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Test Coverage
# brandon14/ebay-buy-browse-v1

<p>The Browse API has the following resources:</p>   <ul> <li><b> item_summary: </b> Lets shoppers search for specific items by keyword, GTIN, category, charity, product, or item aspects and refine the results by using filters, such as aspects, compatibility, and fields values.</li>  <li><b> search_by_image: </b><a href=\" \" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"/cms/img/docs/experimental-icon.svg\" class=\"legend-icon experimental-icon\" alt=\"Experimental Release\" title=\"Experimental Release\" />&nbsp;(Experimental)</a> Lets shoppers search for specific items by image. You can refine the results by using URI parameters and filters.</li>   <li><b> item: </b> <ul><li>Lets you retrieve the details of a specific item or all the items in an item group, which is an item with variations such as color and size and check if a product is compatible with the specified item, such as if a specific car is compatible with a specific part.</li> <li>Provides a bridge between the eBay legacy APIs, such as <b> Finding</b>, and the RESTful APIs, which use different formats for the item IDs.</li>  </ul> </li>  <li> <b> shopping_cart: </b> <a href=\" \" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"/cms/img/docs/experimental-icon.svg\" class=\"legend-icon experimental-icon\" alt=\"Experimental Release\" title=\"Experimental Release\" />&nbsp;(Experimental)</a> <a href=\" \" target=\"_blank\"> <img src=\"/cms/img/docs/partners-api.svg\" class=\"legend-icon partners-icon\" title=\"Limited Release\"  alt=\"Limited Release\" />(Limited Release)</a> Provides the ability for eBay members to see the contents of their eBay cart, and add, remove, and change the quantity of items in their eBay cart.&nbsp;&nbsp;<b> Note: </b> This resource is not available in the eBay API Explorer.</li></ul>       <p>The <b> item_summary</b>, <b> search_by_image</b>, and <b> item</b> resource calls require an <a href=\"/api-docs/static/oauth-client-credentials-grant.html\">Application access token</a>. The <b> shopping_cart</b> resource calls require a <a href=\"/api-docs/static/oauth-authorization-code-grant.html\">User access token</a>.</p>

## Installation & Usage

### Requirements

PHP 7.3 and later.
Should also work with PHP 8.0 but has not been tested.

### Composer

To install the bindings via [Composer](, add the following to `composer.json`:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "brandon14/ebay-buy-browse-v1": "*@dev"

Then run `composer install`

### Manual Installation

Download the files and include `autoload.php`:


## Getting Started

Please follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: api_auth
$config = TNT\Ebay\Buy\Browse\V1\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

// Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: api_auth
$config = TNT\Ebay\Buy\Browse\V1\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setAccessToken('YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN');

$apiInstance = new TNT\Ebay\Buy\Browse\V1\Api\ItemApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$item_id = 'item_id_example'; // string | The eBay RESTful identifier of an item (such as a part you want to check). This ID is returned by the <b> Browse</b> and <b> Feed</b> API methods.  <br /><br /> <b> RESTful Item ID Format: </b><code>v1</code>|<code><i>#</i></code>|<code><i>#</i></code> <br />For example: <code>v1|2**********2|0</code> or <code>v1|1**********2|4**********2</code> <br /><br />For more information about item ID for RESTful APIs, see the <a href=\"/api-docs/buy/static/api-browse.html#Legacy\">Legacy API compatibility</a> section of the <i>Buy APIs Overview</i>.
$x_ebay_c_marketplace_id = 'x_ebay_c_marketplace_id_example'; // string | The ID of the eBay marketplace you want to use. <b> Note: </b> This value is case sensitive.<br /><br />For example: <br />&nbsp;&nbsp;<code>X-EBAY-C-MARKETPLACE-ID = EBAY_US</code>  <br /><br /> For a list of supported sites see, <a href=\"/api-docs/buy/browse/overview.html#API\">API Restrictions</a>.
$compatibility_payload = new \TNT\Ebay\Buy\Browse\V1\Model\CompatibilityPayload(); // \TNT\Ebay\Buy\Browse\V1\Model\CompatibilityPayload

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->checkCompatibility($item_id, $x_ebay_c_marketplace_id, $compatibility_payload);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling ItemApi->checkCompatibility: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


