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# RTSP Video Recorder

## Provides an API to record rtsp video stream as a mp4 files splitted out on separate segments

- Does not depend on any other third-party packages at a production environment.
- Small bundle size
- Fluent Interface
- Event Emitter
- Very customizable

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## Precondition

This library spawns `ffmpeg` as a child process, so it won't work with no `ffmpeg` installed.
To do so just type:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y ffmpeg

If you prefer different package manager or work on different linux distr use appropriate to your system command.

## Installation

Installation process of this lib as simple as it can be. Just run

npm i --save rtsp-video-recorder

After that you can use it like on example below

## Example

### Init an instance of recorder

import Recorder, { RecorderEvents } from 'rtsp-video-recorder';

const recorder = new Recorder('rtsp://username:password@host/path', '/media/Recorder', {
  title: 'Test Camera',

if you application is a CommonJs module you should be able do the same this way:

const {Recorder, RecorderEvents} = require('rtsp-video-recorder');

const recorder = new Recorder('rtsp://username:password@host/path', '/media/Recorder', {
  title: 'Test Camera',

### Start recording


### Stop recording


### If you need to know whether recording is in process or no

You can execute `isRecording` method on recorder instance which returns boolean value


### It also supports [Fluent Interface](

import Recorder, { RecorderEvents } from 'rtsp-video-recorder';

new Recorder('rtsp://username:password@host/path', '/media/Recorder')
  .on(RecorderEvents.STARTED, onStarted)
  .on(RecorderEvents.STOPPED, onStopped)
  .on(RecorderEvents.FILE_CREATED, onFileCreated)

## Arguments

### uri

RTSP stream URI.
e.g. `rtsp://username:password@host/path`

### destination

Path to the directory for video records.
It may be relative but better to define it in absolute manner.

## Options

### title

Title of video file. Used as metadata of video file.

### playlistName

The name you want your playlist file to have.

By default the name is going to be a datetime string in a format `Y.m.d-H.M.S` (e.g. `2020.01.03-03.19.15`) which represents the time playlist have been created.

### filePattern

File path pattern. By default it is `%Y.%m.%d/%H.%M.%S` which will be translated to e.g. `2020.01.03/03.19.15`

[_Accepts C++ strftime specifiers:_](

### segmentTime

Duration of one video file (in seconds).
**600 seconds or 10 minutes by default** if not defined.
It can be a number of seconds or string `xs`, `xm` or `xh` what means amount of **seconds**, **minutes** or **hours** respectively.

### noAudio

By default the process is going to record audio stream into a file but in case you don't want to, you can pass `true` to this option. Note that audio stream is encoded using ACC.

### dirSizeThreshold

In case you have this option specified you will have ability to catch `SPACE_FULL` event when threshold is reached. It can be a number of bytes or string `xM`, `xG` or `xT` what means amount of **Megabytes**, **Gigabytes** or **Terabytes** respectively.

_NOTE that option does not make sense if `dirSizeThreshold` option is not specified._

### ffmpegBinary

In case you need to specify a path to ffmpeg binary you can do it using this argument.

## Events

### `start` event

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.START, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, 'programmatically');

### `stop` event

Normal stop

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.STOP, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, 'programmatically');

If space full

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.STOP, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, 'space_full');

In case of other errors

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.STOP, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, 'error', Error);

### `started` event

Handler receives an object that contains options applied to the current process

- Default values if no options passed.
- Converted values in case of some options if passed.

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.STARTED, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, {
    uri: 'rtsp://username:password@host/path',
    destination: '/media/Recorder',
    playlist: 'playlist.m3u8',
    title: 'Test Camera',
    filePattern: '%Y.%m.%d/%H.%M.%S',
    segmentTime: 600,
    noAudio: false,
    ffmpegBinary: 'ffmpeg',

### `stopped` event

If stopped because of space full handler receives 0 exit code & reason message 'space_full'.

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.STOPPED, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, 0, 'space_full');

Or if stop reason is FFMPEG process exited, handler receives an exit code of ffmpeg process and a message that FFMPEG exited.

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.STOPPED, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, 255, 'ffmpeg_exited');

### `file_created` event

New file should be created when new segment started or in case of recording stopped.

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.FILE_CREATED, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, `2020.06.25/10.18.04.mp4`);

### `space_full` event

If no space left an event should be emitted and payload raised.

There is approximation percentage which is set to 1, so when you reach out 496 you'll have `space_full` event emitted if you set your threshold e.g. 500.
In other words it works based on formula `Math.ceil(used + used * APPROXIMATION_PERCENTAGE / 100) > threshold` where `threshold` is you threshold valid and `used` is amount of space used.

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.SPACE_FULL, (payload) => {
  assert.equal(payload, {
    threshold: 500,
    used: 496,

### `error` event

recorder.on(RecorderEvents.ERROR, () => {
  /** Do what you need in case of recording error */

## Here you may see several examples of usage

- [Express](
- [Meteor](