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Test Coverage
# Contributing

We love contributions from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the [code of conduct].

  [code of conduct]:

We expect everyone to follow the code of conduct anywhere in this project's codebase.

## Contributing Code

Make sure you have the proper dependencies:

- PHP ^7.2 || ^8.0
- Composer

Fork the repo.

Set up the project

composer install

Make sure the tests pass:

composer run-script test

Make your change, with new passing tests. Follow PSR coding style standards. In order to lint new code
to keep up to our coding standards, please run:

composer run-script lint:[fix|check]

Push to your fork. Write a [good commit message][commit]. Submit a pull request.


Others will give constructive feedback. This is a time for discussion and improvements, and making the necessary changes
will be required before we can merge the contribution.