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# # ShippingAddress

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**address_line1** | **string** | The first line of the street address where the item is being shipped.<br /><br /><b>Maximum:</b><ul><li>40 characters for AU, CA, and US marketplaces</li><li>35 characters for DE and GB marketplaces</li><li>50 characters for all other marketplaces</li></ul> | [optional]
**address_line2** | **string** | The second line of the street address where the item is being shipped. This optional field can be used for information such as 'Suite Number' or 'Apt Number'.<br /><br /><b>Maximum:</b><ul><li>40 characters for AU, CA, and US marketplaces</li><li>35 characters for DE and GB marketplaces</li><li>50 characters for all other marketplaces</li></ul> | [optional]
**city** | **string** | The city of the address where the item is being shipped. | [optional]
**country** | **string** | The two letter code representing the country of the address. For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional]
**county** | **string** | The county of the address where the item is being shipped. | [optional]
**phone_number** | **string** | The phone number of the person receiving the package.<br /><br /><span class=\"tablenote\"><b>Note:</b> It is highly recommended that when entering the phone number you include the country code.<br /><br />For example, if a US phone number is <code>4********4</code>, you would enter <code>+14********4</code>. If you do not include this code, the service will use the country specified in the <b>country</b> field.<br /><br />You can find the country code at <a href=\"\"></a>.</span> | [optional]
**postal_code** | **string** | The postal code of the address where the item is being shipped.<br /><br /><span class=\"tablenote\"><b>Note:</b> This is optional when shipping to EBAY_HK (Hong Kong).</span> | [optional]
**recipient** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Buy\Order\V2\Model\Recipient**]( |  | [optional]
**state_or_province** | **string** | The state or province of the address.<br /><br /><span class=\"tablenote\"><b>Note:</b> For the US marketplace, this is a two-character value. For a list of valid values, see <a href=\"\">US State and Canada Province Codes</a>. </span> | [optional]

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