

0 mins
Test Coverage
package api

import (


var (
    ErrLastPage  = errors.New("current page is last")
    ErrFirstPage = errors.New("current page is first")

type paginatedResponse struct {
    Collection []track.Track `json:"collection"`
    NextHref   string        `json:"next_href"`

type Paginator struct {
    // currentPage corresponds to index of pages.
    // If it's -1, the Paginator was only initialized.
    currentPage int

    nextHref    string
    tracksCache [][]track.Track

// NewPaginator returns new paginator.
// It needs only the url to the first page.
// More: https://developers.soundcloud.com/blog/offset-pagination-deprecated.
func NewPaginator(firstPageURL string) *Paginator {
    return &Paginator{currentPage: -1, nextHref: firstPageURL}

func getPage(url string) (paginatedResponse, error) {
    pResponse := paginatedResponse{}

    response, err := get(url)
    if err != nil {
        return pResponse, err

    err = json.Unmarshal(response, &pResponse)
    return pResponse, err

// NextPage returns tracks on the next page and error, if it occured.
// If p is on last page, it returns ErrLastPage
func (p *Paginator) NextPage() ([]track.Track, error) {
    if p.OnLastPage() {
        return nil, ErrLastPage


    // If p.tracksCache already has tracks of next page, then use them.
    if len(p.tracksCache)-1 >= p.currentPage {
        return p.tracksCache[p.currentPage], nil

    response, err := getPage(p.nextHref)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    p.nextHref = response.NextHref
    p.tracksCache = append(p.tracksCache, response.Collection)
    return response.Collection, nil

// OnLastPage checks, if current page is last.
func (p Paginator) OnLastPage() bool {
    return p.nextHref == ""

// PrevPage returns tracks on the previous page and error, if it occured.
// If p is on first page, it returns ErrFirstPage
func (p *Paginator) PrevPage() ([]track.Track, error) {
    if p.OnFirstPage() {
        return nil, ErrFirstPage


    if len(p.tracksCache)+1 >= p.currentPage {
        return p.tracksCache[p.currentPage], nil

    // This should never happen!
    return nil, ErrFirstPage

// OnFirstPage checks, if current page is first.
func (p Paginator) OnFirstPage() bool {
    return p.currentPage <= 0