TIP: You can retrieve the static unique object for a page using the page method `$page->ics()`. This makes it possible to prepare the ICS in a [page model]( or [page controller]( and just display the data in your template or [content representation]( Check out the [tests for an example](

### Content Representations

Assuming you prepared your ics data in a model or controller your content representation could be as short as this example.

    $page->slug() . '.ics'

## Dependencies

- [iCalcreator/iCalcreator](

## Disclaimer

This plugin is provided "as is" with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk and always test it yourself before using it in a production environment. If you find any issues, please [create a new issue](

## License


It is discouraged to use this plugin in any project that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, animal abuse, violence or any other form of hate speech.

## Credits

based on V2 versions of