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package fritz

// HkrErrorDescriptions has a translation of error code to a warning/error/status description.
var HkrErrorDescriptions = map[string]string{
    "":  "",
    "0": "",
    "1": " Thermostat adjustment not possible. Is the device mounted correctly?",
    "2": " Valve plunger cannot be driven far enough. Possible solutions: Open and close the plunger a couple of times by hand. Check if the battery is too weak.",
    "3": " Valve plunger cannot be moved. Is it blocked?",
    "4": " Preparing installation.",
    "5": " Device in mode 'INSTALLATION'. It can be mounted now.",
    "6": " Device is adjusting to the valve plunger.",

// Thermostat models the "HKR" device.
// codebeat:disable[TOO_MANY_IVARS]
type Thermostat struct {
    Measured           string     `xml:"tist"`            // Measured temperature.
    Goal               string     `xml:"tsoll"`           // Desired temperature, user controlled.
    Saving             string     `xml:"absenk"`          // Energy saving temperature.
    Comfort            string     `xml:"komfort"`         // Comfortable temperature.
    NextChange         NextChange `xml:"nextchange"`      // The next scheduled temperature change.
    Lock               string     `xml:"lock"`            // Switch locked (box defined)? 1/0 (empty if not known or if there was an error).
    DeviceLock         string     `xml:"devicelock"`      // Switch locked (device defined)? 1/0 (empty if not known or if there was an error).
    ErrorCode          string     `xml:"errorcode"`       // Error codes: 0 = OK, 1 = ... see https://avm.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Global/Service/Schnittstellen/AHA-HTTP-Interface.pdf.
    BatteryLow         string     `xml:"batterylow"`      // "0" if the battery is OK, "1" if it is running low on capacity.
    WindowOpen         string     `xml:"windowopenactiv"` // "1" if detected an open window (usually turns off heating), "0" if not.
    BatteryChargeLevel string     `xml:"battery"`         // Battery charge level in percent.

// codebeat:enable[TOO_MANY_IVARS]

// FmtMeasuredTemperature formats the value of t.Measured as obtained on the xml-over http interface to a floating
// point string, units in °C.
// If the value cannot be parsed an empty string is returned.
// If the value if 255, 254 or 253, "?", "ON" or "OFF" is returned, respectively.
// If the value is greater (less) than 56 (16) a cut-off "28" ("8") is returned.
func (t *Thermostat) FmtMeasuredTemperature() string {
    return fmtTemperatureHkr(t.Measured)

// FmtGoalTemperature formats the value of t.Goal as obtained on the xml-over http interface to a floating
// point string, units in °C.
// If the value cannot be parsed an empty string is returned.
// If the value if 255, 254 or 253, "?", "ON" or "OFF" is returned, respectively.
// If the value is greater (less) than 56 (16) a cut-off "28" ("8") is returned.
func (t *Thermostat) FmtGoalTemperature() string {
    return fmtTemperatureHkr(t.Goal)

// FmtSavingTemperature formats the value of t.Saving as obtained on the xml-over http interface to a floating
// point string, units in °C.
// If the value cannot be parsed an empty string is returned.
// If the value if 255, 254 or 253, "?", "ON" or "OFF" is returned, respectively.
// If the value is greater (less) than 56 (16) a cut-off "28" ("8") is returned.
func (t *Thermostat) FmtSavingTemperature() string {
    return fmtTemperatureHkr(t.Saving)

// FmtComfortTemperature formats the value of t.Comfort as obtained on the xml-over http interface to a floating
// point string, units in °C.
// If the value cannot be parsed an empty string is returned.
// If the value if 255, 254 or 253, "?", "ON" or "OFF" is returned, respectively.
// If the value is greater (less) than 56 (16) a cut-off "28" ("8") is returned.
func (t *Thermostat) FmtComfortTemperature() string {
    return fmtTemperatureHkr(t.Comfort)