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"""This module is responsible to provide a formal way of registering phi functions
at runtime. See the 'PhiFunctionRegistrator' class and its 'register' decorator method
import logging
import inspect
from typing import Callable
from so_magic.utils import Subject

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PhiFunctionMetaclass(type):
    """Class type with a single broadcasting (notifies listeners) facility.

    Classes using this class as metaclass, obtain a single broadcasting facility
    as a class attribute. The class attribute is called 'subject' can be referenced
    as any class attribute.

        class MyExampleClass(metaclass=PhiFunctionMetaclass):

        instance_object_1 = MyExampleClass()
        instance_object_2 = MyExampleClass()
        assert id(MyExampleClass.subject) == id(instance_object_1.subject) == id(instance_object_2.subject)
    def __new__(mcs, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create a new class type object and set the 'subject' attribute to a new Subject instance; the broadcaster.

            PhiFunctionMetaclass: the new class type object
        phi_function_class = super().__new__(mcs, *args, **kwargs)
        phi_function_class.subject = Subject([])
        return phi_function_class

class PhiFunctionRegistrator(metaclass=PhiFunctionMetaclass):
    """Add phi functions to the registry and notify observers/listeners.

    This class provides the 'register' decorator, that client can use to decorate either functions (defined with the
    def python special word), or classes (defined with the python class special word).

    # NICE TO HAVE: make the decorator work without parenthesis
    def register(cls, phi_name=''):
        r"""Add a new phi function to phi function registry and notify listeners/observers.

        Use this decorator around either a callable function (defined with the 'def' python special word) or a class
        with a takes-no-arguments (or all-optional-arguments) constructor and a __call__ magic method.

        All phi functions are expected to be registered with a __name__ and a __doc__ attribute.

        You can select your custom phi_name under which to register the phi function or default to an automatic
        determination of the phi_name to use.

        Automatic determination of phi_name is done by examining either the __name__ attribute of the function or the
        class name of the class.


            >>> from import PhiFunctionRegistrator
            >>> from so_magic.utils import Observer, ObjectRegistry

            >>> class PhiFunctionRegistry(Observer):
            ...  def __init__(self):
            ...   self.registry = ObjectRegistry()
            ...  def update(self, subject, *args, **kwargs):
            ...   self.registry.add(, subject.state)

            >>> phis = PhiFunctionRegistry()

            >>> PhiFunctionRegistrator.subject.add(phis)

            >>> @PhiFunctionRegistrator.register()
            ... def f1(x):
            ...  '''Multiply by 2.'''
            ...  return x * 2
            Registering input function f1 as phi function, at key f1.

            >>> phis.registry.get('f1').__doc__
            'Multiply by 2.'

            >>> input_value = 5
            >>> print(f"{input_value} * 2 = {phis.registry.get('f1')(input_value)}")
            5 * 2 = 10

            >>> @PhiFunctionRegistrator.register()
            ... class f2:
            ...  def __call__(self, data, **kwargs):
            ...   return data + 5
            Registering input class f2 instance as phi function, at key f2.

            >>> input_value = 1
            >>> print(f"{input_value} + 5 = {phis.registry.get('f2')(input_value)}")
            1 + 5 = 6

            >>> @PhiFunctionRegistrator.register('f3')
            ... class MyCustomClass:
            ...  def __call__(self, data, **kwargs):
            ...   return data + 1
            Registering input class MyCustomClass instance as phi function, at key f3.

            >>> input_value = 3
            >>> print(f"{input_value} + 1 = {phis.registry.get('f3')(input_value)}")
            3 + 1 = 4

            phi_name (str, optional): custom name to register the phi function. Defaults to automatic computation.
        def wrapper(a_callable):
            """Add a callable object to the phi function registry and preserve info for __name__ and __doc__ attributes.

            The callable object should either be function (defined with def) or a class (defined with class). In case of
            a class the class must have a constructor that takes no arguments (or all arguments are optional) and a
            __call__ magic method.

            Registers the callable as a phi function under the given or automatically computed name, makes sure the
            __name__ and __doc__ attributes preserve information and notifies potential listeners/observers.

                a_callable (Callable): the object (function or class) to register as phi function
            if hasattr(a_callable, '__code__'):  # it is a function (def func_name ..)
      "Registering input function %s as phi function.", a_callable.__code__.co_name)
                key = phi_name if phi_name else cls.get_name(a_callable)
                print(f"Registering input function {a_callable.__code__.co_name} as phi function, at key {key}.")
                cls._register(a_callable, key)
                if not hasattr(a_callable, '__call__'):
                    raise RuntimeError("Expected an class definition with a '__call__' instance method defined 1."
                                       f" Got {type(a_callable)}")
                members = inspect.getmembers(a_callable)
                if ('__call__', a_callable.__call__) not in members:
                    raise RuntimeError("Expected an class definition with a '__call__' instance method defined 2."
                                       f" Got {type(a_callable)}")
                instance = a_callable()
                instance.__name__ = a_callable.__name__
                instance.__doc__ = a_callable.__call__.__doc__
                key = phi_name if phi_name else cls.get_name(instance)
                print(f"Registering input class {a_callable.__name__} instance as phi function, at key {key}.")
                cls._register(instance, key)
            return a_callable
        return wrapper

    def _register(cls, a_callable, key_name):
        """Register a callable as phi function and notify potential listeners/observers.

        The phi function is registered under the given key_name or in case of None the name is automatically computed
        based on the input callable.

            a_callable (Callable): the callable that holds the business logic of the phi function
            key_name (str, optional): custom phi name. Defaults to None, which means automatic determination of the name
        """ = key_name
        cls.subject.state = a_callable

    def get_name(a_callable: Callable):
        """Get the 'name' of the input callable object

            a_callable (Callable): a callable object to get its name

            str: the name of the callable object
        if hasattr(a_callable, 'name'):
        if hasattr(a_callable, '__code__') and hasattr(a_callable.__code__, 'co_name'):
            return a_callable.__code__.co_name
        if hasattr(type(a_callable), 'name'):
            return type(a_callable).name
        if hasattr(type(a_callable), '__name__'):
            return type(a_callable).__name__
        raise PhiFunctionNameDeterminationError()

class PhiFunctionNameDeterminationError(Exception): pass