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package config

import (


// ExtendedConfig contains the fritz core config along with
// other data (like config file location).
type ExtendedConfig struct {
    fritzCfg Config
    file     string

// Configurer provides functions to obtain user data from
// stdin and write the result to a file.
type Configurer interface {
    Obtain(r io.Reader) (ExtendedConfig, error)

// NewConfigurer creates a Configurer instance.
func NewConfigurer() Configurer {
    return &cliConfigurer{}

type cliConfigurer struct {

// Greet prints a small greeting.
func (iCLI *cliConfigurer) Greet() {
    fmt.Println("Configure fritzctl: hit [ENTER] to accept the default value, hit [^C] to abort")

// Obtain starts the dialog session, asking for the values to fill
// an ExtendedConfig.
func (iCLI *cliConfigurer) Obtain(r io.Reader) (ExtendedConfig, error) {
    f := ""
    c := Config{}
    err := proceedUntilFirstError(
        func() (err error) {
            f, err = iCLI.obtainFileLocation(r)
            return err
        func() (err error) {
            c.Net, err = iCLI.obtainNetConfig(r)
            return err
        func() (err error) {
            c.Login, err = iCLI.obtainLoginConfig(r)
            return err
        func() (err error) {
            c.Pki, err = iCLI.obtainPkiConfig(r)
            return err
    return ExtendedConfig{file: f, fritzCfg: c}, err

func proceedUntilFirstError(fs ...func() error) error {
    for _, f := range fs {
        if err := f(); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

// Write writes the user data to the configured file.
func (c *ExtendedConfig) Write() error {
    dir, _ := path.Split(c.file)
    os.MkdirAll(dir, 0700)
    f, err := os.OpenFile(c.file, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0600)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer f.Close()
    encoder := yaml.NewEncoder(f)
    defer encoder.Close()
    return encoder.Encode(c.fritzCfg)

func (iCLI *cliConfigurer) obtainFileLocation(r io.Reader) (string, error) {
    f := struct{ File string }{}
    s := console.Survey{In: r, Out: os.Stdout}
    l := iCLI.defaultConfigLocation(homeDirOf(user.Current))
    err := s.Ask(
        []console.Question{console.ForString("file", "Config file location", l)},
    return f.File, err

func (iCLI *cliConfigurer) defaultConfigLocation(pathFunc func(string) (string, error)) string {
    loc, err := pathFunc(path.Join(".fritzctl", "config.yml"))
    if err != nil {
        return "fritzctl.yml"
    return loc

func (iCLI *cliConfigurer) obtainNetConfig(r io.Reader) (*Net, error) {
    netCfg := Net{}
    survey := console.Survey{In: r, Out: os.Stdout}
    err := survey.Ask(
            console.ForString("protocol", "Communication protocol", "https"),
            console.ForString("host", "Hostname/IP", "fritz.box"),
            console.ForString("port", "Port", ""),
        }, &netCfg)
    return &netCfg, err

func (iCLI *cliConfigurer) obtainLoginConfig(r io.Reader) (*Login, error) {
    login := Login{}
    survey := console.Survey{In: r, Out: os.Stdout}
    err := survey.Ask(
            console.ForString("loginURL", "Login path", "/login_sid.lua"),
            console.ForString("username", "Username", ""),
            console.ForPassword("password", "Password"),
        }, &login)
    return &login, err

func (iCLI *cliConfigurer) obtainPkiConfig(r io.Reader) (*Pki, error) {
    pki := Pki{}
    survey := console.Survey{In: r, Out: os.Stdout}
    err := survey.Ask(
            console.ForBool("skipTlsVerify", "Skip TLS certificate validation", false),
            console.ForString("certificateFile", "Path to PEM-formatted certificate file", ""),
        }, &pki)
    return &pki, err