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  transistor: CHANGES

- pypi 0.2.4 release

- update requirements.txt

- pypi 0.2.3 release

- update requirements

- pypi 0.2.2 release

- Fixed a bug in BaseWorker.load_items() method which previously resulted
in losing scrape data when the number of workers did not equal number of
tasks. Now, using any number of workers or pool size will result in
consistent export/save results. While, scrape time will change proportional
to the number of workers assigned. Wrote tests to ensure the same.

- BaseGroup.hired_worker() method name has been changed to `get_worker()`

- transistor/books folder is now moved to transistor/schedulers/books

- Added AMQP support through Kombu

- modified WorkGroupManager to act as a Consumer, accepting tasks from a
Producer, working with RabbitMQ broker. It will probably also work with
Redis as long as the appropriate connection string is applied.

- added transistor/schedulers/brokers which contains a class
ExchangQueue, which an instance can be passed to WorkGroupManager task parameter,
enabling it to work with RabbitMQ (and maybe Redis).

- pypi 0.2.1 release

- added `url` parameter to the WorkGroup which is a bit more attractive
API, instead of including the url in a kwarg.  The reason why the url was
originally included as a kwarg is because depending on how the custom
Spider is setup, the url may already be specified, and it is redundant to
specify it again.  But for API clarity sake, now we just insist the url is
specified in the WorkGroup. At least, it is easier to read at a quick glance.


- pypi 0.2.0 release

More API breaking changes:

- previously, the Worker needed to be explicitly defined in the
BaseGroup.hired_worker() method, and the Scraper needed to be defined
inside the Worker. Now, you can set the Worker and Scraper at
the top level in the WorkGroup parameters named `worker` and `spider`.
Explicitly subclassing BaseGroup to override hired_worker is no longer
required. But, it can still be done. Then, you can just set the WorkGroup
parameter `group` to the custom BaseGroup class.

- previously, exporters were initialized with an Item and Scraper class
set as a parameter. That created problems spinning up multiple workers with
asynchronous I/O, for example requiring blocking file locking for CsvExport
along with global variables to avoid rewriting header lines. Now, set classes
for Item and ItemLoaders at the top level in the WorkGroup parameters
named `items`, `loader` and set a parameterized Exporter instance in the
WorkGroup `exporter` parameter. The API is a lot closer to Scrapy's Item,
ItemLoader and Exporters, which should be more familiar and has some benefits.

- references to `scraper` have generally been changed to `spider`.  The
intent is `spider` is a generalization for both `scraper` and `crawler`.
This is in advance of implementing some more specific crawler functionality.

- `BaseWorker.save_to_db` has been changed to `BaseWorker.process_exports`

- added a few attributes to SplashBrowser in anticipation of needing them
to support a more robust crawling class.

- SplashScraper now accepts a kwarg 'js_source' which forwards javascript to
the Lua script where it is executed with splash:runjs(splash.args.js_source).

Made several API breaking changes:
- changed ScrapedDataExtractor to BaseItemExporter and eliminated
the `.extract` method on that class as it is no longer needed.
- changed transistor.persistence.container SplashScraperContainer to
transistor.persistence.containers SplashScraperItems
- SplashScraperItems now inherits from class::Item() and defines Fields()
just like the Scrapy API. All the previous class attributes and properties
should now be accessed like a dictionary. For example, here is the old way:
    >>> result = get_job_results('books_scrape')
    >>> for r in result:
    >>>    book_titles.append(r.book_title)
Now, the new class::Item() API requires accessing `book_title` like below:
    >>>    book_titles.append(r['book_title'])
- changed Baseworker.get_scraper_extractor()
method name to Baseworker.get_scraper_exporter()
- implemented built-in exporters closely matching Scrapy exporter API.
Exporters include 'BaseItemExporter', 'PprintItemExporter', 'PickleItemExporter',
'CsvItemExporter', 'XmlItemExporter', 'JsonLinesItemExporter',
'JsonItemExporter', 'MarshalItemExporter'
- it is now possible to use custom serializers on a per field basis. Check
the examples/books_to_scrape/persistence/ file for an example.

- implemented class::Item(), enabling a similar API to Scrapy for
Item data containers and Item Exporters.

- added 'splash_wait' attribute to SplashScraper. This controls the time
in seconds Splash will wait after opening a web page, before taking actions.
This is particularly important for websites which may continue to load from
ajax after a time delay. Set with `splash_args=<float>` keyword. Default 3.0.
- changed API away from using the word `shell` to now using `container`.
- created file in transistor/persistence/newt_db, removed
same from examples/books_to_scrape/persistence.
- moved and up a level into the main
transistor/persistence module

Nov 17, 2018
- pypi 0.1.1 release

Nov 16, 2018
- standardized SplashScraper attributes: 'auth', 'baseurl', 'browser', 'cookies',
'crawlera_user', 'http_session_timeout', 'http_session_valid', 'LUA_SOURCE',
'max_retries', 'name', 'number', 'referrer', 'searchurl', 'splash_args', 'user_agent'.

- Now, nearly all of the SplashScraper attributes can be set via **kwargs if desired.

Nov 15, 2018
-  when initializing a StatefulBook instance, use a **kwarg called `keywords` to set
the name of the spreadsheet column heading which contains the target search terms.
For example, keywords='titles' or keywords='part_numbers'. Defaults to "item".

Nov 13, 2018:
- Initial commit of public repo
- pypi 0.1.0 release.