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# # FileMetadataSearchResponse

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**file_metadata** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Buy\Feed\V1\Model\FileMetadata[]**]( | An array of metadata values describing the available feed files that match the input criteria. | [optional]
**href** | **string** | The URL to to the current set of results. | [optional]
**limit** | **int** | The number of results that will be displayed on each page, as set by the <b>limit</b> URI parameter.<br /><br /><b>Default:</b> 20 | [optional]
**next** | **string** | You can use this URL to retrieve the next page of results beyond those displayed on the page if there are more results that match the search criteria. | [optional]
**total** | **int** | The total number of matches for the search criteria. | [optional]

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