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# Changelog

## [[Unreleased]](
    Changes that have landed in master but are not yet released.
    Click to see more.
</details> -->

### :rocket: New Feature

### :bug: Bug Fix

### :nail_care: Enhancement
### :memo: Documentation
### :house: Internal

## [6.9.16 (2024-04-25)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- Fixes resizable field always being null in React 18.3.

## [6.9.14 (2024-04-21)](

### :bug: Bug Fix

- Fixed a bug, onResize fired before snapping to grid #783

## [6.9.11 (2023-08-10)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- improve `enable` type.

## [6.9.9 (2022-04-26)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- use native `endsWith`.
- remove `fast-memoize`.

## [6.9.8 (2022-04-22)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- use `flushSync` in mouseMove.

## [6.9.6 (2022-04-22)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- add `react` and `react-dom` to peer deps.

## [6.9.5 (2022-03-14)](

### :bug: Bug Fix: Fixed a bug, calculate parent height even when the parent is a flex container [#765](

## [6.9.2 (2022-02-24)](

### :bug: Bug Fix: Fixed a bug, `lockAspectRatio` is not work when `snap` is set. [#759](

## [6.9.1 (2021-09-14)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- Fixed a issue, using CTRL when resizing doesn't work #747

## [6.8.0 (2021-11-05)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- Feature: boundsByDirection #689

## [6.6.1 (2020-09-22)](

### :bug: Bug Fix

- Fixed a bug, resize is not work when set `xxxpx` to max/min width/height

## [6.6.0 (2020-09-22)](

### :bug: Bug Fix

- Fixed a bug, a base element is removed even though there are other resizable components. (#667)

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- Expose `NumberSize`.

## [6.5.5 (2020-08-28)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- fix: instanceof check fails when window is a proxy (#659)

## [6.5.4 (2020-07-13)](

### :bug: Bug Fix

- Fixed a bug, when touched in mobile some execption throwed.

## [6.5.2 (2020-06-26)](

### :bug: Bug Fix

- Fixes #522 - Resize without page scrolling on mobile

## [6.5.1 (2020-06-25)](

### :bug: Bug Fix

- Make `as` optional

## [6.5.0 (2020-06-17)](

### :bug: Bug Fix

- Fix ES Module Output #634

## [6.4.0 (2020-05-14)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- Support the "as" prop to change the wrapper #614

## [6.3.2 (2020-03-28)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- Avoid a useless re-render #587

## [6.3.1 (2020-03-28)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- Makes the component window agnostic, which means that the component can be run inside an iframe. (#598)

## [6.2.0 (2020-02-05)](

### :bug: Bug Fix

- Fixed a bug, resizing does not work when flex-basis set.

## [6.1.1 (2019-11-30)](

### :bug: Bug Fix

- Fixed a bug, `Handle loses mouse as edge gets further away from other side #537`

## [6.1.0 (2019-09-28)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- Improve perf #529  
- Support `vh` and `vw` for max size #526

## [6.0.0 (2019-08-12)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement

- Fix deprecated componentWillRecieveProps lifecycle method usage #504
- Feature request: Allow early exiting for onResizeStart #494

### :zap: Breaking changes
- use `PureComponent`
## [5.0.0 (2019-06-05)](

Please see also 5.0.0-beta.0 change.

### :nail_care: Enhancement
- Add `snapGap` property #446
### :house: Internal
- Upgrade some deps.

## [5.0.0-beta.0 (2019-03-17)](

### :nail_care: Enhancement
- Use typeScript instead of flowtype in [#413]
- Improve some perf.
- Support `vw` and `vh`. Please see [story](

### :zap: Breaking changes
- Support only named import. Please import like following.
import { Resizable } from 're-resizable';
### :memo: Documentation
- Extract LICENSE from README file ([@MichaelDeBoey]( in [#397](
- Extract CHANGELOG from README file ([@MichaelDeBoey]( in [#397](
### :house: Internal
- Update `react` & `react-dom` to `v16.7.0` ([#395](

## [4.11.0 (2018-12-14)](

### :rocket: New Feature
- Add `resizeRatio` prop ([@martinmcneela]( in [#391]( & [@bokuweb]( in [31ce82b2](
### :house: Internal
- Update `npm-run-all` to `v4.1.5` ([#389](
- Update `react` & `react-dom` to `v16.6.3` ([#387](
- Update `sinon` to `v7.2.2` ([#393](
- Update `rollup-plugin-node-resolve` to `v4.0.0` ([#392](
- Update `flow-bin` to `v0.89.0` ([#385](
- Update `prettier` to `v1.15.3` ([#386](

