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# # ItemPriority

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**item_id** | **string** | The unique identifier of an item in eBay RESTful format. An example would be <code>v1|1********2|4********2</code>. | [optional]
**priority_listing_payload** | **string** | EPN (eBay Partner Network) publishers append this value to their affiliate tracking URL when using an EPN tracking link to track changes that occur to Priority Listing items. <br /><br /><b>Example:</b><code>_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3AAQAFAAAAkB1DmsmXf%2BqZ%2BCEMGdebW6oR75GCMdBmc4MCQ%2FCEPqgKHbT0jdWhPwfY5LdUs6HTaP0eBlwKE7Smy2eDslewF7l3xjwWxjqwzNAnsYgxn2PiGkTKbiQSQytFUiymdtANpk1qOnBOoMGMK%2BWsji7jYlvySSs9o9s24TxD6RqWZpNrltzOU7mfnv3H40SZ3YESzg%3D%3D</code><br/><br />See <a  href=\"\">Creating an EPN Tracking Link</a> for information on EPN tracking links. | [optional]
**change_metadata** | **string** | Status change indicator of the listing.<br /><br /><b>Values:</b> <ul><li><code>ADDED_TO_CAMPAIGN</code></li><li><code>REMOVED_FROM_CAMPAIGN</code></li><li><code>TRACKING_PAYLOAD_REFRESHED</code></li></ul><span class=\"tablenote\"><b>Note:</b> When a listing is removed from the campaign, <b>PriorityListingPayload</b> will be empty.</span><br /><br />When multiple status changes are returned for a listing, the <b>changeMetadata</b> value will be a pipe-separated string (e.g., <code>ADDED_TO_CAMPAIGN|TRACKING_PAYLOAD_REFRESHED</code>).<br ><br >To use the returned value, you will need to separate the string by pipe (|). | [optional]

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