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# # AncestorReference

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**category_id** | **string** | The unique identifier of the eBay ancestor category.      <br /><br />     <span class=\"tablenote\"> <strong>Note:</strong> The root node of a full default category tree includes the <b>categoryId</b> field, but its value should not be relied upon. It provides no useful information for application development. </span> | [optional]
**category_name** | **string** | The name of the ancestor category identified by <b>categoryId</b>. | [optional]
**category_subtree_node_href** | **string** | The href portion of the <b>getCategorySubtree</b> call that retrieves the subtree below the ancestor category node. | [optional]
**category_tree_node_level** | **int** | The absolute level of the ancestor category node in the hierarchy of its category tree.<br /><br /><span class=\"tablenote\"> <strong>Note:</strong> The root node of any full category tree is always at level <code><b>0</b></code>. </span> | [optional]

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