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Add Pay with Amazon to your Solidus-based Spree Commerce solution.


Add solidus_amazon_payments to your Gemfile:

gem 'solidus_amazon_payments', github: 'boomerdigital/solidus_amazon_payments'

Bundle your dependencies and run the installation generator:

bundle exec rails g solidus_amazon_payments:install

**This gem is not compatible with v1.0 and v1.1**

[Register for your Amazon Payments account here](

Refund Callback
You will need to configure Instant Notification Settings in order to accept the callback when a refund is completed. Configure your IPN settings by logging into your [Seller Central Account](

The IPN URL will be in the Configuration section of your Spree Commerce instance.

User Guide
Please see the user guide [here]( for more information

Setup for Manually Testing in Development
* Setup:
  * [Register for your Amazon Payments account here](
  * Ensure you're accessing local version of store through HTTPS, not HTTP
    * A simple way to do this is to use the Thin web server.  Add it to the Gemfile, `bundle install`, then start it like this:
      `thin start --ssl -p 4001` (or whatever port you want to use)
    * Then, use `` to access your site via:
      `` (you'll have to tell your browser to trust the SSL cert)
* In the store admin:
  * Set your "Amazon Settings" using the items (keys, IDs, etc) from this page [](
  * Make sure you've setup an Amazon Payment Method [User Guide]( for more info
* In Amazon Seller Central:
  * Set your "Instant Notification" Settings, Merchant URL here: [](
    * You can copy/paste this from the store admin in Settings -> Amazon Settings.  It should look something like `` (you'll have to tell your browser to trust the SSL cert)
  * Create a test user to use in Sandbox Environment using the following link, but be sure you select the correct environment from the drop down menu at the top of the page
    * [](
* Attempt to purchase a product by logging in via Amazon and paying using Amazon Payments