
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
<a name="0.1.5"></a>
### 0.1.5 (2014-07-18)

#### Bug Fixes

* **grunt:** configure proxy in hoodie callback ([15b2ce81](
* **travis:**
  * nodejitsu forgot our token, so we need to update it ([85bfb87b](
  * travis changed their deploy behavior ([b0a49390](

<a name="0.1.4"></a>
### 0.1.4 (2014-07-01)

#### Bug Fixes

* pull in latest bp fixes ([78bc08a3](

#### Features

* **account:** allow anonymous use of the app ([b1a1c81b](

<a name="0.1.3"></a>
### 0.1.3 (2014-05-30)

#### Bug Fixes

* **progress:** no unnecessary progress reporting ([41f9d92e](

<a name="0.1.2-1"></a>
### 0.1.2-1 (2014-05-29)

<a name="0.1.2"></a>
### 0.1.2 (2014-05-28)

#### Bug Fixes

* **account:**
  * error handling for offline or downtime ([b4d9dd7f](
  * handle failed signOut closes #10 ([60f00a26](

<a name="0.1.1"></a>
### 0.1.1 (2014-05-26)

#### Bug Fixes

* **index:** all lowercase paths ([6a45b475](

<a name="0.1.0-0"></a>
### 0.1.0-0 (2014-05-26)

#### Bug Fixes

* **account:**
  * open links in new window ([f972c1ae](
  * attribute @leobabauta ([c292c2c7](
* **sorttasks:** save back changed dueDates ([174429e3](
* **task:** bigger textarea by default ([e1640d19](

#### Features

* **task:** show date information ([ea628a7c](

<a name="0.0.9-0"></a>
### 0.0.9-0 (2014-05-25)

#### Bug Fixes

* **font:** explicitly define font-family ([4408e43e](
* **grunt:** don't remove necessary whitespace ([0969ed70](
* **taskcell:** scroll works on Android/Chrome ([4f60faf7](, closes [#16](

#### Features

* **account:** attribution and legal stuff ([719b6edc](

<a name="0.0.8-0"></a>
### 0.0.8-0 (2014-05-25)

#### Bug Fixes

* **inbox:**
  * hide done tasks closes #17 ([65192ba8](
  * fix input behavior ([87e2feb7](
  * bigger touch target and clearer message for input ([66dbbfdc](

#### Features

* empty views ([633ad520](
* **br:** instructions ([06de2632](
* **inbox:**
  * instructions ([35ba6667](
  * make task input more obvious ([a81b8084](
* **mit:** instructions ([9ebc67c0](
* **progress:** track tutorial progress and hide if seen ([4c35815d](

<a name="0.0.7-0"></a>
### 0.0.7-0 (2014-05-22)

#### Bug Fixes

* **task:** overdue tasks now stick when marked as done in the current unit ([ce0add4e](
* **taskcell:** optimize overdue icon for landscape ([e149c91f](

#### Features

* **icons:** use custom built font for filesize ([5708d750](
* **inbox:** "add to homescreen" popup ([930c0a92](
* **taskcell:** improve overdue and done styles ([b9b463cd](

<a name="0.0.6-2"></a>
### 0.0.6-2 (2014-05-20)

#### Bug Fixes

* **task:** auto-growing textarea closes #8 ([fbeb20b3](

<a name="0.0.6-1"></a>
### 0.0.6-1 (2014-05-16)

#### Features

* **logo:**
  * attribution ([0e922bc2](
  * add logo, favicon, tile whatevs ([01988a15](

<a name="0.0.6-0"></a>
### 0.0.6-0 (2014-05-16)

#### Bug Fixes

* **inbox:**
  * don't fail in empty input ([302f16b7](
  * add new task on blur ([b4fdb501](, closes [#11](
* **taskcell:**
  * reset styles after animation ([aa882aef](
  * done tasks aren't swipeable ([43a53aa6](

#### Features

* **sorttasks:** archive done tasks from the day before ([16f1e207](
* **task:** don't archive done tasks of the current unit ([4cfd125d](
* **taskcell:** style for done task ([9d8edfb5](

<a name="0.0.5-3"></a>
### 0.0.5-3 (2014-05-12)

#### Bug Fixes

* **taskcell:** subtler enter animation ([46475ea4](

#### Features

* meaningful table grouped headers ([10936f43](

<a name="0.0.5-2"></a>
### 0.0.5-2 (2014-05-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **taskcell:** slower animations are better on the eye ([35026103](

#### Features

* **appcache:** automatically load new app version ([ed6620a0](
* **task:**
  * apply task specific styles ([cbb26190](
  * add actions to toolbar and handle state afterwards ([65d4fc2f](
  * type specific task screens ([5cae260c](

<a name="0.0.5-1"></a>
### 0.0.5-1 (2014-05-08)

#### Features

* **account:** display information for better debugging and error reports ([119c5eff](

<a name="0.0.5-0"></a>
### 0.0.5-0 (2014-05-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **styles:** disable android styles and dynamic type ([0bc779bc](
* **tasks:** return promises ([f2d65317](

#### Features

* **taskcell:**
  * animate actions ([2fb5bfbf](
  * correct action colors and icons for br & mit ([ad27dde9](
  * add staggered enter animation ([7e28fa11](

<a name="0.0.4-1"></a>
### 0.0.4-1 (2014-05-06)

#### Bug Fixes

* **templates:** correct paths ([c7b1952b](

<a name="0.0.4-0"></a>
### 0.0.4-0 (2014-05-05)

#### Bug Fixes

* **views:** fixed width icons in navbar ([092b390e](

#### Features

* **hoodie:** react to hoodie events and update (even remote) ([e59fa4cb](

<a name="0.0.3-1"></a>
### 0.0.3-1 (2014-05-05)

#### Bug Fixes

* **account:** fixed with for validation icons ([c2417625](

<a name="0.0.3-0"></a>
### 0.0.3-0 (2014-05-05)

#### Features

* **manifest:** add generated manifest #offlinefirst ([0f620303](

<a name="0.0.2-1"></a>
### 0.0.2-1 (2014-05-05)

<a name="0.0.2"></a>
### 0.0.2 (2014-05-04)

#### Bug Fixes

* **view:** all lowercase filenames ([0eed8d57](

#### Features

* **account:**
  * redirect to account if not logged in ([7fcbefb8](
  * add styles ([65eecd86](
  * add view ([8bbc9a44](
  * add controller ([d7f89fb8](
  * add state ([cc56d1df](
* **task:** hoodify/promisify ([043b8023](

<a name="0.0.1"></a>
### 0.0.1 (2014-05-02)

#### Bug Fixes

* **taskcell:** efficent class adding and removal ([5bd1454f](

#### Features

* **br:** add br view and controller ([75341d92](
* **hoodie:** add hoodie.js and the angular adapter ([4354d783](
* **inbox:** add inbox view and controller ([f68c8593](
* **mit:** add mit view and controller ([f545fc45](
* **sorttasks:** put taskSort logic into service ([20828ffd](
* **task:**
  * add task view and controller ([ae7a1fc8](
  * task datastructure ([2c4afe11](
* **taskcell:**
  * styles ([a932af31](
  * add swipeable taskcell ([a599c710](