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# jdoc-test

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Write BDD tests in javadocs!

public class MathUtils {
     * Calculate square of x.
     * <pre><code lang="spock">
     * def "returns square"() {
     *   expect:
     *     MathUtils.sqr(2) == 4
     * }
     * </code></pre>
     * <pre><code lang="gherkin">
     * Feature: square calculation
     *   Scenario Outline: integers
     *     When input value equals <x>
     *     Then result should be <sqr>
     *     Examples:
     *       | x | sqr |
     *       | 0 | 0   |
     *       | 1 | 1   |
     *       | 2 | 4   |
     *       |-1 | 1   |
     *       | 10| 100 |
     *       | 11| 121 |
     * </code></pre>
    public static int sqr(int x) {
        return x * x;

## What?

**jdoc-test** is a framework for javadoc sourced java tests.

Javadoc writing is cumbersome. Documentation quickly becomes outdated. There is no guarantee that code does what documentation says.  
Developers often prefer to write tests instead of documentation. Tests never lie.

So why not just write tests in documentation? [BDD]( frameworks
use test specifications written in (more or less) human language. Such documentation goes in sync with actual code and shows code
usage example. Java code, tests and documentation become tightly coupled by putting BDD specification in javadoc.

## WHAT?

[jdoc-spock](#jdoc-spock) jupiter engine library runs [spockframework]( test specifications written in javadocs.

[jdoc-spock-gradle-plugin](#jdoc-spock-gradle-plugin) gradle [plugin]( automates spockframework specs generation and testing.

[jdoc-cucumber](#jdoc-cucumber) jupiter engine library runs [gherkin]( features written in javadocs.

[jdoc-cucumber-gradle-plugin](#jdoc-cucumber-gradle-plugin) gradle [plugin]( automates cucumber feature generation and testing. 

:warning: **Library tests itself using itself executing own `jdoc-spock` tests written in javadocs.** 

## WHAT???

Yes, see `jdoc-spock` and `jdoc-cucumber` test examples in source code.

## How?

### jdoc-spock



1. Write `jdoc-spock` tests.
`jdoc-spock` contains junit platform engine to run tests. It considers text in javadoc or block comment between `<code lang="spock">` `</code>` tags as spock specification code.
Additional non-mandatory `<pre>` tag keeps code formatting for javadoc presentation:
 * <pre><code lang="spock">
 * def "Calling delegate bar method"() {
 *   when:
 *     $
 *   then:
 *     1 *
 * }
 * </code></pre>
public void foo() {;

2. Add `jdoc-spock` dependency.

`build.gradle` example:
repositories {

dependencies {
    testRuntimeOnly "io.github.boolivar.jdoctest:jdoc-spock:0.9.0"

> `jdoc-spock` versions before `0.9.0` available only on [jitpack](
> ```gradle
> repositories {
>     maven { url "" }
> }
> dependencies {
>     testRuntimeOnly "com.github.boolivar.jdoc-test:jdoc-spock:0.8.1"
> }
> ```

3. Compile java code with parameter names using `javac` `-parameters` argument.

`build.gradle` example:
compileJava {
    options.compilerArgs << "-parameters"

`jdoc-spock` uses constructor argument names to generate fields in specification initialized with mocks.
`$target` field of spock specification is initialized with instance of class under test (instance of primary class in java file where jdoc-spock specification is located).
`jdoc-spock` searches for biggest constructor with mockable (non-final class) arguments and creates mock for each constructor argument. Mocks stored in spec fields using corresponding names.

As an example for java class:

public class Foo {

    private final Bar delegate;

    public Foo(Bar delegate) {
        this.delegate = delegate;

generated spock fields will be:
def delegate = Mock(Bar)
def $target = new Foo(delegate)

4. Set up paths to java sources using test suite `@SelectDirectories` or `@SelectFile`:

import org.junit.platform.suite.api.IncludeEngines;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectDirectories;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;

public class JdocSpockTestSuite {

jdoc-spock supports platform engine `DiscoverySelector` and `FileSelector`.

Optionally comma-separated paths to java sources can be provided using either `jdoc.spock.test-dirs` or `jdoc.spock.test-files` junit platform [Configuration Parameters](

`build.gradle` example:
test {
    systemProperties = ["jdoc.spock.test-dirs" :",")]

5. Run tests with `jdoc-spock` junit engine.

`gradle` example:
gradle test

### jdoc-cucumber



1. Write jdoc gherkin feature using `<code lang="gherkin">` tag:

 * <pre><code lang="gherkin">
 * Feature: foo() invokes bar()
 *   Scenario: invoke foo()
 *     When invoke foo()
 *     Then bar() invoked
 * </code></pre>
public class Foo {

    private final Bar bar;

    public Foo(Bar bar) { = bar;

    public void foo() {;

2. Provide cucumber and jdoc-cucumber test dependencies.

`build.gradle` example:
repositories {

dependencies {
    testRuntimeOnly "io.github.boolivar.jdoctest:jdoc-cucumber:0.9.0"
    testImplementation "io.cucumber:cucumber-java:7.17.0"

> `jdoc-cucumber` versions before `0.9.0` available only on [jitpack](
> `build.gradle` example:
> ```gradle
> repositories {
>     maven { url "" }
> }
> dependencies {
>     testRuntimeOnly "com.github.boolivar.jdoc-test:jdoc-cucumber:0.8.1"
>     testImplementation "io.cucumber:cucumber-java:7.17.0"
> }
> ```

3. Write cucumber step definitions.


import static org.mockito.BDDMockito.*;

public class StepDefinitions {

    private final Bar bar = mock(Bar.class);

    private final Foo foo = new Foo(bar);

