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# # SigningKey

## Properties

Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**creation_time** | **int** | The UNIX timestamp when the <code>SigningKey</code> was created. This time is represented as the number of seconds from \"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\", as measured in UTC, until the date and time the <code>SigningKey</code> was created. | [optional]
**expiration_time** | **int** | The UNIX timestamp when the <code>SigningKey</code> expires. This time is represented as the number of seconds from \"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\", as measured in UTC, until the date and time the <code>SigningKey</code> expires.<br/><span class=\"tablenote\"><b>Note:</b> All keys have an expiration date of three (3) years after their <code>creationTime</code>.</span> | [optional]
**jwe** | **string** | This is the JSON Web Encrypted (JWE) value for the <code>publicKey</code>. | [optional]
**private_key** | **string** | This is the Private Key that has been generated using the specified <code>signingKeyCipher</code>.<br/><span class=\"tablenote\"><b>Note:</b> The <code>privateKey</code> value will <b>only</b> be returned in the response payload of the  <code>createSigningKey</code> method.<br/><br/>It will <i>never</i> be returned by the <code>getSigningKey</code> or <code>getSigningKeys</code> methods.</span>Developers are <b>strongly advised</b> to download their <code>privateKey</code> value as Privacy Enhance Mail (PEM) format and store it locally for future reference. In order to guarantee the security of confidential client information, eBay does not store <code>privateKey</code> values on any system.<br/><span class=\"tablenote\"><b>Note:</b> If a developer loses their <code>privateKey</code> they must generate new keypairs set using the <code>createSigningKey</code> method.</span> | [optional]
**public_key** | **string** | This is the Public Key that has been generated using the specified <code>signingKeyCipher</code>.<br/><br/>As a matter of good practice, developers are <b>strongly advised</b> to download this value and store it locally for safe-keeping and future reference. | [optional]
**signing_key_cipher** | **string** | Indicates the cipher used to create the keypairs. Refer to <a href= \"/api-docs/developer/key-management/types/api:SigningKeyCipher\" target= \"_blank\">SigningKeyCiper</a> for the list of supported enum values. For implementation help, refer to <a href=''>eBay API documentation</a> | [optional]
**signing_key_id** | **string** | The system-generated eBay ID for the keypairs. | [optional]

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