* Copyright (C) 2023 David Kellner
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import type {WikipediaArticle, WikipediaPageExtract} from '../../common/helpers/wikimedia';
import {cacheJSON, getCachedJSON} from '../../common/helpers/cache';
import {toLower, uniq} from 'lodash';
import {hoursToSeconds} from 'date-fns';
import request from 'superagent';
import {userAgent} from '../info';
type WikidataSiteLink = {
* Abbreviation for the Wikimedia project/site/domain.
* Format: language code + project suffix (e.g. `enwiki` for the English Wikipedia)
site: string,
/** Title of the specific page. */
title: string,
/** Wikidata IDs of badges which the page has (e.g. `Q17437798` for good articles). */
badges: string[],
type WikidataSiteLinksResult = {
entities: Record<string, {
id: string,
sitelinks: Record<string, WikidataSiteLink>,
type: 'item',
success: boolean,
// incomplete, only the parts we need
type WikipediaExtractResult = {
query: {
pages: WikipediaPageExtract[],
/** Maximum age of cached results in seconds. */
const cacheMaxAge = {
articles: hoursToSeconds(24 * 7),
extract: hoursToSeconds(24 * 3)
* Fetches a list of Wikipedia articles in all available languages for the given Wikidata item.
* @param {string} wikidataId - Wikidata item ID.
export async function getAvailableWikipediaArticles(wikidataId: string, {
forceCache = false
} = {}): Promise<WikipediaArticle[]> {
const cacheKey = `wiki:articles:${wikidataId}`;
const cachedArticles = await getCachedJSON<WikipediaArticle[]>(cacheKey);
if (cachedArticles || forceCache) {
return cachedArticles || [];
const apiUrl = new URL(''); = new URLSearchParams({
action: 'wbgetentities',
format: 'json',
ids: wikidataId,
props: 'sitelinks'
const response = await request.get(apiUrl.href)
.set('User-Agent', userAgent);
const result = response.body as WikidataSiteLinksResult;
const item = result.entities?.[wikidataId];
if (!item) {
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch Wikidata item ${wikidataId}`);
const articles = Object.values(item.sitelinks)
// only keep Wikipedia pages
.filter((link) =>'wiki'))
.map((page) => <WikipediaArticle>({
// drop project suffix
language:$/, ''),
title: page.title
cacheJSON(cacheKey, articles, {expireTime: cacheMaxAge.articles});
return articles;
* Tries to find a Wikipedia article for the given Wikidata item in the first preferred language which is available.
* @param {string} wikidataId - Wikidata item ID.
* @param {string[]} preferredLanguages - List of language codes, preference in descending order.
export async function selectWikipediaPage(wikidataId: string, {
forceCache = false,
preferredLanguages = ['en']
} = {}) {
const articles = await getAvailableWikipediaArticles(wikidataId, {forceCache});
let result: WikipediaArticle;
for (const language of uniq(preferredLanguages)) {
result = articles.find((page) => page.language === toLower(language));
if (result) {
return result;
* Fetches the page extract of the given Wikipedia article.
* @param {object} article - Title and language of the article.
export async function getWikipediaExtract(article: WikipediaArticle, {
forceCache = false
} = {}): Promise<WikipediaPageExtract> {
const cacheKey = `wiki:extract:${article.language}:${article.title}`;
const cachedExtract = await getCachedJSON<WikipediaPageExtract>(cacheKey);
if (cachedExtract || forceCache) {
return cachedExtract;
const apiUrl = new URL(`https://${article.language}`); = new URLSearchParams({
action: 'query',
format: 'json',
formatversion: '2',
prop: 'extracts',
// eslint-disable-next-line sort-keys -- `exintro` only allowed with `prop: 'extracts'`
exintro: '1',
redirects: '1',
titles: article.title
const response = await request.get(apiUrl.href)
.set('User-Agent', userAgent);
const result = response.body as WikipediaExtractResult;
const pageExtract = result.query?.pages?.[0];
cacheJSON(cacheKey, pageExtract, {expireTime: cacheMaxAge.extract});
return pageExtract;