## API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to **

Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
*ItemApi* | [**checkCompatibility**](docs/Api/ | **POST** /item/{item_id}/check_compatibility | 
*ItemApi* | [**getItem**](docs/Api/ | **GET** /item/{item_id} | 
*ItemApi* | [**getItemByLegacyId**](docs/Api/ | **GET** /item/get_item_by_legacy_id | 
*ItemApi* | [**getItems**](docs/Api/ | **GET** /item/ | 
*ItemApi* | [**getItemsByItemGroup**](docs/Api/ | **GET** /item/get_items_by_item_group | 
*ItemSummaryApi* | [**search**](docs/Api/ | **GET** /item_summary/search | 
*SearchByImageApi* | [**searchByImage**](docs/Api/ | **POST** /item_summary/search_by_image | 
*ShoppingCartApi* | [**addItem**](docs/Api/ | **POST** /shopping_cart/add_item | 
*ShoppingCartApi* | [**getShoppingCart**](docs/Api/ | **GET** /shopping_cart/ | 
*ShoppingCartApi* | [**removeItem**](docs/Api/ | **POST** /shopping_cart/remove_item | 
*ShoppingCartApi* | [**updateQuantity**](docs/Api/ | **POST** /shopping_cart/update_quantity | 

## Models

- [AddCartItemInput](docs/Model/
- [AdditionalProductIdentity](docs/Model/
- [AddonService](docs/Model/
- [Address](docs/Model/
- [Amount](docs/Model/
- [Aspect](docs/Model/
- [AspectDistribution](docs/Model/
- [AspectGroup](docs/Model/
- [AspectValueDistribution](docs/Model/
- [AttributeNameValue](docs/Model/
- [AuthenticityGuaranteeProgram](docs/Model/
- [AuthenticityVerificationProgram](docs/Model/
- [AutoCorrections](docs/Model/
- [AvailableCoupon](docs/Model/
- [BuyingOptionDistribution](docs/Model/
- [CartItem](docs/Model/
- [Category](docs/Model/
- [CategoryDistribution](docs/Model/
- [CommonDescriptions](docs/Model/
- [CompatibilityPayload](docs/Model/
- [CompatibilityProperty](docs/Model/
- [CompatibilityResponse](docs/Model/
- [ConditionDistribution](docs/Model/
- [ConvertedAmount](docs/Model/
- [CoreItem](docs/Model/
- [CouponConstraint](docs/Model/
- [Error](docs/Model/
- [ErrorParameter](docs/Model/
- [EstimatedAvailability](docs/Model/
- [Image](docs/Model/
- [Item](docs/Model/
- [ItemGroup](docs/Model/
- [ItemGroupSummary](docs/Model/
- [ItemLocationImpl](docs/Model/
- [ItemReturnTerms](docs/Model/
- [ItemSummary](docs/Model/
- [Items](docs/Model/
- [LegalAddress](docs/Model/
- [MarketingPrice](docs/Model/
- [PaymentMethod](docs/Model/
- [PaymentMethodBrand](docs/Model/
- [PickupOptionSummary](docs/Model/
- [Price](docs/Model/
- [Product](docs/Model/
- [ProductIdentity](docs/Model/
- [RatingHistogram](docs/Model/
- [Refinement](docs/Model/
- [Region](docs/Model/
- [RemoteShopcartResponse](docs/Model/
- [RemoveCartItemInput](docs/Model/
- [ReviewRating](docs/Model/
- [SearchByImageRequest](docs/Model/
- [SearchPagedCollection](docs/Model/
- [Seller](docs/Model/
- [SellerCustomPolicy](docs/Model/
- [SellerDetail](docs/Model/
- [SellerLegalInfo](docs/Model/
- [ShipToLocation](docs/Model/
- [ShipToLocations](docs/Model/
- [ShipToRegion](docs/Model/
- [ShippingOption](docs/Model/
- [ShippingOptionSummary](docs/Model/
- [TargetLocation](docs/Model/
- [TaxJurisdiction](docs/Model/
- [Taxes](docs/Model/
- [TimeDuration](docs/Model/
- [TypedNameValue](docs/Model/
- [UpdateCartItemInput](docs/Model/
- [VatDetail](docs/Model/

## Authorization

### api_auth

- **Type**: `OAuth`
- **Flow**: `application`
- **Authorization URL**: ``
- **Scopes**: 
    - ****: Retrieve eBay items in bulk.
    - ****: View public data from eBay

### api_auth

- **Type**: `OAuth`
- **Flow**: `accessCode`
- **Authorization URL**: ``
- **Scopes**: 
    - ****: This scope would allow signed in user to access shopping carts

## Tests

To run the tests, use:

composer install

## Author

## About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator]( project:

- API version: `v1.18.0`
- Build package: `org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen`