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# # Address

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**address_line1** | **string** | The first line of the street address. <b> Note: </b> This is conditionally returned in the <b> itemLocation</b> field. | [optional]
**address_line2** | **string** | The second line of the street address. This field is not always used, but can be used for 'Suite Number' or 'Apt Number'. | [optional]
**city** | **string** | The city of the address. | [optional]
**country** | **string** | The two-letter <a href=\" \" target=\"_blank\">ISO 3166</a> standard of the country of the address. For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional]
**county** | **string** | The county of the address. | [optional]
**postal_code** | **string** | The postal code (or zip code in US) code of the address. Sellers set a postal code (or zip code in US) for items when they are listed. The postal code is used for calculating proximity searches. It is anonymized when returned in <b>itemLocation.postalCode</b> via the API. | [optional]
**state_or_province** | **string** | The state or province of the address.  <b> Note: </b> This is conditionally returned in the <b> itemLocation</b> field. | [optional]

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