## [4.10.0 (2018-11-16)](

### :rocket: New Feature
- Add `scale` prop ([@wootencl]( in [#391]( & [@bokuweb]( in [6825ed9a](
### :house: Internal
- Update `react` & `react-dom` to `v16.6.1` ([#384](
- Update `prettier` to `v1.15.1` ([#383](
- Update `sinon` to `v7.1.1` ([#379](
- Update `flow-bin` to `v0.85.0` ([#378](
- Update `eslint-plugin-flowtype` to `v3.2.0` ([#375](
- Update `rollup-plugin-node-globals` to `v1.4.0` ([#344](

## [4.9.3 (2018-11-06)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Don't add `px` when setting `scale` to `auto` ([@jrainville]( in [#382]( & [@bokuweb]( in [62254a2b](
### :house: Internal
- Update `sinon` to `v7.1.0` ([#373](
- Update `react` & `react-dom` to `v16.6.0` ([#371](
- Update `gh-pages` to `v2.0.1` ([#352](
- Update `flow-bin` to `v0.84.0` ([#342](

## [4.9.2 (2018-10-26)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Fix initial left position of element for Safari ([@jnelson180]( in [#374]( & [@bokuweb]( in [54d86200](
### :house: Internal
- Update `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y` to `v6.1.2` ([#363](
- Update `react` & `react-dom` to `v16.5.2` ([#357](
- Update `rollup-plugin-commonjs` to `v9.2.0` ([#356](
- Update `@​storybook/addon-info` & `@​storybook/react` to `v3.4.11` ([#355](

## [4.9.1 (2018-10-21)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Fix `flow` types ([@amccloud]( in [#364]( & [@bokuweb]( in [424a208a](

### :nail_care: Enhancement
- Add defaultStyle to default-size stories ([@liorbentov]( in [#361](
### :memo: Documentation
- Add `Storybook` badge to README ([@bokuweb]( in [16458a2d](

### :house: Internal
- Update `rollup` to `v0.65.2` ([#347](
- Update `react` & `react-dom` to `v16.5.1` ([#350](
- Update `sinon` to `v7.0.0` ([#368](
- Update `eslint-plugin-flowtype` to `v3.0.0` ([#367](
- Update `rollup-plugin-replace` to `v2.1.0` ([#365](
- Update `rollup-plugin-replace` to `v10.0.1` ([#360](
- Update `prettier` to `v1.14.3` ([#359](

## [4.9.0 (2018-10-13)](

### :rocket: New Feature
- Allow relative units for `scale` prop ([@haakemon]( in [#349](

### :memo: Documentation
- Add `CodeSandbox` (TypeScript) link to README ([@bokuweb]( in [e17509a5](

### :house: Internal
- Update `rollup` to `v0.65.0` ([#339](
- Update `rollup-plugin-commonjs` to `v9.1.6` ([#338](
- Update `react` & `react-dom` to `v16.5.0` ([#348](
- Update `sinon` to `v6.3.1` ([#345](

## [4.8.1 (2018-08-24)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Fix `TypeScript` types ([@bokuweb]( in [22b895b5]( & [55d0eff3](

### :memo: Documentation
- Add `CodeSandbox` link to README ([@bokuweb]( in [738edd71]( & [b93fa52e](

### :house: Internal
- Update `flow-bin` to `v0.79.1` ([#336](
- Update `sinon` to `v6.1.5` ([#327](
- Update `rollup-plugin-babel` to `v3.0.7` ([#305](
- Update `rollup` to `v0.64.1` ([#296](

## [4.8.0 (2018-08-23)](

### :rocket: New Feature
- Add absolute snap dimensions ([@therebelrobot]( in [#337]( & [@bokuweb]( in [e9f0df99](

### :memo: Documentation
- Change `Greenkeeper` badges to `Renovate` in README ([@bokuweb]( in [7903d50e](
- Fix `ResizeCallback` types in README ([@mdanka]( in [#325](

### :house: Internal
- Update `prettier` to `v1.14.2` ([#311](, [#312]( & [#329](
- Update `flow-bin` to `v0.78.0` ([#298](, [#320](, [#326]( & [#332](
- Update `@​storybook/addon-info` & `@​storybook/react` to `v3.4.10` ([#297]( & [#331](
- Update `flow-copy-source` to `v2.0.2` ([#313]( & [#324](
- Update `sinon` to `v6.1.3` ([#309](, [#314]( & [#317](
- Update `eslint-plugin-react` to `v7.11.1` ([#310](, [#334]( & [#335](
- Update `eslint-plugin-import` to `v2.14.0` ([#308]( & [#333](
- Update `prettier-eslint` to `v8.8.2` ([#301](
- Update `eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y` to `v6.1.1` ([#315]( & [#323](
- Update `babel-eslint` to `v8.2.6` ([#302]( & [#322](
- Update `flow-typed` to `v2.5.1` ([#318](
- Update `eslint-plugin-flowtype` to `v2.50.0` ([#321](
- Update `react` & `react-dom` to `v16.4.2` ([#330](
- Update `rollup-plugin-commonjs` to `v9.1.5` ([#328](

