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Test Coverage

 * @author Rob Morris <>
 * @author Chris Corbyn <>
 * Copyright © 2013-2014 Rob Morris.

namespace Boris;

 * Identifies data types in data structures and syntax highlights them.
class ColoredInspector implements Inspector
    static $TERM_COLORS = array('black' => "\033[0;30m", 'white' => "\033[1;37m", 'none' => "\033[1;30m", 'dark_grey' => "\033[1;30m", 'light_grey' => "\033[0;37m", 'dark_red' => "\033[0;31m", 'light_red' => "\033[1;31m", 'dark_green' => "\033[0;32m", 'light_green' => "\033[1;32m", 'dark_yellow' => "\033[0;33m", 'light_yellow' => "\033[1;33m", 'dark_blue' => "\033[0;34m", 'light_blue' => "\033[1;34m", 'dark_purple' => "\033[0;35m", 'light_purple' => "\033[1;35m", 'dark_cyan' => "\033[0;36m", 'light_cyan' => "\033[1;36m");
    private $_fallback;
    private $_colorMap = array();
     * Initialize a new ColoredInspector, using $colorMap.
     * The colors should be an associative array with the keys:
     *   - 'integer'
     *   - 'float'
     *   - 'keyword'
     *   - 'string'
     *   - 'boolean'
     *   - 'default'
     * And the values, one of the following colors:
     *   - 'none'
     *   - 'black'
     *   - 'white'
     *   - 'dark_grey'
     *   - 'light_grey'
     *   - 'dark_red'
     *   - 'light_red'
     *   - 'dark_green'
     *   - 'light_green'
     *   - 'dark_yellow'
     *   - 'light_yellow'
     *   - 'dark_blue'
     *   - 'light_blue'
     *   - 'dark_purple'
     *   - 'light_purple'
     *   - 'dark_cyan'
     *   - 'light_cyan'
     * An empty $colorMap array effectively means 'none' for all types.
     * @param array $colorMap
    public function __construct($colorMap = null)
        $this->_fallback = new DumpInspector();
        if (isset($colorMap)) {
            $this->_colorMap = $colorMap;
        } else {
            $this->_colorMap = $this->_defaultColorMap();
    public function inspect($variable)
        return preg_replace('/^/m', $this->_colorize('comment', '// '), $this->_dump($variable));
     * Returns an associative array of an object's properties.
     * This method is public so that subclasses may override it.
     * @param object $value
     * @return array
     * */
    public function objectVars($value)
        return get_object_vars($value);
    // -- Private Methods
    public function _dump($value)
        $tests = array(
            'is_null' => '_dumpNull',
            'is_string' => '_dumpString',
            'is_bool' => '_dumpBoolean',
            'is_integer' => '_dumpInteger',
            'is_float' => '_dumpFloat',
            'is_array' => '_dumpArray',
            'is_object' => '_dumpObject'
        foreach ($tests as $predicate => $outputMethod) {
            if (call_user_func($predicate, $value))
                return call_user_func(array(
                ), $value);
        return $this->_fallback->inspect($value);
    private function _dumpNull($value)
        return $this->_colorize('keyword', 'NULL');
    private function _dumpString($value)
        return $this->_colorize('string', var_export($value, true));
    private function _dumpBoolean($value)
        return $this->_colorize('bool', var_export($value, true));
    private function _dumpInteger($value)
        return $this->_colorize('integer', var_export($value, true));
    private function _dumpFloat($value)
        return $this->_colorize('float', var_export($value, true));
    private function _dumpArray($value)
        return $this->_dumpStructure('array', $value);
    private function _dumpObject($value)
        return $this->_dumpStructure(sprintf('object(%s)', get_class($value)), $this->objectVars($value));
    private function _dumpStructure($type, $value)
        return $this->_astToString($this->_buildAst($type, $value));
    public function _buildAst($type, $value, $seen = array())
        // FIXME: Improve this AST so it doesn't require access to dump() or colorize()
        if ($this->_isSeen($value, $seen)) {
            return $this->_colorize('default', '*** RECURSION ***');
        } else {
            $nextSeen = array_merge($seen, array(
        if (is_object($value)) {
            $vars = $this->objectVars($value);
        } else {
            $vars = $value;
        $self = $this;
        return array(
            'name' => $this->_colorize('keyword', $type),
            'children' => empty($vars) ? array() : array_combine(array_map(array(
            ), array_keys($vars)), array_map(function($v) use ($self, $nextSeen)
                if (is_object($v)) {
                    return $self->_buildAst(sprintf('object(%s)', get_class($v)), $v, $nextSeen);
                } elseif (is_array($v)) {
                    return $self->_buildAst('array', $v, $nextSeen);
                } else {
                    return $self->_dump($v);
            }, array_values($vars)))
    public function _astToString($node, $indent = 0)
        $children = $node['children'];
        $self     = $this;
        return implode("\n", array(
            sprintf('%s(', $node['name']),
            implode(",\n", array_map(function($k) use ($self, $children, $indent)
                if (is_array($children[$k])) {
                    return sprintf('%s%s => %s', str_repeat(' ', ($indent + 1) * 2), $k, $self->_astToString($children[$k], $indent + 1));
                } else {
                    return sprintf('%s%s => %s', str_repeat(' ', ($indent + 1) * 2), $k, $children[$k]);
            }, array_keys($children))),
            sprintf('%s)', str_repeat(' ', $indent * 2))
    private function _defaultColorMap()
        return array(
            'integer' => 'light_green',
            'float' => 'light_yellow',
            'string' => 'light_red',
            'bool' => 'light_purple',
            'keyword' => 'light_cyan',
            'comment' => 'dark_grey',
            'default' => 'none'
    private function _colorize($type, $value)
        if (!empty($this->_colorMap[$type])) {
            $colorName = $this->_colorMap[$type];
        } else {
            $colorName = $this->_colorMap['default'];
        return sprintf("%s%s\033[0m", static::$TERM_COLORS[$colorName], $value);
    private function _isSeen($value, $seen)
        foreach ($seen as $v) {
            if ($v === $value)
                return true;
        return false;