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# Kirby3 Lapse

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Cache any data until set expiration time (with automatic keys).

## Commercial Usage

> <br>
> <b>Support open source!</b><br><br>
> This plugin is free but if you use it in a commercial project please consider to sponsor me or make a donation.<br>
> If my work helped you to make some cash it seems fair to me that I might get a little reward as well, right?<br><br>
> Be kind. Share a little. Thanks.<br><br>
> &dash; Bruno<br>
> &nbsp; 

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## Installation

- unzip []( as folder `site/plugins/kirby3-lapse` or
- `git submodule add site/plugins/kirby3-lapse` or
- `composer require bnomei/kirby3-lapse`

## Usecase

The Kirby Pages-Cache can cache the output of Page Templates. It devalidates **all** cache files if any Object in the Panel is changed. This is a good choice if you do not make changes often. But if you do make changes often you need a cache that knows what has been modified and which caches to devalidate and which not. 

Sometimes you can not cache the complete Page since...
- it contains a [form]( with a csrf hash, 
- you use [content security headers]( with nouces,
- build and cache data for a logicless templating system like [handlebars]( or
- you want to cache data from an external source like an API. 

Lapse was build to do exactly that: **Cache any data until set expiration time.**

## Usage Examples

### Example 1: get/set
$key = hash('xxh3', $page->url()); // unique key
// to delay data creation until need use a callback. do not use a plain array or object.
$data = function () {
    return [1, 2, 3];
$data = lapse($key, $data);

### Example 2: with custom expiration time
$key = hash('xxh3', $page->url()); // unique key
$expires = 5; // in minutes. default: 0 aka infinite
$data = function () {
    return [1, 2, 3];
$data = lapse($key, $data, $expires);

### Example 3: page object
$data = lapse(hash('xxh3', $page->url()), function () use ($kirby, $site, $page) {
    // create some data
    return [
        'author' => site()->author(),
        'title' => $page->title(),
        'text' => $page->text()->kirbytext(),
        'url' => $page->url(),

### Remove by Key

$key = hash('xxh3', $page->url()); // unique key
$wasRemoved = \Bnomei\Lapse::rm($key);

## Static Cache helper - lapseStatic()

Sometimes you need to cache things only for the current request like
when [reusing Kirbys Collections](
. The `lapseStatic()`-helper makes things like that a bit easier. The closure to generate the data will only be called
once, set its return value to a static cache and every recurring call to the collection will get the cached collection
back from static memory array.



Kirby::plugin('bnomei/example', [
  'collections' => [
    // collections have to be a closure that is why it is wrapped in a fn
    'recent-courses' => fn() => lapseStatic(
        'recent-courses', // key 
        function () { // value
            return page('courses')->children()->listed()->sortBy('name')->limit(10);

## Clever keys

### Unique but not modified

Caches use a string value as key to store and later retrieve the data. The key is usually a hash of the objects id plus
some meta data like the contents language. Storing data related to a Page using the `$key = hash('xxh3', $page->url());` will
work just fine. It takes care of the language if you use a multi-language setup since the language is included in the
url. But it will expire only if you provide a fixed time or devalidate it yourself.

### Modified

The solution is to include the modification timestamp of every object related to the data. So if you store the result of
a Page Object with Images being rendered you need to include the modification timestamp of all of these. That will cause
the creation of a new cache every time your source changes.

#### Basic

$keys = [ $page->url().$page->modified() ];
foreach($page->images() as $image) {
    $keys[] = $image->id().$image->modified();
$key = hash('xxh3', implode($keys));

#### Objects

Since version 2 of this plugin you can also forward any of these and the key will be magically created for you.

- Page-Objects, 
- File-Objects and FileVersion-Objects (aka Thumbs), 
- Collections or
- the Site-Object 

$objects = [$page, $page->images()];
$data = lapse($objects, ...)

#### Multi-language support

The keys created by the plugin are [tagged with the current language]( You will get a different cache value for each language.

#### AutoID or BoostID
If you use the [AutoID plugin]( or [Boost plugin]( the modification timestamps will be retrieved at almost zero-cpu-cost and not causing the file to be checked on disk.

## FAQ

### Infinite cache duration by default

Unless you set an expiration when using `lapse()` the cache file will never devalidate. This is because the plugin is intended to be used with keys defining the expiration like `$key = hash('xxh3', $page->id().$page->modified());`.

$expires = 5; // in minutes. default: 0 aka infinite
$data = lapse($key, $data, $expires);

When using Memcache or APCu you need to limit the maximum number of caches created since you have a very limited amount if memory of 64MB at default. You can set a limit at `bnomei.lapse.indexLimit` to something like `300`. But be aware that this makes writing to the cache a tiny bit slower since the plugins internal index must be updated.

### No cache when debugging

When Kirbys global debug config is set to `true` the **complete** plugin cache will be flushed and no caches will be created. This will make you live easier – trust me.

### Kirby Field-Objects and serialization 

The plugin uses the default Kirby serialization of objects and since memory references are lost anyway all Kirby Field-Objects are stored by calling their `->value()` method. The File-Cache uses a json format.

### Migrating from v1 of this plugin

- `$force` param has been removed: use proper keys.
- all settings have been removed: they are not needed anymore like explained above.

## Performance

### Use crc32 to generate the hash

`xxh3` is the [fastest]( non cryptographic hashing hashing algorithm in PHP 8.1 . The keys for lapse do not need to be encrypted.

### Cache Driver
For best performance set the **global** [cache driver]( to one using the servers memory not files on the harddisk (even on SSDs). Memcache or ApcuCache can be activated on most hosting environments but rarely are by default. Also see `bnomei.lapse.indexLimit` setting explained above. My [Redis Cache Driver]( and [SQLite Cache Driver]( are faster than other cache drivers and have no memory limit. In all other cases use the very fast [PHP Cache Driver]( or APCu.

return [
  'cache' => [
    'driver' => 'apcu', // php, redis, sqlite

## Examples

// lapse v1 could already do this:
// store data until objects are modified with optional expire
$data = lapse(
    ['some', 'kind', 'of', 'data'],
    60*24*7 // one week

// now it can create magic cache keys from kirby objects
$data = lapse(
    $page, // key with modification date created by lapse based on object 
    function () use ($page) {
        return [
           'title' => $page->title(),

// or from an collection of pages or files
$collection = collection('mycollection');
$data = lapse(
    $collection, // this will turn into a key taking modification date of all objects into consideration
    function () use ($collection) {
        return [ /*...*/ ];

// or from an array combining all these
$data = lapse(
    ['myhash', $page, $page->children()->images(), $collection, $site], // will create key from array of objects
    function () use ($site, $page, $collection) {
        return [
            // will not break serialization => automatically store ->value() of fields
            'author' => $site->author(),
            'title' => $page->title(),
            'hero' => $page->children()->images()->first()->srcset()->html(),
            'count' => $collection->count(),

// remove by dynamic key
$wasRemoved = \Bnomei\Lapse::rm(
    ['myhash', $page, $page->children()->images(), $collection, $site]

> 🏎️ if you use autoid or boost the modified lookups will be at almost zero-cpu cost.

## Disclaimer

This plugin is provided "as is" with no guarantee. Use it at your own risk and always test it yourself before using it in a production environment. If you find any issues, please [create a new issue](

## License


It is discouraged to use this plugin in any project that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, animal abuse, violence or any other form of hate speech.

## Credits

based on V2 version of