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# # CharitySearchResponse

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**charity_orgs** | [**\TNT\Ebay\Commerce\Charity\V1\Model\CharityOrg[]**]( | The list of charitable organizations that match the search criteria. | [optional]
**href** | **string** | The relative path to the current set of results. | [optional]
**limit** | **int** | The number of items, from the result set, returned in a single page.<br /><br /><b>Valid Values:</b> <code>1-100</code><br /><br /><b>Default:</b> <code>20</code> | [optional]
**next** | **string** | The relative path to the next set of results. | [optional]
**offset** | **int** | The number of items that will be skipped in the result set. This is used with the <b>limit</b> field to control the pagination of the output.<br /><br />For example, if the <b>offset</b> is set to <code>0</code> and the <b>limit</b> is set to <code>10</code>, the method will retrieve items 1 through 10 from the list of items returned. If the <b>offset</b> is set to <code>10</code> and the <b>limit</b> is set to <code>10</code>, the method will retrieve items 11 through 20 from the list of items returned.<br /><br /><b>Valid Values:</b> <code>0-10,000</code><br /><br /><b>Default:</b> <code>0</code> | [optional]
**prev** | **string** | The relative path to the previous set of results. | [optional]
**total** | **int** | The total number of matches for the search criteria. | [optional]

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