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# grunt-front-end-modules

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> Use npm to manage front-end dependencies

## Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt `~0.4.5`

If you haven't used [Grunt]( before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started]( guide, as it explains how to create a [Gruntfile]( as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-front-end-modules --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


## The "front_end_modules" task
This task allows you to use npm to manage front-end dependencies on your project.  It will copy files out of installed
packages to other areas of your project such as a `libs` directory.  It was inspired by this vision of
[npm and front-end packaging](

It will honor the file specified in the `main` key in a dependent module's `package.json` or you can configure a package
specific key.  You can also exercise full control over what files are copied via the gruntjs file configuration formats.

This task could be run as a `postinstall` script or as part of your existing grunt workflow.  For CommonJS modules,
you can then use a solution like [browserify]( to make those modules runnable in a browser.

### Overview
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named `front_end_modules` to the data object passed into `grunt.initConfig()`.

  front_end_modules: {
    options: {
      dest: 'js/libs'
    libs: {
      modules: [
    test: {
      options: {
        dest: 'test/libs'
      modules: [
    'cactus': {
      src: 'dist/foo.js',
      dest: 'js/libs'

The specified front-end module files will be copied from `node_modules` to the destination path.  Modules that are
published in CommonJs format can be converted using `browserify`.

### Options

#### options.dest
Type: `String`
Default value: none

A string value that specifies the destination directory to copy modules to.

#### options.moduleSrcKey
Type: `String`
Default value: none

A string value that specifies the field in the module's `package.json` to use for the module file or list of files
to copy to `options.dest`.

#### options.browserify
Type: `Object`
Default value: none

`grunt-browserify` configuration that is passed directly to `grunt-browserify` as its `options`.

### Usage Examples
There are several ways to specify front-end module dependencies to be copied.  All modules must be installed under

#### Multiple Modules
You can copy multiple front-end modules. Each module will have its `main` file as configured in the `main` property of
its `package.json` copied to the `options.dest` path. Configure different targets for each destination path.

  front_end_modules: {
    libs: {
      options: {
        dest: 'js/libs'
      modules: [
    test: {
      options: {
        dest: 'test/libs'
      modules: [

In the example above, `underscore.js` and `mustache.js` will be copied from their installed packages under
`node_modules` to `js/libs`, and `jasmine-jquery.js` will be copied from its installed package to `test/libs`.

#### Single Module
You can copy a single front-end module by using the package name as the target name. Its `main` file as configured in
the `main` property of its `package.json` will be copied to the `options.dest` path. The name of the task target is the
name of the npm package.

  front_end_modules: {
    underscore: {
      options: {
        dest: 'js/libs/underscore'
    mustache: {
      options: {
        dest: 'js/libs/mustache'

In the example above, `underscore.js` will be copied from its installed package under `node_modules` to
`js/libs/underscore`, and `mustache.js` will be likewise be copied from its installed package to `js/libs/mustache`.

#### Package Specific Key for Main Files
If a package uses a key other than `main` in its `package.json` say for example to specify a collection of library
files, that key can be configured under `options.moduleSrcKey`.  The name of the task target is the name of the npm

  front_end_modules: {
    options {
      dest: 'js/libs'
    cactus: {
      options: {
        moduleSrcKey: 'srcFiles'

In the example above, a library named `cactus` in `node_modules/cactus` will have the file or files specified in the
`srcFiles` key of its `package.json` copied to `js/libs`.

#### Package Specific Files
For fine-grained control over which modules files are copied all [gruntjs](
file configuration formats are also supported on a per target basis.  The name of the task target is the name of the
npm package.

  front_end_modules: {
    'cactus': {
      src: 'dist/**/*.js',
      dest: 'js/libs'

In the example above, all `.js` files under `node_modules/cactus/dist` will be copied to `js/libs`.

#### Browserify CommonJS-Style Files
If the module you are using is written in the CommonJS-Style, you can run `browserify` directly instead of just copying the modules files. Just add a `browserify` section to the task configuration which will become the `options` configuration passed to `grunt-browserify`. The name of the task target is the name of the npm package. If you omit the `src` field, the main file of the package will be used. If you omit, the `dest` file, the name of the main file will be used. If you supply a `dest` filename, the dest path will be prefixed to the filename.

  front_end_modules: {
    options: {
      dest: 'js/libs'
    semver: {
      browserify: {
        browserifyOptions: {
          standalone: 'semver'
    'underscore.string': {
      browserify: {
        browserifyOptions: {
          standalone: 'underscore.string'
      dest: 'underscore.string.js'

## Contributing
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using [Grunt](

## Release History
* 1.1.0 Initial version
* 1.2.0 Add built-in browserify support