## [4.7.1 (2018-06-24)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Fix behaviour when setting `auto` ([@bokuweb]( in [#307]( &  [ce04f529](

## [4.7.0 (2018-06-24)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Fix behaviour when setting absolute position ([@bokuweb]( in [#306]( &  [a64ba810](

## [4.6.1 (2018-06-23)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Downgrade `rollup`, since it's breaking our build ([@bokuweb]( in [#304]( &  [2daa83aa](

## [4.6.0 (2018-06-23)](

**Note: this release has a critical issue and was deprecated. Please update to 4.6.1 or higher.**

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Fix `TypeScript` types ([@bokuweb]( in [1db61d42](, [2a02d211]( & [27117f46](

## [4.5.2 (2018-06-23)](

**Note: this release has a critical issue and was deprecated. Please update to 4.6.1 or higher.**

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Fix `TypeScript` types ([@bokuweb]( in [e43e042e]( & [af559e74](

### :house: Internal
- Update `rollup` to `v0.61.0` ([#290]( & [#295](
- Update `@​storybook/addon-info` & `@​storybook/react` to `v3.4.7` ([#288](
- Update `prettier` to `v1.13.5` ([#285](
- Update `sinon` to `v6.0.0` ([#289](
- Update `flow-copy-source` to `v2.0.0` ([#280](
- Update `eslint-plugin-react` to `v7.9.1` ([#279](
- Update `avaron` to `v0.2.0` ([#300](

## [4.5.1 (2018-06-19)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Fix `TypeScript` types ([@maksis]( in [#293]( & [@bokuweb]( in [e43e042e](

### :house: Internal
- Update `react` & `react-dom` to `v16.4.1` ([#291](

## [4.5.0 (2018-06-19)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Fix `TypeScript` types ([@bokuweb]( in [ec3a4b64](

### :house: Internal
- Drop Node 6/7 support in  CI ([@bokuweb]( in [1b6480cf](
- Update `flow-bin` to `v0.74.0` ([#284](
- Update `sinon` to `v5.1.0` ([#282](
- Update `rollup` to `v0.60.1` ([#281](

## [4.4.10 (2018-06-07)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Fix `Array.from` error in IE11 ([@bokuweb]( in [6caf5593]( & [f1bceab6](

## [4.4.9 (2018-06-07)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Fix `Array.from` error in IE11 ([@bokuweb]( in [#283](

### :memo: Documentation
- Change `CodeSandbox` link in README ([@bokuweb]( in [d31007dc](

### :house: Internal
- Update `sinon` to `v5.0.10` ([#223](, [#227](, [#251](, [#252](, [#254]( & [#268](
- Use specific Docker image in CI ([#225](
- Update `flow-bin` to `v0.73.0` ([#226](, [#242](, [#247](, [#258]( & [#271](
- Update `react` & `react-dom` to `v16.4.0` ([#228](, [#231](, [#241]( & [#269](
- Update `eslint-plugin-import` to `v2.12.0` ([#229](, [#236]( & [#264](
- Update `@​storybook/addon-info` & `@​storybook/react` to `v3.4.6` ([#230](, [#233](, [#244](, [#249](, [#261](, [#265]( & [#272](
- Update `prettier` to `v1.13.4` ([#235](, [#243](, [#273](, [#275]( & [#276](
- Update `rollup-plugin-babel` to `v3.0.4` ([#246](
- Update `rollup` to `v0.59.4` ([#240](, [#263](, [#266]( & [#270](
- Update `eslint-plugin-flowtype` to `v2.49.3` ([#239](, [#267]( & [#277](
- Update `rollup-plugin-commonjs` to `v9.1.3` ([#250](
- Update `babel-eslint` to `v8.2.3` ([#237](
- Update `rollup-plugin-node-globals` to `v1.2.1` ([#255](
- Update `npm-run-all` to `v4.1.3` ([#253](
- Update `babel-preset-env` to `v1.7.0` ([#259](
- Update `eslint-plugin-react` to `v7.8.2` ([#260]( & [#262](
- Update `gh-pages` to `v1.2.0` ([#278](

## [4.4.8 (2018-03-27)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Fix for nexted instances ([@bokuweb]( in [#222]( & [064a09d6](

### :house: Internal
- Update `sinon` to `v4.4.9` ([#221](

## [4.4.7 (2018-03-26)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Fix update when no props are passed ([@bokuweb]( in [#219]( & [49422c1b](

### :memo: Documentation
- Change `CodeSandbox` link in README ([@bokuweb]( in [0ec36a6e](

### :house: Internal
- Update `eslint` to `v4.19.1` ([#217](
- Update `sinon` to `v4.4.8` ([#216](

## [4.4.6 (2018-03-21)](

### :bug: Bug Fix
- Use `relative` position as default for `base` ([@bokuweb]( in [#213]( & [f4963eb9](

### :house: Internal
- Update `rollup` to `v0.57.1` ([#211](
- Update `rollup-plugin-node-resolve` to `v3.3.0` ([#212](

## v4.4.5

- chore: upgrade flow-bin

## v4.4.4

- fix: base finder
- fix: add mouse leave

## v4.4.3

- fix: fix type issues in index.d.ts.

