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# babel-plugin-debug

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this plugin replaces debug-statements with environment related if-statements which can be garbage-collected by minifiers
## how it works

#### example:

    debug: {
        // log something for development

will be converted to

    if(process.env.DEBUG === 'true') {
        // log something for development

so, when the transpiled code is run, the code block will only be executed when run the environment variable `DEBUG` is set.

## use with webpack

when used with webpack you can use the `webpack.DefinePlugin` to pass the `DEBUG` variable

    plugins: [
        new webpack.DefinePlugin({
          'process.env': {
            'DEBUG': `"${process.env.DEBUG}"`
#### example

    debug: {
        // log something for development
and webpack is run with

    DEBUG=true webpack
this yields the following output:

    if(true) {
        // log something for development
which then can be collected by minifiers

when webpack is run with

then this yields the following output

    if(false) {
        // log something for development
where as then the whole block will be thrown to trash by minifiers

### little extra: named debugs

sometimes you want to give scopes to your debug statements so you can do the following:

    debug_myblock: {
        // some debug

then you can enable these with the following

    DEBUG=myblock webpack

this generates the following JS

    if(process.env.DEBUG === 'true' || process.env.DEBUG === 'myblock') {

**NOTE**: all scopes are enabled when used with `DEBUG=true` (obviously)