    @When("invoke foo()")
    public void invokeFoo() {;

    @Then("bar() invoked")
    public void verifyBarInvoked() {

4. Set up paths to java sources using test suite `@SelectDirectories` or `@SelectFile` and step definitions package
using `io.cucumber.junit.platform.engine.Constants.GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME` configuration parameter:

import org.junit.platform.suite.api.ConfigurationParameter;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.IncludeEngines;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.SelectDirectories;
import org.junit.platform.suite.api.Suite;

import static io.cucumber.junit.platform.engine.Constants.GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME;

@ConfigurationParameter(key = GLUE_PROPERTY_NAME, value = "step.definitions.package")
public class JdocCucumberTestSuite {

5. Run tests with `jdoc-cucumber` junit engine.

`gradle` example:
gradle test

### jdoc-cucumber-gradle-plugin


Gradle plugin available on [gradle plugin portal]( that automates cucumber feature generation and cucumber testing tasks.

#### Minimal configuration:
plugins {
    id "java"
    id "io.github.boolivar.jdoctest.jdoc-cucumber" version "0.8.1"

repositories {

check.dependsOn jdocCucumberTest

gradle check

#### jdocCucumber extension
`build.gradle` example:
jdocCucumber {
    gluePackages = ["org.bool.cucumber.stepdefs"]
    cucumberVersion = "7.18.1"
    sources =

| Extension property | Type | Default value | Description |
| ------------------ | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
| `outputDir` | `Directory` | project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("generated/sources/jdoc-cucumber") | Path to store generated features |
| `langTag` | `String` | "gherkin" | `lang` tag to parse. Only `<code lang="<langTag>">` javadoc blocks will be parsed and written as features |
| `sources` | `SourceDirectorySet` | | Java sources to parse |
| `cucumberVersion` | `String` | "7.17.0" | `io.cucumber:cucumber-java` dependency version to register in `testImplementation` configuration |
| `gluePackages` | `List<String>` | | List of packages with cucumber glue code |

#### Tasks
When `java` plugin is applied to a project, `jdoc-cucumber` plugin registers `io.cucumber:cucumber-java` dependency in `testImplementation` configuration and creates 2 tasks:
- **generateCucumberFeatures** - `JdocCucumberTask`  
  Generates cucumber features from javadocs and stores them in `jdocCucumber.outputDir` path.
- **jdocCucumberTest** - `JavaExec`  
  _Depends on:_ all tasks with type `JdocCucumberTask`. Runs cucumber tests using cucumber CLI Runner. 

> [!NOTE]
> By default `jdocCucumberTest` task is **not a dependency** for `check` task. To include `jdocCucumberTest` in build this should be configured manually.
> `build.gradle` example:
> ```gradle
> check.dependsOn jdocCucumberTest
> ```

### jdoc-spock-gradle-plugin


Gradle plugin available on [gradle plugin portal]( that automates spockframework specs generation and testing tasks.

#### Configuration example
plugins {
    id "java"
    id "io.github.boolivar.jdoctest.jdoc-spock" version "0.8.1"

repositories {

jdocSpockTest {
    testLogging {
        events "passed", "skipped", "failed"

check.dependsOn jdocSpockTest

gradle check

#### Reacting to the java plugin
When `java` plugin is applied to a project, `jdoc-spock` plugin:
- applies `groovy` plugin
- creates source set `jdocSpock` with groovy sources configured to outputDir property of extension
- registers `org.spockframework:spock-core` as implementation dependency for `jdocSpock` source set
- registers `net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy` and `org.objenesis:objenesis` as runtimeOnly dependencies for `jdocSpock` source set
- creates `generateSpockSpecs` task
- creates `jdocSpockTest` task
- configures `compileJdocSpockGroovy` task to depend on `generateSpockSpecs` task

#### jdocSpock extension
`build.gradle` example:
jdocSpock {
    outputDir = project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("spock-specs")
    spockVersion = "2.3-groovy-4.0"
    byteBuddyVersion = null
    objenesisVersion = null

| Extension property | Type | Default value | Description |
| ------------------ | ---- | ------------- | ----------- |
| `outputDir` | `Directory` | project.layout.buildDirectory.dir("generated/sources/jdoc-spock") | Path to store generated groovy specs |
| `langTag` | `String` | "spock" | `lang` tag to parse. Only `<code lang="<langTag>">` javadoc blocks will be parsed and included in spec generation |
| `sources` | `SourceDirectorySet` | | Java sources to parse |
| `classPath` | `FileCollection` | sourceSets.main.output | Classpath containing classes under test, used for mockable constructor search. |
| `spockVersion` | `String` | "2.3-groovy-4.0" | `org.spockframework:spock-core` dependency version to register in `jdocSpockImplementation` configuration |
| `byteBuddyVersion` | `String` | "1.14.15" | `net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy` dependency version to register in `jdocSpockRuntimeOnly` configuration, `null` value will exclude dependency. |
| `objenesisVersion` | `String` | "3.3" | `org.objenesis:objenesis` dependency version to register in `jdocSpockRuntimeOnly` configuration, `null` value will exclude dependency. |

#### Tasks
- **generateSpockSpecs** - `JdocSpockTask`  
  _Depends on:_ `compileJava`. Generates spockframework test specs from javadocs and stores them in `jdocSpock.outputDir` path.
- **jdocSpockTest** - `Test`  
Runs spockframework tests using junit platform . 

> [!NOTE]
> By default `jdocSpockTest` task is **not a dependency** for `check` task. To include `jdocSpockTest` in build this should be configured manually.
> `build.gradle` example:
> ```gradle
> check.dependsOn jdocSpockTest
> ```