## v4.4.2

- fix: fixed bug where base could not be found

## v4.4.1

- fix: add guard to avoid error without parent

## v4.4.0

- fix: bug behavior with flex layout
- chore: refactor
- chore: update deps
- chore: update d.ts
- chore: add some stories

## v4.3.2

- Fixed a bug, when resizing sometimes causes text-selection in some browser #182

## v4.3.1

- Fixed a bug, `auto` overwritten by px value #179

## v4.3.0

- Allow 0 as minWidth and minHeight #178

## v4.2.0

- Add a option for passing custom handle components #170

## v4.1.2

- Fixed a bug, Text select while resizing in IE11 #166

## v4.1.1

- Fixed a bug, Element width id="__resizable0" breaks my layout #162

## v4.1.0

- Additional height and width with lockAspectRatio #163

## v4.0.3

- Use ES5-compatible prototype methods #160

## v4.0.2

- Fix using right click on resize #152
- Add workaround when base Node not found.

## v4.0.1

- Update index.d.ts, Fixes #153

## v4.0.0

- Remove `width` and `height`.
- Add `defaultSize` and `size`,

## v3.0.0

- Fix flowtype annotation.
- Remove `extendsProps`.

You can add extendsProps as follows.

<Resizable data-foo="foo" />

## v3.0.0-beta.3

- fix typo. `ResizeStartCallBack` -> `ResizeStartCallback`.

## v3.0.0-beta.2

- export `ResizeDirection` type.
- rename `Callback` to `ResizeCallback`.

## v3.0.0-beta.1

- Fix flow filename.
- Change logo

## v3.0.0-beta.0

- Change package name, `react-resizable-box` -> `re-resizable`.
- Add `handleWrapperStyle` and `handleWrapperClass` props.
- Change behavior that is set percentage size to width or height as props.
- Support percentage max/min size.
- Use rollup.
- Fix props name.
  - `handersClasses` -> `handleClasses`
  - `handersStyles` -> `handleStyles`

## v2.1.0

- Remove `shouldUpdateComponent` (#135).
- Remove `lodash.isEqual`.

## v2.0.6

- Update README.

## v2.0.5

- Fix remove event listener

## v2.0.4

- Fix receiveProps. (related #85)

## v2.0.3

- Update dev dependencies.
- Modify index.js.flow.

## v2.0.2

- Remove offset state.
- Use `border-box`.
- Fix boundary size.

## v2.0.1

- Add offset state for rnd component.

## v2.0.0

- Update index.js.flow

## v2.0.0-rc.2

- Use `flowtype`.
- Change callback args.
- Change some props name.
  - isResizable => enable.
  - customClass => className.
  - customStyle => style.
  - handleStyle => handlerStyles.
  - handleClass => handlerClasses.
- Add bounds feature.
- Fix min/max size checker when aspect ratio locked.

## v1.8.4

- Fix cursor

## v1.8.3

- Fix npm readme

## v1.8.2

- Add index.d.ts.
- Fix resize glitch when aspct ratio locked.

## v1.8.1

- Fixing issue on resizing with touch events

## v1.8.0

- Add `extendsProps` prop to other props (e.g. `data-*`, `aria-*`, and other ).

## v1.7.0

- Support siver side rendering #43

## v1.6.0

- Add `updateSize` method.

## v1.5.1

- Add `lockAspectRatio` property.

## v1.4.3

- Avoid unnecessary rendering on resizer

## v1.4.2

- Fix onTouchStart bind timing to avoid re-rendering

## v1.4.1

- Support preserving auto size #40 (thanks @noradaiko)

## v1.4.0

- Add `grid` props to snap grid. (thanks @paulyoung)

## v1.3.0

- Add `userSelect: none` when resize get srated.
- Add shouldComponentUpdate.
- Add handle custom className.

## v1.2.0

- Add module export plugin for `require`.

## v1.1.3

- Update document.

## v1.1.2

- Add size argument to resizeStart callback.
- Fix bug

## v1.1.1

- Fix delta value bug

## v1.1.0

- Add delta argument to onResize and onResizeStop callback.

## v1.0.0

- Rename and add resizer.

## v0.4.2

- Support react v15
- ESLint run when push

## v0.4.1

- Add mousedown event object to `onResizeStart` callback argument.

## v0.4.0

- Support `'px'` and `'%'` for width and height props.